I'm satisfied with the PS3, no need to get a an X-box 360, Thanks NT!

Dec 27, 2002
Thanks, yall convinced me that there isn't much of an advantage owing an X-box over a PS3

well you get much more communication with the Microsoft...I never get to speak to Sony and I've had my PS3 since 07
Better games. Online gamming is much better than PS3. Loading time on a game is faster aswell.
Originally Posted by i3allistic

u get a new system every other year
and if you're lucky, the 360 will laser engrave your discs at no extra charge*

Can't beat that with a bat (I sure would tho)

Seriously, the only thing I can think of is better communication...
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

well you get much more communication with the Microsoft...I never get to speak to Sony and I've had my PS3 since 07
thats pretty much it, just better communication
i've had my 360 for over 2 years and not a problem yet. so if you're really thinking about getting one don't listen to what they're sayingabout the problems.
the newer models have fixed the majority of the issues
Originally Posted by SEAN C0MBS

convince me (besides that it might have better games), what else does it have to offer?
[color= rgb(204, 153, 0)]that's what it's made for...[/color]
Originally Posted by omgitswes

you can't tell me the PSN is better than XBL.
PSN is free for a reason
why? cause its simple and solid?

i swear these xbox live dudes want u to think that theyre having more fun online when im playing the same games online that they are, ufc, sf4, cod mw/waw, etc

its the cross game chat and party system that differentiates it from psn
Originally Posted by SEAN C0MBS

Originally Posted by Nawth21

I like XBL over PS Store/network

what makes it better?
The lay out is better. More content. I don't play online, husband does, so I can't comment on connectivity or load times or whatever VSthe PS3. We have both so it doesn't much matter anyways
never understood why cats would pay to play online. I'm already paying the phone company for the dsl, why would I shell out extra money?
I've yet to hear one valid argument about why XBL is worth paying for.
as far as better games, almost (again, almost) every game that comes out on multiple platforms.
xbox has halo, PS3 has MGS. That's about all that's worthy to be spoken about.
plus, the PS3 is a blu ray player as well.

def not the same games if you wanna use that case. PS3 does have some nice exclusives but if it doesn't have GOW or Halo (hated Halo 3 but its fun when youget a big group of friends playing big team battle) its not really an argument.
and yeah the fact that there is more content on Xbox Live like Netflix.
but easy answer if your friends have a PS3 get that cause online gaming is more fun with people you actually know
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