Infighting within the BLM movement....

What the heck is going on?! All this false claiming is ridiculous!

This aint the Crips and Bloods thread bro :lol:

Kinda funny how it got quiet as hell in here. :lol:

Guess it'll pick back up when the next conservative blogger writes an alleged expose piece.

This is another thing that's so weird about this whole thing too

Dudes got to dissing BLM just of this, calling them annoying, blind, political pawns thay are getting played. Implying people shouldn't take them seriously for whatever reason

But this entire thing was started by a conservative blogger who didn't attack King's positions. Instead try to discredit/slander in another way. And so called "woke" black folk join along with that.

Like who is really getting played here. :lol:

To me it seems like a white supremacists just hit another checkmate on folk and they don't eem know it.

Exactly. If people really can't see this for what it is, they're blind.

I don't love the BLM movement. I love what it stands for, but some of the tactics and their blunders are quite frankly, embarrassing. I think Shaun is generally a good dude with good intentions, but again, some of the stuff he's done/said leaves me scratching my head.

All that said, someone apparently thinks they're getting too big and influential. Slander like this Shaun King thing is what "they" do to divide and conquer. If people who were supportive of the movement are now questioning that support because the seeds of doubt about his race have been planted, their mission is accomplished. Like I said, it'll pick back up in here when the next scandal breaks. And trust that it's coming. In no way am I comparing this King to MLK or Malcolm, but history proves that any time a black man is vocal about challenging white supremacy and the status quo, they get shut down one way or another. IMO, this is no different.

Like I said either earlier in this thread or the Politics thread, BLM is almost like Doug the dog from UP, can't stay focused. And all these "Black Conscious" people go hard to prove that they're "down" when they make things worse.

@Jay Patt Of course it's going to take more but the generation that's actually trying to do something only knows social media and hashtags, older people have to step up but they're comfortable in their jobs.
Kinda funny how it got quiet as hell in here. :lol:

Guess it'll pick back up when the next conservative blogger writes an alleged expose piece.

what's there to talk about?

white validation isn't apart of my path as a black man.

but good luck to BLM and the sheep.....hopefully their sheep don't go down the path of Sandra Bland. Little did she know that Deray and Netta get arrested when cameras are present. They would never risk that in a hick *** texas town. They was nowhere to be found when it was time for her to get bailed out.


and it's already facts one got paid off to interrupt Al if they'll take money to do someone like him then of course Soros got them negros by the balls to do other things
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He was outed by a family member as well like Dolezal. What do they have to benefit from doing that?
Kinda funny how it got quiet as hell in here. :lol:

Guess it'll pick back up when the next conservative blogger writes an alleged expose piece.

what's there to talk about?

white validation isn't apart of my path as a black man.

but good luck to BLM and the sheep.....hopefully their sheep don't go down the path of Sandra Bland. Little did she know that Deray and Netta get arrested when cameras are present. They would never risk that in a hick *** texas town. They was nowhere to be found when it was time for her to get bailed out.


and it's already facts one got paid off to interrupt Al if they'll take money to do someone like him then of course Soros got them negros by the balls to do other things

To be fair, didn't her story blow up AFTER she died? I can't remember how it went down, but how would they have known about her arrest? I'm almost positive that bystander's video went viral after she had already died.

He was outed by a family member as well like Dolezal. What do they have to benefit from doing that?


But you blocked me tho....

Also, where are those family members now and why have none of your right wing journalist buddies contacted them yet? Maybe, just maybe, the story has no legs, which is why that angle went literally nowhere?

No need to make another thread about this, but King's walls are closing in. His card has been pulled by both Deray and Netta....all going down right now over social media, of all things :lol:

No need to make another thread about this, but King's walls are closing in. His card has been pulled by both Deray and Netta....all going down right now over social media, of all things :lol:

Links please.
My boy got the same name, sent him a screenshot of the article as a joke :lol:

No need to make another thread about this, but King's walls are closing in. His card has been pulled by both Deray and Netta....all going down right now over social media, of all things :lol:

Links please.

deray mckesson Verified account ‏@deray 1h1 hour ago

I'll keep this brief, but I'll begin by saying that @ShaunKing blocked me when I asked questions re: planning/money re: JusticeTogether.

Johnetta Elzie ‏@Nettaaaaaaaa 1h1 hour ago

Please don't be mad because our ACTUAL work gets in doors you can't "write" your way into @ShaunKing.

If you have the time, go through both of their timelines....WAY more stuff on there.


It's all falling apart...

From Tariq Nasheed

#Netta has a lot of nerve accusing #ShaunKing of stealing money when last year SHE was accused of stealing donation money in #Ferguson

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Disgusting, these idiots are hurting their own movement with petty agendas and egos. That's why things don't get done
Still waiting on King to be exposed.........


Proof? People bickering via Twitter doesn't really constitute as proof, no? If Deray and Netta have been known he's fraudulent, why did they wait until now to say something? Or are they frauds too? Deleting all your tweets is hella questionable, but again, where's the PROOF.

I have no horse in this race. I like what all of them have done as far as shining a light on issues that have plagued minorities for years. But they've all done/said questionable things that I don't necessarily agree with.

That said, every time this cat King gets "exposed", there is literally zero hard evidence behind people's claims. I'm not saying he's innocent. And if it comes out that he is fraudulent then by all means let's lambaste the guy. But seriously, where is the concrete evidence that he isn't bi-racial, or that he's stolen money from organizations he's been affiliated with? People on Twitter or journalists with agendas aren't really proof IMO, unless of course they bring forth hard evidence. Until then, all I see is Twitter groupthink and an angry mob with the e-pitchforks ready and waiting to see an admittedly annoying e-character's downfall.
Proof? People bickering via Twitter doesn't really constitute as proof, no? If Deray and Netta have been known he's fraudulent, why did they wait until now to say something? Or are they frauds too? Deleting all your tweets is hella questionable, but again, where's the PROOF.

I have no horse in this race. I like what all of them have done as far as shining a light on issues that have plagued minorities for years. But they've all done/said questionable things that I don't necessarily agree with.

That said, every time this cat King gets "exposed", there is literally zero hard evidence behind people's claims. I'm not saying he's innocent. And if it comes out that he is fraudulent then by all means let's lambaste the guy. But seriously, where is the concrete evidence that he isn't bi-racial, or that he's stolen money from organizations he's been affiliated with? People on Twitter or journalists with agendas aren't really proof IMO, unless of course they bring forth hard evidence. Until then, all I see is Twitter groupthink and an angry mob with the e-pitchforks ready and waiting to see an admittedly annoying e-character's downfall.

Shaun kings birth cert was posted and it said he was white. I believe last yr or whatever that Netta person was put kn blast for stealing money from ferguson donations
BLM hasn't made any progress though. All of these incidents would've been on WSHH one way or another without Deray, Shaun and Netta telling us about it. Its basically a bunch of DJ Akademiks for Black activism.
^^^ White mother, black father who were unmarried in Kentucky in the late 70's. I'm sorry but listing the kid as white (especially since he looks white) on the birth certificate isn't a stretch by any means.

For comparison, interracial marriage was outlawed on the books in Alabama until the year 2000. Obviously federal law trumped state law, but this shows you the mindset of southern states. Trust that back then, a white woman would do whatever she could to avoid the shame she'd receive for having a bi-racial kid.

Not making excuses for dude, but everything isn't just clear cut, matter-of-fact and black/white (no pun intended). It's similar to the cop that wrote the incident report for when dude allegedly got jumped--he listed King as white. But later said that he never asked King his race and just assumed he was white because of his appearance.
Saw some of this play out on twitter yesterday. :smh: Wish they could have handled any differences offline...

From what I gathered, Shaun King was trying to defend himself against the usual criticism and he "threw shade" at Deray and Netta by saying he doesnt do white hosue dinners and celebrity photos but just exposes injustice. Netta jumped in to defend Deray and Deray was trying to stay calm about it. Netta went off on the usual fraud claims about Shaun. Shaun then pulled a *** move and tried to say Deray aint really rock with Netta anyway.

Very petty... If ppl were already turned off to social media activists... this was more of a statement as to why.

Whole exchange was so juvenile and more of an indictment on the state of things
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Saw some of this play out on twitter yesterday. :smh: Wish they could have handled any differences offline...

From what I gathered, Shaun King was trying to defend himself against the usual criticism and he "threw shade" at Deray and Netta by saying he doesnt do white hosue dinners and celebrity photos but just exposes injustice. Netta jumped in to defend Deray and Deray was trying to stay calm about it. Netta went off on the usual fraud claims about Shaun. Shaun then pulled a *** move and tried to say Deray aint really rock with Netta anyway.

Very petty... If ppl were already turned off to social media activists... this was more of a statement as to why.

Whole exchange was so juvenile and more of an indictment on the state of things

Most these folks are just trying to come up off of the struggles of other, no diff than your porkchop preachers. The issue with social network activism is it isnt an actual unit so yea random people are mobilizing but there is no clear cut code or agenda thus its easy to infiltrate and disrupt things.
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