Infighting within the BLM movement....

BLM is going down the OWS route it seems with all this infighting :smh:
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BLM hasn't made any progress though. All of these incidents would've been on WSHH one way or another without Deray, Shaun and Netta telling us about it. Its basically a bunch of DJ Akademiks for Black activism.
Yes, this is true, those incidents would've went viral regardless. My thing though is at least with BLM, you can point to a few who participate that the media will actually seek out, regardless of that individual's intentions it does bring a bit more light (agitate the majority). I don't agree with the Twitter squabbles, etc, but it still remains that with every given movement, it is split from within.

My point was that the media always wants to find the weaknesses of one participant at the forefront and turn the rest on that individual, it happens repeatedly and I see no difference in this case. They'll continually look for something that will discredit the entire movement. The genesis of the Shaun King attacks began with the right wing talk shows questioning his background.
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BLM hasn't made any progress though. All of these incidents would've been on WSHH one way or another without Deray, Shaun and Netta telling us about it. Its basically a bunch of DJ Akademiks for Black activism.
Yes, this is true, those incidents would've went viral regardless. My thing though is at least with BLM, you can point to a few who participate that the media will actually seek out, regardless of that individual's intentions it does bring a bit more light (agitate the majority). I don't agree with the Twitter squabbles, etc, but it still remains that with every given movement, it is split from within.

My point was that the media always wants to find the weaknesses of one participant at the forefront and turn the rest on that individual, it happens repeatedly and I see no difference in this case. They'll continually look for something that will discredit the entire movement. The genesis of the Shaun King attacks began with the right wing talk shows questioning his background.

You can't blame the media for what went down yesterday. Everything you said could possibly apply to the whole Shaun King race fiasco from a few months back...but yesterday was a case of three of the top faces from the BLM movement tearing each other down. Once the dust settles, it's going to be interesting to see the direction of BLM and Shaun King's role going forward.
With everything BLM has done over the course of two years, I still fail to see what they're agenda is along with the direction their heading in. In my opinion it all seems like a glorified PR campaign (albeit with in an important message)
I wish Shaun King, Deray, Netta, and some others would just fall back and not be so eager to be in front of the camera

Do the work behind scenes
this just in : after the discovery that Chicago PD deleted footage from the McDonald shooting, Shaun King joins Chicago PD in a last ditch effort to delete his birth certificate.
Shaun King a ****** fraud. Every time ppl within his organizations question him about the donation $$ he shuts it down& starts a new one. He panics and shuts the studio down like Diddy & never has given any explanations for any of the money he's collected.

He started a fund for Ferguson even tho there was already one.
He started a fund for Trayvon Martin when there was already one.
Tamir Rice's mother never saw any of the funds raised for her son
There's still no explanation for the Haiti funds.
He shuts out & blocks anyone who seeks financial accountability
And black ppl let this white man breach our movement & embezzle money using black death for profit.
Ask anyone from JusticeTogether about this snake *** *****
Get this Rachel Dolezal/Slim Jesus head *** mutha***** tf outta here b I'm livid
I never really bought into to this BLM movement. It does seem it's a agent organization or just a bunch people looking for attention. I would much rather support dudes like Tariq, Zo Williams, Dr. Umar, Claud Anderson.
Tariq doesn't seem genuine in my opinion. Seems just like someone who hopped on the conscious movement when it seemed most profitable. ***** literally was another Bill Bellamy a few years ago.

Umar is a different case. A lot of points he makes I agree with. A lot of the **** he says I think is stupid. I want to support his school but his situation is similar to Shaun King when it comes to the funds he's allocated. When questioned about his financial accountability he scolds & berates ppl. When ppl ask about a business plan or even a resemble of a school curriculum he shuts them out. I pray that he isn't another one of those who prey on the poor and uneducated for financial gain.
They all come off as pimps to me. I stopped listening to Tariq a while back. After Umar's petty fighting with Boyce Watkins, I stopped checking for both of them as well. There will be no new leaders imo. The "man" has the game too sewn up. All it takes is some instigation and movements destroy themselves. That or the greed of these so called leaders.

I even stopped listening to Talib when he started to come off as an attention *****.
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Shaun King a ****** fraud. Every time ppl within his organizations question him about the donation $$ he shuts it down& starts a new one. He panics and shuts the studio down like Diddy & never has given any explanations for any of the money he's collected.

He started a fund for Ferguson even tho there was already one.
He started a fund for Trayvon Martin when there was already one.
Tamir Rice's mother never saw any of the funds raised for her son
There's still no explanation for the Haiti funds.
He shuts out & blocks anyone who seeks financial accountability
And black ppl let this white man breach our movement & embezzle money using black death for profit.
Ask anyone from JusticeTogether about this snake *** *****
Get this Rachel Dolezal/Slim Jesus head *** mutha***** tf outta here b I'm livid

Tariq doesn't seem genuine in my opinion. Seems just like someone who hopped on the conscious movement when it seemed most profitable. ***** literally was another Bill Bellamy a few years ago.

Umar is a different case. A lot of points he makes I agree with. A lot of the **** he says I think is stupid. I want to support his school but his situation is similar to Shaun King when it comes to the funds he's allocated. When questioned about his financial accountability he scolds & berates ppl. When ppl ask about a business plan or even a resemble of a school curriculum he shuts them out. I pray that he isn't another one of those who prey on the poor and uneducated for financial gain.

The strange thing about King is that every time he's questioned about something (and as it was pointed out), he writes up 10k word essays that don't really address the things that are alleged.

Honestly, I think the whole "celebrity" of being the face of the BLM movement got to the heads of many. It became more about them than it was for the victims they were supposedly representing. I think it's safe to say that it's time for new leadership.

As far as Tariq, I only know of him through NT and some of the crazy/offbase dating advice he gives. :lol: :smh:

Also...I updated the thread title to reflect what's going on.
They all come off as pimps to me. I stopped listening to Tariq a while back. After Umar's petty fighting with Boyce Watkins, I stopped checking for both of them as well. There will be no new leaders imo. The "man" has the game too sewn up. All it takes is some instigation and movements destroy themselves. That or the greed of these so called leaders.

I even stopped listening to Talib when he started to come off as an attention *****.

Cats need to look in the Mirror for the "Leaders" they want to see.
I wish Shaun King, Deray, Netta, and some others would just fall back and not be so eager to be in front of the camera

Do the work behind scenes

The issue is they became famous from Twitter and social media. None of them are actual activist. They got promoted to that position by their online presence.

I wouldn't expect it to be any different. Like Meek Mill, Game or Wale, they are who they are. It would be nice if people could pick up a phone, but we're in a different age.
Been keeping up with this Shaun King story the last couple of days and to me he's clearly a shady dude. Waiting for proof to come about the various things people are accusing him of is pointless because he seems to wiggle his way out of situations over and over. I mean, it's gonna straight up take him to come out of his own mouth and admit to some of these things. I personally believe he's a white man and a crook who just so happens to bring attention to black issues, but you ain't gotta lie to kick it my man.

As for the whole BLM movement, Deray is the only on I can tolerate. That Netta chick is a werido, obnoxious, and loves the attention she gets on Twitter, I cannot take that broad seriously nor do I believe she's truly "down for the cause."
Been keeping up with this Shaun King story the last couple of days and to me he's clearly a shady dude. Waiting for proof to come about the various things people are accusing him of is pointless because he seems to wiggle his way out of situations over and over. I mean, it's gonna straight up take him to come out of his own mouth and admit to some of these things. I personally believe he's a white man and a crook who just so happens to bring attention to black issues, but you ain't gotta lie to kick it my man.
#FFF privilege.
They all come off as pimps to me. I stopped listening to Tariq a while back. After Umar's petty fighting with Boyce Watkins, I stopped checking for both of them as well. There will be no new leaders imo. The "man" has the game too sewn up. All it takes is some instigation and movements destroy themselves. That or the greed of these so called leaders.

I even stopped listening to Talib when he started to come off as an attention *****.

You shouldn't look for a leader though. I listen to these dudes cuz they talk some real ****. That's it. I don't look at them as MLK or something. I don't think they try to be either. I think if Tariq was fraudulent he would be on VH1 or one of them shows. He pretty much does his own thing. I think the Umar/Watkins situation is dumb but Umar still seems like a solid dude to me.
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You shouldn't look for a leader though. I listen to these dudes cuz they talk some real ****. That's it. I don't look at them as MLK or something. I don't think they try to be either. I think if Tariq was fraudulent he would be on VH1 or one of them shows. He pretty much does his own thing. I think the Umar/Watkins situation is dumb but Umar still seems like a solid dude to me.

Umar is a topic for another day, but Tariq never claims to be a leader nor wants to be one lol idk why ppl hold him higher than they hold themselves.
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