Information Technology (IT)

So I picked up a CCENT study book and I read like 7 pages and I honestly don’t get anything in their regarding domain collisions, switches, etc. not to mention I was bored out of my mind.

Trying to get out of the help desk but man idk if network is where I wanna go. Frustrating not knowing what you wanna do

You may want to go the video route. I'm not a fan of the reading myself and I did mostly videos for my CCENT and CCNA exams. If you have the flexibility at your current employer link up with different IT folks and get a feel for what they do and see they'll train. You can then decide from there. I thought networking was my path, but lately I've been considering the System Admin role. Plus, at this point it would be a complete struggle to get an entry level networking gig to pay me anything close to what I'm making in desktop right now. I just started a new gig and I'm going to ride this position for a year and then look in to infrastructure in a year and hopefully I won't have to move to the UK with the company to advance.
I got about 3 years left in the Army. Any recommendations on self studying for sec+ 501? I have plenty of test dumps and professor messer cliff notes etc. but just reading through all this stuff is boring and very repetitive :lol: My unit will send me to a class that has a 100% pass rate (as of now) but I'd rather them send me to CCNA and just take Sec+ with a voucher. A lot of co-workers swear by the test dumps but the last thing I want to do is claim I self studied and I'm prepared and then fail it.
Anyone have any good resources for preparing for a entry level IT support specialist job interview? Just finished the Google/Coursea program now about to start interviewing for my first job, I want to prepare myself.
It's crazy how even a Help Desk position requires the amount of experience some of these employers I'm coming by are asking for
Hey fellas, I’m finally gonna take the initiative to go for a career change and going to get my comp A+ cert. what is my next certification I should be going for next? I’m in a transition of a breakup and tired of my current job. No i.t. Experiences at all. I recently took a shot at this non profit organization that’s willing to pay for my A+ cert and go on from there. I just want my feet in the door and focus the extra time I have now for my future. I do believe technology is the future, and want to make a fresh start career wise. Aiming to go to the network administrator route, or help desk analysts. Can y’all break it down for a novice like me? Thanks I’m advnace
With the way these jobs are now, I say he should just get the sec + instead of A + or net +
This. Being in the Army, you rarely see any units sending you to Net+, they have you go straight to Sec+.
I started a class to train for Pentest + which i hope will also help me pass CEH.
so i have my CEH study materials but if anyone can assist me with materials they used for the comp tia pentest + i would appreciate it.
Through hard work and networking, I just started a position as a program analyst that will allow me to dabble in database migration. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm excited. :lol:

Seriously, do everything with a smile and follow through on your promises, and you'll go places.
Will get YALL that stuff when I get home tonight as the material is not on my work pc


CEH application committee denied my application to take the test due to lack of experience LOL.
I feel like this is the theme of a lot of millennials .

I can either cap and send them another resume with the required experience or just stick to the pentest + from Comp TIA
Will get YALL that stuff when I get home tonight as the material is not on my work pc


CEH application committee denied my application to take the test due to lack of experience LOL.
I feel like this is the theme of a lot of millennials .

I can either cap and send them another resume with the required experience or just stick to the pentest + from Comp TIA
Can I get the Sec+ material too? I need to take it eventually for my job and I’d rather take it this year.

That’s funny about the CEH, they were offering the bootcamp and exam at one of my previous jobs and anybody could take it. Not even sure why support desk (help desk) can’t be included since every help desk isn’t the same and you can literally do some of everything depending where you are.
Can I get the Sec+ material too? I need to take it eventually for my job and I’d rather take it this year.

That’s funny about the CEH, they were offering the bootcamp and exam at one of my previous jobs and anybody could take it. Not even sure why support desk (help desk) can’t be included since every help desk isn’t the same and you can literally do some of everything depending where you are.
Well i forgot to mention I can take it, if I fork out $1000 for their training package lmao. I don't even wanna waste my time on that package tbh.

Yeah I got you, pm me ur email address and I'll get it to you tonight
Just passed Sec+ a few days ago, not as hard as I anticipated it would be but glad it's over. I started using Darril Gibsons book but found out i wasn't retaining the information flipping the pages so i started using his online service, exam compass practice test and Testout. Good luck to you guys preparing to take it
Pentest+ is probably harder than CEH (at least v9). CEH focuses on ports, types of attacks.

Pentest has more programming, the Stages of a Pentest, agreements, etc. it definitely seems more geared toward a professional pen tester whereas CEH is like Sec++.
Pentest+ is probably harder than CEH (at least v9). CEH focuses on ports, types of attacks.

Pentest has more programming, the Stages of a Pentest, agreements, etc. it definitely seems more geared toward a professional pen tester whereas CEH is like Sec++.
Yeah i think i might still take the CEH.

I emailed those of you that PM'd me.

I hope it helps you study.
Freakazoid asked me what my advice was to study.

And in my opinion buying the test and registering for a day so u can set a goal is the most important step.
Yeah i think i might still take the CEH.

I emailed those of you that PM'd me.

I hope it helps you study.
Freakazoid asked me what my advice was to study.

And in my opinion buying the test and registering for a day so u can set a goal is the most important step.

I agree, without the date set I kept procrastinating. once I set the date I made sure I studied a few hours everyday.
Sucks because my unit sent a few guys to a CEH course. Majority of them didn’t even want to go but because I was the new guy at the time, I didn’t get to go. They took the course and none of them even registered to take the exam even though they got 2 vouchers for it :smh:
How it the job market for you guys?

I'm currently searching for a help desk / desktop support position and they require mad experience. So far, I'm not having any luck at all
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