Information Technology (IT)

^^^I agree. I used to know my way around RH. Could set up services, etc. Now hard to remember commands since I don’t touch it much.

With cloud computing, some services only mainly provided by Linux, it’s tough not to not know it. I’d imagine PowerShell is going to be the same with Server Core.

And to talk between on premises and off premises (Cloud even if it’s Fedramp Cloud) will require CLI knowledge.

That’s why invest in a Virtual Box or VMware Workstation (I prefer VMware especially since I can export to ESXi) to lab here and there.
I was a contractor, but still permanent. A lot of jobs are almost entirely contractor with a few Civil Service (GS) sprinkled in. I only have Sec + and Windows 70-686 (old as **** Windows 7 cert but still fits the requirement in many cases if they are asking for something along with Sec +)
During my Windows 7 days I would run everything through a virtual environment until I decided to go all in on Linux and virtual box instead.. Work has me back in a windows environment almost exclusively.. With a little bit more money now I don’t have to compromise as much

Lately I’ve come to realize that some interview questions are not per se about what you know but if you’re telling the truth or not. I know I’ve been told when you start working for the gov’t.. you have to stick with it as much as you can unless they fire you
Just upgraded my LinkedIn to Premium and you can see who has been viewing your profile. Couple of baddies on there then a few people viewed on private, anyone ever pulled this move off? Few of them arent recruiters or in HR according to their title so what are they checking up on me for?
*writes down names, takes to facebook search *
*birdman hand rub*
I doubt any different than FB, shoot your shot.
been in banking 5 years and im done. Sales pressure during covid + the stress has me miserable. Where should i start? someone tell me what to do just to get my foot in the door
You have any vacation time or money saved up, really man take some time off and go on vacation somewhere safe. You probably been going at it nonstop for 5 years. I am in IT, I don't go hard anymore been in it for 21 years. Around Christmas time or holidays I take basically the entire month off. That is how I stay sane, not getting burned out or stressed over any job. Nope.
i build computers for fun, but know nothing about the software side.

what would be the best route to make good money? i have a good paying job , but i hate it. Would going and doing a 2 year program at a community college be good? or doing certs?
If you are adamant about IT, look into AWS or cloud computing. Read up on it and start moving in that direction.
Yeah I closed my Linkedin account 2 years ago and have not looked back since. That website is a joke.
I think it was a good idea but poorly executed with a clear pay me model.
That's a nice set up.

I finally got something. About 25k less than what I want, but I need something to tide me over until some of these bigger money jobs get their budgets (mid October) and I expect to hear back from a few of them. Even currently, have a few things in the pipeline waiting on people to follow through. It's doing IT with a small contractor who works with/for Department of Homeland Security and I.C.E in the region. Funny thing is, all these smaller i never heard of them contracting companies who have these smaller kind of Government local contracts with the state or city or FAA or police, etc. be wanting to lowball, not use a clearance, then have a harder longer interview process.
Man, is this a new trend maybe caused by COVID or maybe I just haven't been outside the Government (Military) space and its the norm, although I interviewed for FAA and a I.C.E/D.H.S contractors recently too and they did the same.

But you get the HR guy or Project Manager on the call rightfully so and also here's Tom, ****, and Harry they're in the position you're applying for and they're going to ask you some questions.

I see the value it could potentially have if it was this is what we do everyday, what do you know about this whats your skill level, but they all devolve into the incumbents trying to prove they're smarter than you. You can imagine how smug stereotypical IT nerd types can be too.

So they'll ask a bunch of definition type questions (90% of which have no relevance to the job, again just trying to make themselves look smarter than you), and the ones I did answer dude is literally like Ok well how bout this then, it's so unnecessary and they insisted on video so I am not sure how good I do with hiding my frustration in my facial expressions. But then you get to the behavioral aspect of the interviews or ask me about how to do tasks related to the job type thing, I ace that part but the wasting time asking me tons of textbook definitions and random things that don't matter I feel like puts me behind the 8 ball. I feel like they're still going to offer me the job though because again when we talked about what they do everyday and demonstrating I can/have done it in my experience I always crush that part. Also got a few personality assessments where there's like 500 adjectives on 2 pages and you have to check the ones that you think describe you. Like wtf is this kindergarten?

Almost all my other interviews with Army/Air Force contractors are literally just them checking boxes, you have a clearance, ok tell me your social so I can check it, security + or other IAT I/II cert, send me that to verify, talk a bit about the job and make sure you're ok and you're good pending you don't do/say anything outrageous to preclude yourself.
they offered me the job (and I am probably about to get offered this Blackberry Admin or Exchange Admin), said it'll take 4 to 6 weeks though. Like damn, I'm going to have to take another job until they come through unless this unemployment + back pay hits
How do you get clearance??? I feel like every job I look at requires clearance prior to starting. Do I have to just get lucky and find a job that’ll get me clearance when starting?

the boy still at the help desk for the dept of health smh
How do you get clearance??? I feel like every job I look at requires clearance prior to starting. Do I have to just get lucky and find a job that’ll get me clearance when starting?

the boy still at the help desk for the dept of health smh

Are you looking at FBI or CIA jobs? You could get on with them and get a clearance (easier said than done, I know :lol:).

Years ago, I applied for some IT customer service rep thinking I would do it just to have the clearance, but another job closer to home came through.
Exactly. If they say they'll hire you but you cant come on site til you get the clearance yhen you can keep your current job while the process takes place (upgrade from secret to TS took 3 months for me) or if you're really lucky, you get a place that will start paying you right away while you wait. I sat at home for 3 months and made about 20k, just had to log 8hrs of off-site transition into my timesheet everyday

Even if its a shiity job with ****** pay but they'll sponsor your clearance, literally take it and let them get your clearance then move on. A secret stays active for 10yrs before it has to be reinvestigated

Pm me your location. I get offered stuff all the time from all over and had some dha stuff about a week ago. I bet they'll get your clearance
See if Akira has any job openings. Almost nobody will sponsor a TS (much less pay you while you wait) and they did and I foubd out I'm not the only ine they do that for everyone since most jobs here only require secret but you cant even enter that building without TS.

Also check Delaware Nation Industries, Telos, CACI, GDIT, and Apex Systems. I'm trying to remember who else is in that building. Perspecta Systems and N.C.I are also good companoes to work for. Croop La France put of NY was underpaying like hell and had **** insurance but they also paid for clearances and certs

Duh! Make an account on
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Man this **** is a legit I.C.E/DHS facility, with cells and barbed wire outside the bldg and **** and torture rooms. They gonna be mad when I quit in 2 weeks once that FAA comes through, gonna try to deport me to Haiti or something. Seems easy though at least for now, building has 3000 cubicles and 8 people working.
I’m in school for computer science right now (WGU) and I have the A+ and AWS Cloud Practitioner certs but still no response from help desk positions. What can I do to actually get a job? Network+ or Security+?
Nothing. It was a bad joke about working around a bunch of seemingly untrustworthy officers and civilians here in a red state.

Security + before Network +. I'd maybe skip Network + altogether unless someone else is paying for it and go straight to CCNA. Get your help desk job then study at work
I’m in school for computer science right now (WGU) and I have the A+ and AWS Cloud Practitioner certs but still no response from help desk positions. What can I do to actually get a job? Network+ or Security+?
You got no experience correct? Look for an internship in the interim. A friend switched feels and got his A+, Network +, and then CCNA and thought he was guaranteed a job. Spent months seeking one. He finally took my advice and got an internship. He worked the internship for 3 months and added his experience and was able to get a job.
I’m in school for computer science right now (WGU) and I have the A+ and AWS Cloud Practitioner certs but still no response from help desk positions. What can I do to actually get a job? Network+ or Security+?

Certs are great, but some type of experience is still the icing on the cake and usually required to get a foot in the door outside of selling yourself to the company.

Passed Security+ today. Where should I start looking for positions and what title? Security Analyst? Unsure if I want to do software development, because I worked in that area before, or to try security roles out.

Do you already work in IT?
I’m in school for computer science right now (WGU) and I have the A+ and AWS Cloud Practitioner certs but still no response from help desk positions. What can I do to actually get a job? Network+ or Security+?

Once you graduate a help desk job shouldn't be that hard to get.. No one who has a CS degree wants to willingly do help desk though.. The only place that I've seen requires a Sec+ is Civilian military contract work to go perm with one of their companies.. Typically they want you to get promoted into a security position or crossed trained then get your CISSP. With my degree path I have my Sec+ and network cert that's supposed to be the equivalent of the Net+ as well as many other Certs.

Anyone that's been a developer typically continues that path until they become rich.. unless you can't code.. Certs with no experience and/or degree will have you unboxing merchandise and doing deployment projects until you go perm/ or longterm contract
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