Information Technology (IT)

I am sure you don't want to move here, but if you do I can get you a job with me out here on Fort Sill, Ok or on an adjacent contract starting from 45k to 65k (depends on a lot of things but mainlly which contract). You should at least put in a resume and let them call and pursue you just to learn what companies and the Government are looking for. Just get your Sec + for starters and work on Windows 70-68-/686. Even 45k is good money here, you single you csn live in gated apartments "resort style" for under %1,000, if you want more land and a newish house will run you about $1,200.
I graduate this Dec and I been applying to a lot of full time help desks jobs but i aint hearing nothing back 

maybe cause employers are looking to hire someone right now rather than waiting till Dec? Anyone know any good places to apply to for help desk?

I been on my university's job search, usajobs, and careerbuilder..
To the professionals in here: I want to get your thoughts on the opinion/info in this youtube video. [Video]

I've been thinking of a career change and was researching IT jobs and came across that video that made me have second thoughts.

I'd like to hear what you guys have to say about it. Does what he said hold any weight? Its a long video but very informative.[/Video]
Yo! Hows everyone? So i just got more responsibility with my job. Anyone familiar with service now? I just finished the admin training and ill be responsible for implementing and rolling it out. Any tips? Pitfall i should be looking for? First time doing so.
I use service now at my work right now as help desk support. when we first rolled it out, there were a lot of problems and it was not smooth at all. my best advice would be to keep hearing feedback and play around with it as much as you can. the moment you realize something is funky or something could be better, document it.
To the professionals in here: I want to get your thoughts on the opinion/info in this youtube video. [Video]

I've been thinking of a career change and was researching IT jobs and came across that video that made me have second thoughts.

I'd like to hear what you guys have to say about it. Does what he said hold any weight? Its a long video but very informative.[/Video]

not about to watch all of this lol.

Cliffs? I assume dude is talking about Automation, Managed Services/Outsourcing, and Cloud?[/video]
To the professionals in here: I want to get your thoughts on the opinion/info in this youtube video. [Video]

I've been thinking of a career change and was researching IT jobs and came across that video that made me have second thoughts.

I'd like to hear what you guys have to say about it. Does what he said hold any weight? Its a long video but very informative.[/Video]

not about to watch all of this lol.

Cliffs? I assume dude is talking about Automation, Managed Services/Outsourcing, and Cloud?[/video]

Quick gloss and that seems to be some of it. Old IT as people know it, or computer repair is dying, but tech is expanding. Adjusting to the semantic and adapting to new tech, gaining the skills that matter. He's not wrong. But it really is still all IT. It's not dying if you understand the pieces and learn where it's headed.[/video]
Lmao IT/Software isn't dying and will never die. Didn't watch the video , but IMO he just made it to deter people from making the jump.

People in this field are greedy , they don't want anymore people switching over to the IT/Software career. I mean look, you came in here thinking about not making the career change anymore.

It's crazy because there are more software job openings than there are people. It's enough to go around for everyone. Plenty of IT jobs as well.
Lmao IT/Software isn't dying and will never die. Didn't watch the video , but IMO he just made it to deter people from making the jump.
People in this field are greedy , they don't want anymore people switching over to the IT/Software career. I mean look, you came in here thinking about not making the career change anymore.

It's crazy because there are more software job openings than there are people. It's enough to go around for everyone. Plenty of IT jobs as well.

Scare tactic for people who don't know enough to discern the semantics. Just stay current and relevant.
Big bump. How's everyone's career or schools going. I'm a little over a month into my new role and as a consultant. Has been an interesting experience

I'm so thankful for this bump. I've been resting on my ***.

I've been so bored at the job. Plus with the commute (O4W to Norcross for my ATL folk) and pay, I think it's time to go. Been here a year and a half.

When I'm not BSing at work (managing our CPE, wiping, upgrading firmware, configuring IADs) I'm still procrastinating on the CCNA, but I'm just about done. Once I feel more comfortable with VLAN commands I'm gonna sit for it.

In the meanwhile finishing up the polish on my resume and looking at Network Admin positions.
I graduate this Dec and I been applying to a lot of full time help desks jobs but i aint hearing nothing back :smh:

maybe cause employers are looking to hire someone right now rather than waiting till Dec? Anyone know any good places to apply to for help desk?

I been on my university's job search, usajobs, and careerbuilder..

Come work with me broseph. Doesn't have to be a permanent thing but get some experience, live cushy, until you find your next thing. Work on Army base so the women are from all over, heck you might meet one and get hitched and become an Army spouse. If I could go back in life, I wish I had lived/worked in more places
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I'm so thankful for this bump. I've been resting on my ***.

I've been so bored at the job. Plus with the commute (O4W to Norcross for my ATL folk) and pay, I think it's time to go. Been here a year and a half.

When I'm not BSing at work (managing our CPE, wiping, upgrading firmware, configuring IADs) I'm still procrastinating on the CCNA, but I'm just about done. Once I feel more comfortable with VLAN commands I'm gonna sit for it.

In the meanwhile finishing up the polish on my resume and looking at Network Admin positions.

Whats your current position? You go from downtown to Norcross? Jeeeshh
I'm so thankful for this bump. I've been resting on my ***.

I've been so bored at the job. Plus with the commute (O4W to Norcross for my ATL folk) and pay, I think it's time to go. Been here a year and a half.

When I'm not BSing at work (managing our CPE, wiping, upgrading firmware, configuring IADs) I'm still procrastinating on the CCNA, but I'm just about done. Once I feel more comfortable with VLAN commands I'm gonna sit for it.

In the meanwhile finishing up the polish on my resume and looking at Network Admin positions.

Were you studying for version 3 and are you taking the one test or splitting it into two?

They just retired version 2 and version3 now has more material you have to study for.
I've been studying the new one because I wasn't sure I'd be done studying in time by the deadline. I'll likely split in two, I'm not worried about failing, but in the event I do, rather just have to redo the one than the whole damn near three

Whats your current position? You go from downtown to Norcross? Jeeeshh

My title is Inventory Specialist, which sounds like I just move boxes all day :lol: yeah that drive is trash, I had been taking Marta to Doraville and Ubering/Lyfting from there since my car was jacked up, I'll probably get back to that because the drive home is stressful.
I've been studying the new one because I wasn't sure I'd be done studying in time by the deadline. I'll likely split in two, I'm not worried about failing, but in the event I do, rather just have to redo the one than the whole damn near three
My title is Inventory Specialist, which sounds like I just move boxes all day :lol: yeah that drive is trash, I had been taking Marta to Doraville and Ubering/Lyfting from there since my car was jacked up, I'll probably get back to that because the drive home is stressful.

Got ya, I live in Doraville and drive to Marietta but fortunately I work 10am - 7pm so I miss most of the traffic. But I'm trying to get into IT by start of new year.
I've been studying the new one because I wasn't sure I'd be done studying in time by the deadline. I'll likely split in two, I'm not worried about failing, but in the event I do, rather just have to redo the one than the whole damn near three

Whats your current position? You go from downtown to Norcross? Jeeeshh

My title is Inventory Specialist, which sounds like I just move boxes all day :lol: yeah that drive is trash, I had been taking Marta to Doraville and Ubering/Lyfting from there since my car was jacked up, I'll probably get back to that because the drive home is stressful.

:lol: you better make your own damn title on that resume.
Man just apply for jobs. Don't worry so much about not being totally a subject matter expert. Worst they can do is so no or not contact you at all. We had a guy who didn't even have any IT experience, so we made him the Audio Visual dude, he did that for maybe 2 months (got his sec + and Wnidows 70 680 during that time period) then when Snap came and sliced our salaries, jumped to another contract as HBSS Administrator. Everyone is like wtf, we didn't even have that level of rights/responsibilities/admin priveledges. Obviously, he either sucked, faked the funk, or learned on the job but then after a few months there he got some Top Secret requiring job in FL doing the same thing as like a GS 13-2210 and another one of our former employees took his former job. I'm not saying @sladewilson it and claim you have Astronaut experience and have been President before and can drive a submarine, but they'll also look at your resume as an indication of your aptitude to learn which is just as important
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Got ya, I live in Doraville and drive to Marietta but fortunately I work 10am - 7pm so I miss most of the traffic. But I'm trying to get into IT by start of new year.

Yeah past couple days I've just been leaving late. Traffic makes me upset lol

:lol: you better make your own damn title on that resume.

You already know :lol: I don't even think I listed my title on the few I sent out, just job responsibilities , whoops
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**** list your description and we'll give you a title. I was an inventory specialist when I was 18, and I actually took inventory of supermarkets.
Currently getting my Masters degree at CSULA in Instructional Technology. Basically how to intergrade software/technology in the school setting. Also, will be coaching other staff members on tech and etc...
Took a non-IT job and am sorta regretting it even though the pay is marginally higher. How bad would it look if I took a 1 year break from IT as an IT/software BA? I dont see BA skills diminishing very much without practice but I am forgetting a ton about SAP PM and WM
Took a non-IT job and am sorta regretting it even though the pay is marginally higher. How bad would it look if I took a 1 year break from IT as an IT/software BA? I dont see BA skills diminishing very much without practice but I am forgetting a ton about SAP PM and WM

I went from software dev to pmo for a pay increase but luckily with the pmo gig I was still going some requirements gathering and business process design so that helped me get this new gig (on top of my software dev experience) in which I got another pay bump.

If the job is totally non related to tech though I'd bounce asap if you have done at least 6 months and just chalk it up into wanting to try something new but realizing where your true passion was (the stuff you used to do) if anyone asks in an interview. But typically nobody cares if you did at least 6 months.
Really loving code camp!!! Has anyone ever dabbled in freelancing? I was thinking about doing some freelancing to earn some cash, while going through the courses. Since I'm already pretty skilled at wordpress. 
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