
I follow back. And I like pics. Look through my ish first to see if you want to follow. Ain't nobody got time for that follow to unfollow crap.
Making a list of NTers That Don't Follow Back Add To It And Bump It Up
dunksrnice - dunksrnice
sgo8 - illistic
Kickson34th - Formosa
But nothing in this thread says you have to follow back? 
I only follow back pages that suit my interest or if I'm actually really cool wth you on here, I don't care if feelings are hurt I'm not gonna have my timeline flooded with dumb **** and sneaker pics....if your IG has substance and is relevant to my interest best believe you get that follow back instantly.
I only follow back pages that suit my interest or if I'm actually really cool wth you on here, I don't care if feelings are hurt I'm not gonna have my timeline flooded with dumb **** and sneaker pics....if your IG has substance and is relevant to my interest best believe you get that follow back instantly.

Keeping it real. And I ksteezy that jawn now cause of you, but that's ****** up hermano...
I only follow back pages that suit my interest or if I'm actually really cool wth you on here, I don't care if feelings are hurt I'm not gonna have my timeline flooded with dumb **** and sneaker pics....if your IG has substance and is relevant to my interest best believe you get that follow back instantly.

Same. Dont like seeing doodoo pics while scrollin
I only follow back pages that suit my interest or if I'm actually really cool wth you on here, I don't care if feelings are hurt I'm not gonna have my timeline flooded with dumb **** and sneaker pics....if your IG has substance and is relevant to my interest best believe you get that follow back instantly.
Dude I'm 23 the only thing I can post is food & kicks and some pics from when I ship out for the navy. I don't have kids or my own family yet to post.
Steezy got some of the best pics. I'm not even mad he don't follow me.

If you like captions with no hashtags you can follow me.
IG has been glitchy for me. Someone follows me but it won't let me follow back. Everytime I click "follow" it automatically unfollows

Anyone have this issue?
I follow everyone back, I don't care if you follow and unfollow having less followers mean absolutely nothing to me :lol: I just like looking at food, seeing kids happy, shoes, and things that go on in different cities :smokin
You know some ppl have to feel like they're being socially accepted in life from strangers, lol.

You're from the DFW, bout to follow you bruh you seem like good ppl.
never understood why people post pictures of basic food you see everyday. like you really had to take a picture of chicken wings before you ate your meal?
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