Interpreting The Bible & The meaning of Love.

Nov 16, 2012
How can you understand what love is, if you dint know what love isn't?

God gave "Adam & Eve" all they needed, but how can you know what you really need if you've never been without it?

If someone puts you in a forest and tells you, I give you this forest because I love you...but you have NO IDEA what LOVE really is or means...what are you going to do?

Sin came about so we could understand what we were given.

Now ever since the "original sin" the "world/humans" have been on a path of destruction and pain. How about we try doing the one thing we has humans have never collectively done since the beginning of time...Love all.

Please discuss.
im sorry, what?

love (happiness and/or attraction), god,and even the need to separate "sexuality" into classifications is all made up. doesnt seem like it, because we were born introduced to it and have living this way like its rules, but its all man made at its core.
My join date has no correlation with the content of my post, thanks.

I see the concept of The Bible & Love went over some of your heads, I know the topic can be heavy for you to really think about.

I experienced spiritual ascendance after a traumatic experience and I started to think more about God, life, love and what it all really meant. I just wanted to have a mature open discussion about that.

After all this is what the General forum is for.
My join date has no correlation with the content of my post, thanks.

I see the concept of The Bible & Love went over some of your heads, I know the topic can be heavy for you to really think about.

I experienced spiritual ascendance after a traumatic experience and I started to think more about God, life, love and what it all really meant. I just wanted to have a mature open discussion about that.

After all this is what the General forum is for.
dont make me mad
im sorry, what?
love (happiness and/or attraction), god,and even the need to separate "sexuality" into classifications is all made up. doesnt seem like it, because we were born introduced to it and have living this way like its rules, but its all man made at its core.
Can you elaborate on this please?

You think God or the theory of God is made up?
Sometimes i think to myself,

So God made these robots, and once they became self aware he decided they were bad and should be punished for all eternity?

But didn't he already know they would wonder about their existence and end up braking a rule just to see what breaking a rule would be like?

Why would he just raise the stakes like that in a game that he himself designed? Like he wanted humans to suffer for no other reason than because he felt like it. And now he's mad at all humanity, simply because he wanted to be?

Right now you have no free will or thoughts of your own. I put this tree over here that will give you your own independent thoughts and ideas, but if you eat from it I will hate you forever and punish you and your women will bleed out of their cooters. DON'T EAT THAT FRUIT. But you're gonna eat that fruit, and I kind of want you to eat the fruit, which is why when I could have destroyed satan completely I made him just powerful enough to run you guys but not powerful enough to come at me.

After reading enough about the story of Genesis, the more you look at it the more it seems like Christianity is teaching the wrong stuff about its own mythology.
hes saying how adam and eve messed up was suppose to happen, so they could know what love was.. been reading too much and hasnt been getting enough fresh air lol
Can you elaborate on this please?

You think God or the theory of God is made up?

at this time, we cant describe the "then who made the big bang" or whatever else you claim how everything came about. my ego is not big enough to say there is no highest power, because i dont know. we cant know right now. but, in my opinion, the christian definition of the highest power aka god is so improbable to me. and pretty much every other religion where there are rules written from god to live by. i think its so egotistical to think that the creator of the elements, the life of animals and plants, the intricate body parts of these animals, the evolution of these animals , the planets, the stars, the galaxies, care about how you live your life. you are just a smart animal. all of that **** i named wasnt made for you. you are no more important than dead tree bark. just cause you have the most developed brain of what we know exists doesnt mean ****.

now im not saying you are nothing. you can be negative and twist my words and say theres no point to living. in reality there isnt when you look at the big picture, whether you die, an atomic bomb goes off kills of mankind, the earth will still be a huge rock spinning. mars and jupiter will still exist. the galaxies we dont even know about will still exist. but man has made its own world and thats how we live it now. man made the world run on money. evolution of man found power to be useful and used it. man has 6 senses. we made music, we use colors to make beautiful images. **** it im too lazy to continue. go think for yourself. if you have the drive to believe in something so strong, at least have the drive to look at alternative reasons of explaining certain things with LOGIC and accept that something you thought can be wrong or not even real. if you think youre always right, youre just digging your own grave into delusion. inb4 hypocritical to think im right. atleast im not holding on to something that im am unsure of. **** a what if. if you reach a what if, go deeper. ALL ANGLES.
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