iPhone: Post everything here

^agreed that is the only reason why i hate winpwn, it takes forever to release. by the time it does a newer version of apple firmware is out.
oO ThE RoC Oo, i use this one
Originally Posted by JDocs

^^ You can just make ringtones with iTunes (there are Tuts. on line
Found it, thanks, pretty easy. Tedious of re-syncing your iPhone, but hell, gotta roll with the punches.
So jailbreaking my iphone even though I have an activated 2 year contract with ATT wont break my phone or cause any conflict with ATT? Also, what jailbreakprogram will allow me to go back to my factory settings in case I need to use my warranty?
^ nope. programs like pwnagetool and winpwn are reversible so you can always go back to original setings. I just took the plunge and use quickpwn. SUCCESS.Unlocked at 2.1 it was actually really easy. Too bad it did not allow me to use custom boot logos. Overall it was a fun experience and relatively easy.
Originally Posted by Shaky3

So jailbreaking my iphone even though I have an activated 2 year contract with ATT wont break my phone or cause any conflict with ATT? Also, what jailbreak program will allow me to go back to my factory settings in case I need to use my warranty?
To my knowledge (from what I read on here) jailbreaking your phone will not void your warranty, but good programs like ZiPhone or Wnpwn 2.5 willdo the job. Also yes, a system restore will bring your iPhone back to factory settings, leaving no trace of jailbreaking behind.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by Shaky3

So jailbreaking my iphone even though I have an activated 2 year contract with ATT wont break my phone or cause any conflict with ATT? Also, what jailbreak program will allow me to go back to my factory settings in case I need to use my warranty?
To my knowledge (from what I read on here) jailbreaking your phone will not void your warranty, but good programs like ZiPhone or Wnpwn 2.5 will do the job. Also yes, a system restore will bring your iPhone back to factory settings, leaving no trace of jailbreaking behind.
jailbreaking your phone will VOID your warranty. Although applications like winpwn and pwnagetool and quickpwn can be reversible. so before youdecide to send it back to apple just restore to the most current firmware. I remember when ziphone would download your bootloader, oh man that was a mess for awhile.
My phone is on 2.1, not jailbroken or anything, all legit. I have this problem though where the phone doesn't receive calls when it's in sleep mode,but once I turn it on all these missed call notifications popup on the screen. I also have no wifi connectivity, under settings the wifi portion is grayed outand it just says "No Wifi". I've tried to reset the network settings but to no avail. My one year warranty went up on september 6th too, if Itake it to the store and have to get it replaced will I have to pay for it? I didn't do nuthinnnnn
Originally Posted by retro23phan

I just took the plunge and use quickpwn. SUCCESS. Unlocked at 2.1 it was actually really easy. Too bad it did not allow me to use custom boot logos. Overall it was a fun experience and relatively easy.
Post your steps please, and a link to the new quickpwn
I'm sure this has been ask before, but the search feature isn't working for me in this thread. So my question is, what's the deal with MMS Texting?SMS is somewhat trash, lol, I'm starting to miss that feature of my Razr 2. Is there any talks of firmware upgrades supporting this or an apps that let younot only send, but most importantly RECEIVE MMS messages?
^ i followed this exact tutorial from step first to last

1) downloaded everything needed.
2) restore (shift/restore) to the new 2.1 firmware for 2g iphone.
3) once it was done, i started up quickpwn from my pwnage folder on my desktop
4) followed all the necessary steps
5) click everything from cydia, install to unlock
6) watched as it did it all for me
7) i was done.
IHeartBoost, yes there is swirlyMMS for the iphone that sends/receives MMS (picture messaging)
the only downfall is it rarely works with AT&T, i guess they dont let you send picture messaging on the iphone unless you report to AT&T that you havea different phone, than they give you the IMEI or something like that

cliffnotes: its SwirlyMMS, doesnt work well for AT&T users

P.S. They were suppose to implement the picture messaging on the 2.1 update but at the last second they removed it and labeled it low priority.
I still have the wimpwn folder from when I updated to 2.0.1 so can I use the 3.9 and 4.6 BL files from there?
[h2]Apple prepping a 32GB iPhone update, bringing back at-home activation?[/h2]
We're not particularly inclined to believe them, but the whispers that Apple is about to bump the top-end iPhone capacity to 32GB are getting harder to ignore -- especially since 8GB inventory is drying up, leading to speculation that's it's going to be dropped as soon as next week. We think the timing's a little odd on the heels of the Let's Rock iPod refresh, but considering the rampant speculation that Apple was forced to bump the nano to 16GB and drop the "limited edition" 4GB model entirely at the last minute in response to the new Zune lineup we suppose it makes competitive sense. AppleInsider also says customers will once again get the option to activate in-home, but we haven't heard anything about that -- we'll see what happens in the next few days.
from engadget
rwfanatic, yes just copy those over to the new Pwnage folder on your desktop.

yes i cant wait, my contract ends in dec, time for new 32 gb iphone. game over.
Alright, that's all I need to know. I'll be updating tomorrow morning, I'm going out tonight and I just don't wanna risk anything.
Originally Posted by retro23phan

IHeartBoost, yes there is swirlyMMS for the iphone that sends/receives MMS (picture messaging)
the only downfall is it rarely works with AT&T, i guess they dont let you send picture messaging on the iphone unless you report to AT&T that you have a different phone, than they give you the IMEI or something like that

cliffnotes: its SwirlyMMS, doesnt work well for AT&T users

P.S. They were suppose to implement the picture messaging on the 2.1 update but at the last second they removed it and labeled it low priority.

I'm about to download it and try it out, info and pics seem pretty gratifying too. I'm on Tmobile though, so I don't have to worry about theAT&T problem. Ill let people know how it is soon.
Like a idiot i relocked my iphone..and now its just on the emergency call screen saying "NO Sim card installed..." what do i do??
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