iPhone: Post everything here

Trying out the Gamboy4iPhone app now, rebooting, hopefully it shows up.

Edit: Showed up, but when I select it, it loads, then brings me back to the SB. is it cause i don't have any ROMs?
Yeah ok...I'm trying to follow but I guess I don't know what the hell is going on. My iPhone is jailbroken 2.1 and I have done whats necessary to addthe pay apps for free.

Now how in the hell do I get a version of Street Fighter on the phone....ANY version...whatever runs smoothest....please ANYONE lol.
Make sure you guys extract the .RAR file to your desktop cause SSH wont read from the .RAR folder.
So anyone?

Can I jailbreak with winpwn 2.5 and upgrade to 3.0 later?

Any tutorials for winpwn 2.5?
SaNTi0321, you need roms first for it to play or it will kick you back to the springboard, make sure you set every .app (ex. SNES, Gameboy etc.) to permissions777
If I don't have SSH nor have any clue on how to use it does that mean that I can't get the emulators on the phone?
^ Thanks for the tutorial man.

thanks also.
If I don't have SSH nor have any clue on how to use it does that mean that I can't get the emulators on the phone? , yes you need SSH, read a couplepages back, we showed how to do it.
What's the difference between Winpwn and quickpwn? I read something about ISPW, but i have no clue what that is. All I want are some nice apps andwallpapers.
retro23phan wrote:
, yes you need SSH, read a couple pages back, we showed how to do it.
So do I need to find the ROMS first then download the emulators that you posted? And then figure out how to work SSH? I really wanna have thatSFII turbo
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

retro23phan wrote:
, yes you need SSH, read a couple pages back, we showed how to do it.
So do I need to find the ROMS first then download the emulators that you posted? And then figure out how to work SSH? I really wanna have that SFII turbo

Add source "http://m2.iphoneall.org/"....ur welcome

  • Launch Installer.app and go to the Sources section.
  • In the upper right corner, click Edit, then add (in the upper left corner).
  • In the screen that appears enter: http://m2.iphoneall.org/
  • Click Done, then Refresh.
NES only, i think. no need for SSH with this one though.
I heard you can stream NBC shows to your iPhone, like The Office, 30 Rock and so on. When ever I access NBC.com mobile website, I click on a show and click anEP, it loads for a lil but than nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong? I wanna watch EPs of The Office, Heroes or Tonight Show.
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

is there a fix so that you're able to search/view youtube vids with T'zones?
I typed epc.tmobile.com and the rest of the internet seems to be working right, but so far I'm only able to view bookmarked youtube vids and mxtube works

I'm on 2.1 and unlocked w/Quickpwn, btw
also, when strictly on edge I can't connect to the app store and youtube vids only work when they're already bookmarked, I can'tsearch.
mxtube does work though
So I still can't figure out how to sync things separately.... I want to sync my contacts but not all my Apps. Is this possible??
All my 3G owners, yall got the new updated Loopt, where you can meet people? Looks like it has potential but all i'm getting in the search results aredudes, smh.
So i tried to open up quickpwn but it said im missin .NET frame v2.0.5 blah blah blah???? WHAT DO I DO? IS MY PHONE MESSED UP?
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

IHB, you have T-mobile w/T'zones? how is your youtube working (no wifi)?
Yup, I do, but no it doesn't,

holla @ me if you want or still need it, or I'll just post it here if anyone wants it that's on T'zones/T'mobile. got it working all smoothnow
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