iPhone: Post everything here

if it hasnt been posted...
canada NTers...

iphone is going to rogers when 3g drops...
prolly old info though...
The 3g plan which is 30 as oppose the the 20 people were paying on edge and it does not include text messaging so in reality it will be 35. You also have tohave the 3g plan with the 3g phone, you cant have a 3g phone with an edge plan.
i have an iphone 8gb right now with at&t how much will it be for me to upgrade to the 3g?
I really need to know how much I need to have when I go buy it!!!!

I am leavin from nextel and takin my number to att and gettin the iphone....how much money with michigan tax(.06) and deposit, etc should I have in my pocketwhen I go to buy this??

^ i would also like to know... I have a problem with my keyboard I was on safari on my iphone and i saw that the .com / and the . does not work. when ever iclick .com it clicks n. it clicks the letter above. this also happens when im on sms. I also cant pull up the keyboard, but i can scroll through the texts.help!! ihavetowritelikethis because my spacebar on my phone doesnt work, lol..
Can ANYBODY help me out?

I restored my iPhone again with my backup data.

and ever since then I cant take pictures. I can go to the screen and click on the button to take a picture but when it goes to the camera roll, NOTHING showsup. Anything I can do to fix this?
Originally Posted by bjm5295

Any word on ETF fee? Out with ATT, in with Tmobile FTW.

You're not going to be able to do that...

If you terminate the contract...that make you return the phone in a certain amount of days and if you don't they don't honor the termination of yourcontract
Finally, a piece of news we can actually do something with. AT&T today announced its pricing structure for the next iteration of Apple's iPhone -- which you can plunk down money for come 8 am, July 11th. There's not much that's surprising here -- new customers and those eligible for an upgrade will be able to nab the phone for $199 (8GB) or $299 (16GB), while "early upgraders" will have to fork over $399 or $499, all with a two year contract and $18 upgrade fee, of course. The telco says a no-commitment version of the phone will be available for $599 and $699, though it looks like that will come after the initial launch. AT&T appears to be leaning pretty heavily towards the all-in unlimited plans, but there are options if you don't want to go that route. We've sorted out the basics after the break, and included AT&T's "iReady" video -- certainly good for a few chuckles.

Aint gonna be too many people walking around with iPhone's on any other GSM carriers this time around...
AT&T reaffirmed pricing for the iPhone 3G on Tuesday, noting that eligiblecustomers can snag the new smartphone for a discount: $199 with an 8GB flash drive and $299 for 16GB.


AT&T will begin offering Apple's iPhone 3G atits retail stores beginning July 11 at 8 a.m. local time. AT&T is the exclusive iPhone carrier in the U.S.

Under the plan, the discounted price will be available to customers who have purchased any iPhone before July 11, who are activating a new customer linewith AT&T, or who were eligible for an upgrade discount at the time of purchase. (Eligibility for an upgrade discount, the carrier said, is generallydetermined by amount of time remaining on a current contract and the payment history.)

To be eligible, customers must also sign a two-year contract. Apple had revealed the $199 and $299 pricing for the iPhone 3G at its Worldwide Developers Conference in June.

Those who are not eligible for an upgrade discount can buy the iPhone 3Gfor $399 for the 8GB model or $499 for the 16GB version. Both require a two-year contract as well.

Customers who purchase the phone without a contract will pay $599 for the 8GB version or $699 for the 16GB model.

The phones will come with the iPhone 2.0 software preloaded on the devices, which includes such business-class e-mail through Microsoft Exchange ActiveSyncand the iPhone Software Development Kit for creating customized applications. AT&T will also offer its Yellowpages.com Mobile for iPhone on thedevices.

There will be an activation fee of either $18 for existing customers eligible for an upgrade, or $36 for new customers.

AT&T is requiring customers to activate their phones in the stores, as the carrier looks toreduce the number of customers who may try to unlock, or hack, the phones to run on other carriers' networks.

AT&T is launching four voice and unlimited data plans for the iPhone 3G.

The AT&T Nation Unlimited plan will include unlimited anytime minutes for $129.99 a month, while the AT&T Nation 450 plan includes 450 anytimeminutes and 5,000 night and weekend minutes for $69.99 a month.

The carrier is also offering its Nation 1350 plan, which includes 1,350 anytime minutes for $109.99 a month, and Nation 900 plan that includes 900 anytimeminutes for $89.99 per month. Both of these plans include unlimited night and weekend minutes.

And for folks who engage in tons of text messaging, AT&T is charging $5 for every 200 text messages; $15 for every 1,500 messages; and $20 for unlimitedtext messages.

From CNET.com

Link for those who are interested http://crave.cnet.com/8301-1_105-9981676-1.html
Hrmmm...I'm trying to figure out the pricing. On my account it says that I'm eligible for an upgrade so I assume I'll be able to get it for 199 or299. I suppose I'll call and make sure tomorrow. Does anyone have any information in regards to how these are going to be sold? I've been told, thatthey'll be sold in the Apple Stores as well as the main AT&T stores in your area. Can anyone confirm this?
Im plaing to buy the iphone, does it come with aim? If so do I need unlimited data plan so I am not charged for aim or just unlimited text?
AT&T is getting ridiculous with these prices. I am starting to rethink buying the 3G iphone at the moment. I still have my 8GB and I am overseas. Idon't plan on being in the states for long peirods of time and I am getting tired of this company business practices when it comes to this one phone. I amstarting to see why the people of Japan as a majority want nothing to do with this phone. Maybe if it was pushed to its full potential (i.e. MMS, video, andbluetooth) it would be worth it, but other than that, this is a money pit. Good luck to those who are first to get it. I think I willl get an X1 or the HTCDiamond, if I need to fulfill my gadget need.
Originally Posted by SylvesterMcGrizzly

For the $30 3g plan, does that include unlimited internet and an email account?

go to the att website and take a look at the structure of the plans
can someone answer this..my girl thinking getting me an iphone does that mean she gotta pay the 399 orbthe 199?
i have the cingular family plan and i thought i could just buy the iphone 3g and switch the sim card, but i guess not...they said i have to do a 2 yearagreement and pay $30 extra on my bill for manditory online connect(not including text).. psht i didnt really want to use it for that i was fine with the wificonnect. is there a way just to use it as a phone w/ none of that internet stufff?
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