Iron Man 3 (Movie Thread)-05/03/13 - New Trailer pg12 - Suits on Suits on Suits


A Marvel character or specifically Luke Cage? :nerd:


All about The Rock playing Luke Cage. That movie has moved to the top of the list from Marvel for me.
i dont know much about the comics, but 3/4 through im like man this is really not that good or funny for that matter.

i hope superman doesnt suck.
I'm really curious why everyone is creaming for a Luke Cage film? Is everyone just desperate for a black superhero or is there any other reason?

Luke Cage seems a bit bleh, I only like him as part of the Heroes for Hire team w/ Iron Fist. Can anyone even come up with an interesting villain/arch-nemesis for Luke Cage? He just kind of wanders around the Marvel Universe being an ally of other heroes. His most interesting villain was probably IronMan in the Civil War arc and that isn't even a main storyline. He is a C-Grade hero at best.

I think Blade and Black Panther are much, much more interesting. I rather see a Blade reboot than a Luke Cage film. Hell a War Machine stand alone film will likely be better.
I'm really curious why everyone is creaming for a Luke Cage film? Is everyone just desperate for a black superhero or is there any other reason?

Luke Cage seems a bit bleh, I only like him as part of the Heroes for Hire team w/ Iron Fist. Can anyone even come up with an interesting villain/arch-nemesis for Luke Cage? He just kind of wanders around the Marvel Universe being an ally of other heroes. His most interesting villain was probably IronMan in the Civil War arc and that isn't even a main storyline. He is a C-Grade hero at best.

I think Blade and Black Panther are much, much more interesting. I rather see a Blade reboot than a Luke Cage film. Hell a War Machine stand alone film will likely be better.

blade doesnt need a reboot.. the first 2 were good movies.. who cares what color they are... marvel just needs to stop all the humor and just make a darker movie... a new rebooted xmen: days of future past would be a good start...
Stop, not every movie needs to be dark, it is one downside to Nolans Batverse being so good, everyone wants a dark version of their favorite hero. IM1 wasn't the darkest and had that humor well done since RDJ can deliver them with ease. Avengers also had minimal humor while still being entertaining and serious, things doesn't need to be dark and rated R to be good.

And I am not making a point that they should do a Blade reboot, I am saying I rather see that than a Luke Cage film.

and :lol: @ quoting yourself.
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Thank you RFX. I've been saying that for the longest. Also, it's not in every hero's character.
Stop, not every movie needs to be dark, it is one downside to Nolans Batverse being so good, everyone wants a dark version of their favorite hero. IM1 wasn't the darkest and had that humor well done since RDJ can deliver them with ease. Avengers also had minimal humor while still being entertaining and serious, things doesn't need to be dark and rated R to be good.


Very true.

Gritty works, having the tone more serious is right in the wheelhouse, but "dark" isn't always a must.

Last summer with Avengers vs The Dark Knight Rises was a perfect example. One was lighter, and fluffier, brighter colors, etc, but still was serious in nature. Things above and beyond our control, life from other planets, etc. TDKR was of course, Nolanized and completely dark and dreary, bordering on desperation for the superhero we all root for. Both were great, in completely different ways.

It all comes down to good, solid writing. Do that right, and even the bits of humor that show thru will fit in, not feel forced and keep the movie going in the right direction.

I think "darker" is just the in vogue word to use nowadays in terms of what everyone wants, and I know I'm guilty of it as well. I said darker in my review of IM3 several times I think. More serious, or toned down should have been my wording instead.
I saw it last week but just commenting now. I read through all of the thread after it's release so there's probably not much else to be said.

Disappointed at the use of The Mandarin. I could see wanting to switch some things up from the source material if it better fit the story or simply to have a surprise... but what they did was so weak. Like it's been mentioned, there's ANOTHER industrialist who wants to be top dog.. that's really the villain's goal? The Mandarin is too interesting of a character to have him tossed aside like that. I've said in the past I prefer a better movie over faithfulness to the source material and I still stand by that... but when that's what you do in the movie? Yeah, no thanks.

The Pepper story was ehh. If I actually thought she was going to die at any point, then maybe I'd like it.. but I had no doubts she'd survive.

It was just forgettable too. Especially after such a great build up and coming off the Avengers, it just left a bad taste in the mouth.

I think, for me at least, it'll improve when I see it again. I won't expect it to jump from a 6/10 to a 9/10 or anything, but the disappointment won't be as evident while watching. There were some positives, I'm sure, but overall it's not what I expected.
i know I am very late in bumping this thread

but man, I just finished watching :smh: :lol: i can't believe they pulled off that
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i have a theory that im3 sucked on purpose.

if eventually we are moving to the civil war storyline, it would make sense to make his character unlikable.

I think the mental breakdown he's having is this film is the first step. especially if they incorporate the registration act into the story,
A bigger slap in the face by Marvel Studios co-president in that he uses the fact that it was a success at the box office as the basis for their decision being the right one and that the fans liked it or otherwise they wouldn't have seen it.

Besides the Avengers point, sums up how I feel about the movie in general:
Using the fact it made a lot of money as proof IM-3 was good & The Mandarin "twist" was acceptable is complete ********.

That movie benefited from the greatness of The Avengers..pure & simple.

Standing on its own merits & there were few..IM-3 is a weak movie.

Mandarin was mishandled--tone was too comedic throughout--babysitting a kid was dumb--drone armor is weak--man in armor is true Iron Man!--Pepper defeating the bad guy? Crap.
Iron Man 3 is arguably the worst in house Marvel movie.
Honestly. The casual movie goers who don't know who these characters are still like these movies. Iron Man 3 was beyond terrible. The actual villain was so weak. What they did to The Mandarin was beyond disrespectful. It still will never affect Hollywood's bottom line though. They can keep churning out these inaccurate movies without failing because it's the only introduction of these stories to most of these people.

If they made a Harry Potter film and made Lord Voldemort not Harry's real archenemy with him not actually being a real sorcerer, but a side show who was actually a method actor with a drinking problem, while the real villain was this whiny goober who was left on a roof 10 years ago with a chip on his shoulder, those people would be all types of mad.

They're going to keep butchering these old beloved franchise cartoons and comic books while milking every last penny they possibly can. Just look at Transformers. They made 3 movies and couldn't even put in HOT ROD. When I was a kid at school or on the playground, Hot Rod was the majority favourite Autobot. He was Wolverine, he was the Green Power Ranger. A lot of people who watch the Transformers movies don't even know who he is.


I'm all for Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson playing a Marvel hero,

BUT I think Luke Cage may be better served as a television property or a character on Agents of Shield.

As far as Black Panther, I'd like to see Aldos Hodge or Chiewetel Ejiofor land that,

And NOBODY is Blade except Wesley Snipes!


Julius F. Wrek
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