Is Arizona really that bad?

One thing I remember bout AZ was the native population. Was good to see them around. Would chop it up with randoms on the block. Most were wyno's but pretty chill. always broke extra bread when any asked for change.
Leave it to someone who thinks slavery was black people chilling and drinking watermelon smoothies to think there are that many Native Americans left after the genocide that created this "great" country. NM has more Native Americans than the heights but they are still a minority.
Funny thing is that ninja wanted to make a point of saying a liberal state is worse than a conservative one
The irony is that he lives in a liberal one
Leave it to someone who thinks slavery was black people chilling and drinking watermelon smoothies to think there are that many Native Americans left after the genocide that created this "great" country. NM has more Native Americans than the heights but they are still a minority.
Funny thing is that ninja wanted to make a point of saying a liberal state is worse than a conservative one

da point i was making is if OP more worried about reinforcing his progressivism and wanted cheap hot weather New Mexico is literally next door from AZ.

and I live in a liberal city, NY state as whole is definitely not liberal utopia..
Used to go WV all the time bc my pops was locked up there. He was located in Morgantown, WV. That place is one of the scariest places in America for a miniority. They are seriously stuck back in time. I remember around the age of 11 and me and moms stopping at a gas station and the store literally stopping. WV and the Appalachian mountains area are just not civilized enough for people of different back grounds or thoughts.
Man please. ITs not that bad bruh
Leave it to someone who thinks slavery was black people chilling and drinking watermelon smoothies to think there are that many Native Americans left after the genocide that created this "great" country. NM has more Native Americans than the heights but they are still a minority.
Funny thing is that ninja wanted to make a point of saying a liberal state is worse than a conservative one

da point i was making is if OP more worried about reinforcing his progressivism and wanted cheap hot weather New Mexico is literally next door from AZ.

and I live in a liberal city, NY state as whole is definitely not liberal utopia..
fair enough
Ninjahood probably thinks Westchester County is "upstate". 
I'm black and born and raised in AZ (w/ small stints in TX, PA, and IA). It's not as bad racially as some one think it may be portrayed in the media, but it's definitely not a place to be desired. Lot old conservatives, retirees, more than enough rednecks and we're behind the curve in everything. Music releases, trends, legalized weed, and it goes on.

From a dimes perspective, not so much IMO. I've coined the phrase "An Arizona 10, is a California 7." There's dimes, but you gotta shift through a lot of 6+s to get to 'em. And they are are the same: skinny, white, spray-tanned w/ blonde or brunette hair and are named Kaci, Adrianna, Taylor or Morgan...Typically. Trust me, I went to ASU during the year(s) it was ranked the #1 party school in America. So, if that's your type, go for it.

All in all, AZ has its pros (weather) and cons (see above), but I guess it could be worse. Basically, if you want a lesser, more conservstive/archaic, but affordable, California, head over this way.
Used to go WV all the time bc my pops was locked up there. He was located in Morgantown, WV. That place is one of the scariest places in America for a miniority. They are seriously stuck back in time. I remember around the age of 11 and me and moms stopping at a gas station and the store literally stopping. WV and the Appalachian mountains area are just not civilized enough for people of different back grounds or thoughts.

It's one of the most chilling experiences to be in one of those hick towns where everyone literally just stops when you enter the establishment. Not even exclusive to the south, happened to me in PA, and I know people where it happened in MD.

As for cars I used to hear a lot of heavy movers used to stay in AZ for some reason. Not sure if it's still at that level.
Remember one time in high school me n my mans pulled up in this white bar/restaurant just outside of Baltimore n literally everybody looked at us n the music stopped :smh:

Found out they got good liquor prices tho so now I cop bottles for the low if I'm around there :lol:
Been out here in phx for 10 years this month. Military.
Originally from New York but like any place. Phx has its good and bad. The racism here is pocketed. Older folks in Mesa and such, yea...they kinda just live in their racist retirement communities.
It's not like folks are getting stopped at lights anymore. I'm sure it happens but old man Aripaio got voted out.

As far as culture, the majority are transplants. Food scene has been popping for a few years and we even have James beard winning Spots like Binkleys.
Car scene is nuts with Barret Jackson and yes Scottsdale has a night life just like LA or Miami just on a smaller scale.
Scottsdale mall on the weekends speaks to that

Admittingly my favorite mall in the states is Lenox at Atlanta though lol

Dollar for dollar, I would always have a place here in phx/Scottsdale and use it as a home base. Luxury living with amenities for 20-30% less than LA, why not.

When the economy tanked, homes got snapped up by real estate companies and foreign buyers. I got Canadian neighbors and they are amazing! Lol

Summers haven't been that bad and it's a high of 70 today.
As someone whose been all over, there's way worse places than AZ to be stuck at. And that's coming with a guy with a stamped out passport
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Been out here in phx for 10 years this month. Military.
Originally from New York but like any place. Phx has its good and bad. The racism here is pocketed. Older folks in Mesa and such, yea...they kinda just live in their racist retirement communities.
It's not like folks are getting stopped at lights anymore. I'm sure it happens but old man Aripaio got voted out.

As far as culture, the majority are transplants. Food scene has been popping for a few years and we even have James beard winning Spots like Binkleys.
Car scene is nuts with Barret Jackson and yes Scottsdale has a night life just like LA or Miami just on a smaller scale.
Scottsdale mall on the weekends speaks to that

Admittingly my favorite mall in the states is Lenox at Atlanta though lol

Dollar for dollar, I would always have a place here in phx/Scottsdale and use it as a home base. Luxury living with amenities for 20-30% less than LA, why not.

When the economy tanked, homes got snapped up by real estate companies and foreign buyers. I got Canadian neighbors and they are amazing! Lol

Summers haven't been that bad and it's a high of 70 today.
As someone whose been all over, there's way worse places than AZ to be stuck at. And that's coming with a guy with a stamped out passport
Would you rather deal with an AZ summer or an NY winter?  I keep telling myself that the summers are pretty much the winter in AX, meaning you stay inside a lot, etc.
Would you rather deal with an AZ summer or an NY winter?  I keep telling myself that the summers are pretty much the winter in AX, meaning you stay inside a lot, etc.

Being about an hour from flagstaff, we drive up for snow days and chill every winter. I go back home all the time, I'm fortunate I can so I'll pass on that shoveling I've done as a kid.

I'm a 5 hour drive from Disneyland or Vegas (1.5 hour fight) and I get to wear jeans and a sweater on Christmas. I'll take that!

In all my travels when it comes to weather and leisure I've learned you can have anything you want, but you can't have everything you want
Would you rather deal with an AZ summer or an NY winter?  I keep telling myself that the summers are pretty much the winter in AX, meaning you stay inside a lot, etc.

I lived in Chicago for 30 years and I damn sure would put up with an AZ summer than a Chicago winter. You dont have to shovel heat.
My cousin lives in Tuscon and swears he's pulling girls from the local University...May need to investigate said girls.
All the dumb yet generic "attractive" (putting in quotes because they are not attractive at all to me but NTers would salivate over them) white girls from my high school that couldn't get into a good UC or Cal State school went to ASU. That's pretty much the case of most of California based on what I've heard from all my friends from LA and SD :lol:

Not saying everyone at ASU is dumb before anyone from there gets their feelings hurt. You can be smart and successful at any university or without going to college at all; just telling you what type of girls go there from California
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