is blackberry necessary for a university student?

Originally Posted by MvP07

to say the Iphone is stupid is simply idiotic. You are simply hating.

Yep, you're right, I'm hating on a phone that a) I've owned, and b) is inferior to my current phone. Hate hate hate.
Windows Mobile>___ Really want that Vario 4 for Tmobile. Either that or waitin for the Bold to come to Tmobile US
Originally Posted by the north west

most things that a college student has isn't necessary but they want it
refund checks make people feel like Jay-Z , all out spending sprees
clearly you are not classified as an owner if you had the phone for 8 hours. What did you do, open the box and return it?

your sarcasm is horrible, your hate is even worse. Wasting everyone's time.
No, it really isn't for anybody though. People act like the stuff they're doing on their Blackberry and paying an extra fee for can't be done onany other phone.
Originally Posted by the north west

most things that a college student has isn't necessary but they want it
That's a great quote. 18-25 year olds probably do the most useless spending out of any age range.
can we get a sticky on how blackberries make you somehow appear more mature and sophisticated
Only if you receive emails on the regular would I say it is necessary though. Blackberry, iPhone... it doesn't really matter as long as it has email capabilities. I love my iPhone. You would be amazed how many times I woke up and had an email on my phone from a teacher saying class is canceled.

I do all those things on my laptop. I can see where maybe if you lived on a campus where you're on the go all the time and need to check your email on thego, but even still, I can just pop open my laptop anywhere and check my email. I don't see why you need to do that on the phone.
Originally Posted by MvP07

clearly you are not classified as an owner if you had the phone for 8 hours. What did you do, open the box and return it?

your sarcasm is horrible, your hate is even worse. Wasting everyone's time.
Seriously though.... couldn't agree more.
I actually gave a legit response with reasons to back up why I thought an iPhone was necessary for a university student

It's whatever.
no, i know plenty of university students who are doing fine without a blackberry, like myself (although i do want one)
An iPhone makes more sense to me because you need a phone and you're almost certainly going to want some sort of portable media device; the extrafunctionality is just an added benefit that can make a real big difference depending on how full of a schedule you have.
Back when I had a BlackBerry, I messed around with my homie's iPhone for a good while.
The end result: it was a cool phone, but it's overrated. I'd rather have my BlackBerry.
The answer is NO. People are extra hyped off the BB because of the email synching mainly but a lot of people don't realize that other phones do that now sothey are as exclusive, i.e. Palm Centro. The Centro does everything the BB does and more, next...
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

yes, at least in my case

wired my school email, personall and two business emails to my phone.

love it.
At Emory EVERYONE (prof. and admins included) sends emails through our intercampus network more than they probably call/text.

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

iPhone > Blackberry

iPhone is great for a student for many reasons....
Besides the obvious awesome factors.... school related ones would be...
---school e-mail forwarded to my g-mail account which is my synced e-mail on my iPhone =

---ability to go on the best phone internet/mess around with apps during class if the lecture is REALLY boring that day
---my iPhone is my iPod for listening to music while I walk around school
---Etc etc etc

I have nothing against the iPhone, but this is probably the dumbest list I've seen in awhile.

1. Blackberry OWNS any other phone in the email department--that isn't even up for debate.
2. Music? BB's can do that.
3. Etc, etc, etc......BB's have plenty of those.

The only legit reason you gave is the iPhone's web browser, which is probably the best yet.
blackberry curve ftw, but yea i dont really need it for the email, cuz i use my laptop, much more easier to read
I have a curve and I don't have the data plan. Still a dope phone though, I don't even e-mail that much so yeah. Use the wi-fi all the time for quickbits of ESPN reading lol, and ya know the media functions aint too shabby at all.
It doesn't have to be a blackberry. Just a good phone with functional e-mail capabilities. The iPhone has SOME letdowns like no picture messaging and novideo recorder but "business people" don't really need that anyway. Blackberries are just more popular because of their history.
Originally Posted by UrbenYouth

It doesn't have to be a blackberry. Just a good phone with functional e-mail capabilities. The iPhone has SOME letdowns like no picture messaging and no video recorder but "business people" don't really need that anyway. Blackberries are just more popular because of their history.
Tactile buttons and reliable OS FTW!
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