Is Carmelo Anthony Still Top 10? *Seriously??* 4/8/12

Dudes still holding on to the "all he does is score" argument.
no matter what we do, it's not gonna make him any better or worse... At the end of the day, no one's opinion will be changed
Lol at people backtracking now that he's playing well. I'ma fan of Melo the players and he's still not top 10.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Exactly! He's top 10 in only a small fraction of the game. So if we did a weighted average, he wouldn't be top 10. We are finally getting to the point.

That explains why you're such a Lebron apologist, it all makes sense now.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Exactly! He's top 10 in only a small fraction of the game. So if we did a weighted average, he wouldn't be top 10. We are finally getting to the point.

That explains why you're such a Lebron apologist, it all makes sense now.

Apologizing for what exactly? I'm not sorry Lebron was top 10 in clutch stats last year or top 5 in many years before that. Why would I be? I'm confused. But lets not get into that again. I've already discussed enough today with sports fans who either are allergic to evidence or have terrible memories.
I can't believe how many Knicks fans believe Carmelo Anthony is a top 10 player. Come on dude, we watch him every game. Ya'll know deep down inside you'd pick another 10-15 players to start a franchise with. Last year ESPN ranked him very accordingly, I believe, at No 12.
Originally Posted by PauliePeppas

Top ten player? 5 scorer? Yes.

this.  he's prob 10-15 range.  but who really cares, it's about results at the end of the day.  if he can help his team win, it's all good.  whether it's scoring, playmaking, defense, long as he has a positive impact on the game.
JVG dismissed any basketball knowledge Mike Breen thought he had. 

Melo takes a 10ft. after he just made one from the same spot, "he shoots too much". WTH
Originally Posted by Dok

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Man...its Kobe, Melo, Bron, Wade, Durant, Rose and then every one else.
^ this guy speaks the truth
You can think marketing for that...Don't get it twisted. Melo is nice and he's clutch, but he ain't top 10 right now.  I ain't even mad..Just why everyone live in the moment so damn much?

Goldenchild did provide the best argument in Melo's favor that we've seen in the thread, but I'm hesitant to take much of what anyone else says serious. Someone makes a compelling argument and the Melo backers feel confident after his ONE great game to say "yeah...what he said." 
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Wait, who are 10 better?
These seem to be the players that are better according to this thread...




























Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

I can't believe how many Knicks fans believe Carmelo Anthony is a top 10 player. Come on dude, we watch him every game. Ya'll know deep down inside you'd pick another 10-15 players to start a franchise with. Last year ESPN ranked him very accordingly, I believe, at No 12.

You really don't know why? Because I point out the facts about Carmelo Anthony, it seems to some of these "fans" that I am bashing the Knicks. In reality, that couldn't be farther from the case. Tnis is why I am critical: By overvaluing Melo as a player, people are forgetting to value a player like Tyson Chandler. Chandler is by far the most valuable player on the Knicks. By far. And he's not getting the proper recognition because of a fan culture obsessed with meaningless and context-free stats like PPG. Carmelo Anthony would have never even attempted that last 3 if it wasn't for Chandler's hustle tap-out. It's the same reason why, as a Bulls fan, I am one of the more vocal critics of Derrick Rose. He's not a MVP-type player to me. No way, no how. He's a great player, of course. But he's not top 5 to me by any stretch of the imagination. Is he better than Melo? Yes.
I just want y'all to name 10 players who have more ability and can consistently do more to lead a team to victory than Carmelo Anthony...

CP3 is one of my favorite players ever but hes a facilitator, he needs a full cast around him to be a contender. Same with Deron, Nash, Tony Parker, Rondo and Westbrook. If we look at the history of the game Zeke is probably the only "regular sized" PG to ever lead his team to a chip. Not even the other greats like Kidd, Iverson and Stockton could do it.

Derrick Rose breaks that mold because of his freakish athleticism combined with his ball IQ and craftiness. This Bulls team is pretty much built around him and they're title contenders. So I'll put Rose in that elite of the elite convo.

Love and Griffin are too young and don't make their team better singlehandedly. They do their thing and do it well but they can't be the focal point to lead a team to chip...yet.

Kobe.. there's really nothing that needs to be said.

Same with Bron. We all saw what he did in Cleveland.

Wade is also one of those transcendent athletes.

KD is still fresh and has HoF written all over him. He's an evolution in the game much like KG was but from a different angle.

We gotta put Dwight up there to for his Finals run and his sheer dominance when his head is in the game.

The only other player who can have the impact of those above mentioned players is Melo. Put him on any functioning team and they become legit. He can negate or minimize the effect of ANY player in the league with his offensive output. Then there's really no one other than Kobe that I would want with the ball at the end of games than him.

1) LeBron James
2) Kobe Bryant
3) Kevin Durant
4) Derrick Rose
5) Dwayne Wade/Carmelo Anthony
6) Carmelo Anthony/Dwayne Wade
7) Dwight Howard/Chris Paul
8 ) Chris Paul/Dwight Howard
9) Deron Williams/Rajon Rondo
10) Rajon Rondo/Deron Williams
So please name 10 better players....say someone like LaMarcus Aldridge, John Wall or Blake Griffin and your opinion is null and void.
So much wrong, so little time. Carmelo makes a team a contender? He's been out of the 1st round ONCE. Did you already forget this? Do I need to bring up the Knicks record with Carmelo Anthony? And I wonder why happened with the Nuggets since he's left? I honestly don't think you understand the game of basketball when you put Carmelo Anthony, Kobe Beyant and Derrick Rose in front of Chris Paul. That is ridiculous. And to bring up clutchness! Chris Paul is the best clutch performers this year. I would laugh at you but the incompetence makes me sad. We're talking about wins right? Have you heard of win shares? Go look at Carmelo Anthony historic production according to that stat.

What in the world are you basing your observations on? Are you allergic to evidence? If not, provide some please.
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