Is Carmelo Anthony Still Top 10? *Seriously??* 4/8/12

Mez 0ne:
Exactly! He's top 10 in only a small fraction of the game. So if we did a weighted average, he wouldn't be top 10. We are finally getting to the point.
That explains why you're such a Lebron apologist, it all makes sense now.
Apologizing for what exactly? I'm not sorry Lebron was top 10 in clutch stats last year or top 5 in many years before that. Why would I be? I'm confused.
An apologist of something/someone doesn't mean apologizing for that thing/person.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

So please name 10 better players....say someone like LaMarcus Aldridge, John Wall or Blake Griffin and your opinion is null and void.

u dont even have dirk at your top 10
that alone makes ur opinion null and void
My understanding of the Mighty One's comment is that I am apologist for Lebron's lack of clutch performance. I used apologize in the context of excusing something. Isn't that what an apologist does? Excuses the faults of something or someone. Sorry for the lack of clarity.

Edit: I looked up to the term. Here I am admitting my mistake: I didn't know the word's exact meaning. Definitely an error on my part. But I think the intent of my post still holds.
Point blank, Melo is not a player that you bring in if you want your team to have a winning environment. Scorer, celebrity, sure bring Melo in. But if you want someone that is willing to do WHATEVER it takes to make the team better I would not look in his direction. It is really as simple as that. He is fun to watch on the offensive end, well when he has the ball jab stepping 4000 times, but besides that what more does he bring to the table?
He is a ball stopper. I am not fond of those, but I like Melo since he is from BMORE and I respect ball players from that city. But Melo is not as great as his celebrity would suggest.

I know, I am a hater and a troll since I am saying these things.
Melo has been playing good for the past few games, People already putting him in their top 10?

NT S&T - Prisoners of the Monent.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Less hyperbole, more top 10 lists...

Assume I run a Mock Draft site and there is a Fantasy Draft where all NBA Players are placed into a pool. These are the players that I would place above Melo in my mock draft. (In no order)


D. Rose


Deron Williams







Iggy (Yes Iggy, team player. Knows role)






Bynum (maybe)

If I am starting a franchise from scratch, those are players that I would rather have on my squad. Not saying those people are "better" but I would rather have them on my team to create a winning environment. 
We're talking top 10 best players in the league here...not fantasy GM.

Simple guidelines.
Just trying to see other peoples rankings
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Love and Griffin are too young and don't make their team better singlehandedly. They do their thing and do it well but they can't be the focal point to lead a team to chip...yet.
See, I would rather have Love as a 2nd/3rd option than Melo as my 1st option. If Melo is your leader/#1 dude, then I really don't see how that team is built for anything other than selling tickets. I don't trust him, his effort, or his willingness to pass the ball and defend to be my #1 man. With Love, I know that he will know his role and bust his @#$ on the glass. Rebounds help win games. Those are important to me.
Blake, he is unproven at this point. Correct, he is too young to even be mentioned in this conversation. Verdict isn't out on him yet. 
Is he a talented player? Yes. Has he been a top ten player his whole career? Yes. Has he been a top ten player since he was traded to the Knicks? No. Has he been playing great since d Antoni was fired? Yes
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Is he a talented player? Yes. Has he been a top ten player his whole career? Yes. Has he been a top ten player since he was traded to the Knicks? No. Has he been playing great since d Antoni was fired? Yes

He is the same player now that he was 3 years ago. If the "ranking" changed it is because People have waken up. There is nothing about him then that warranted a Top 10 ranking that would disqualify him from having that ranking now.
So in which year was he a Top 10 player and who did he outrank? I don't know if I see that honestly.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Love and Griffin are too young and don't make their team better singlehandedly. They do their thing and do it well but they can't be the focal point to lead a team to chip...yet.
See, I would rather have Love as a 2nd/3rd option than Melo as my 1st option. If Melo is your leader/#1 dude, then I really don't see how that team is built for anything other than selling tickets. I don't trust him, his effort, or his willingness to pass the ball and defend to be my #1 man. With Love, I know that he will know his role and bust his @#$ on the glass. Rebounds help win games. Those are important to me.
Blake, he is unproven at this point. Correct, he is too young to even be mentioned in this conversation. Verdict isn't out on him yet. 
Love is on the cusp. I agree....but the sample size, experience and achievements in his career are too small to put him in my top 10 (which is what the thread is about).
Kevin went from averaging 11 - 14 - 20 - 26.5 .... I'm honestly not sure what to make of him yet, he doesn't even have a playoff game under his belt.

In due time, he will be in that top 10 but he doesn't have the resume just yet. 
Tyson Chandler
Zach Randolph
Andrew Bynum
Pau Gasol
LaMarcus Aldridge
Steve Nash
Tony Parker
DeMarcus Cousins
Josh Smith

If we are talking about strictly WINS, defense, ball distribution, hustle, low turnovers, rebounding and taking great shots are paramount. Correct?
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Love is on the cusp. I agree....but the sample size, experience and achievements in his career are too small to put him in my top 10 (which is what the thread is about).
Kevin went from averaging 11 - 14 - 20 - 26.5 .... I'm honestly not sure what to make of him yet, he doesn't even have a playoff game under his belt.

In due time, he will be in that top 10 but he doesn't have the resume just yet. 

He (Love) has proven that he can rebound the ball. He has done it at every level so I really don't think we need a larger sample size before we anoint him as a rebounding machine. He has that down. He rebounds the ball better than Melo does whatever he does. I trust him, I can say to myself, "Love is going to give me EVERYTHING he has on the glass tonight." I can't say that about Melo on any level other than me saying, "Melo is going to give me EVERYTHING he has in his chamber tonight." I can trust that he will put shots up. Other than that what can you count on him for? Be real with yourself?

Love not having a playoff game under his belt isn't his fault. He plays in Minnesota, he does all he can do. Not his fault at all. But I think Kevin Love shouldn't be axed to be a feature player either. To me he should be a 2/3 option on a solid team. 
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

in no order


#11. dwill=melo=rondo=pierce=parker

Respectable, debatable... interchangeable.
The argument could easily be made for replacing Nash or Love with Melo. 

When you get down to actually listing the best the players in the game, its harder to exclude him from your list when you look at the landscape of the league.
How does Melo Anthony make ANY team better than Steve Nash would? Serious question GoldenCHild. Hell, I think Nash is a non-negotiable. How would any sane coach say to themselves, "Melo puts us (team) in a better position to win" when compared to Nash?
^ That's just it though...Top 10 lists are arbitrary anwyay...DC's example is more of a realistic approach to the value of players on a team and of a Carmelo Anthony.

I'd say more on the actual topic, but this "debate" ends at agreeing to disagree.
I can't put Dwight ahead of melo. He cracks my top ten thoDurantKobeLebronWadeDirkRosePaul Melo DwightBynum
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Love is on the cusp. I agree....but the sample size, experience and achievements in his career are too small to put him in my top 10 (which is what the thread is about).
Kevin went from averaging 11 - 14 - 20 - 26.5 .... I'm honestly not sure what to make of him yet, he doesn't even have a playoff game under his belt.

In due time, he will be in that top 10 but he doesn't have the resume just yet. 
He (Love) has proven that he can rebound the ball. He has done it at every level so I really don't think we need a larger sample size before we anoint him as a rebounding machine. He has that down. He rebounds the ball better than Melo does whatever he does. I trust him, I can say to myself, "Love is going to give me EVERYTHING he has on the glass tonight." I can't say that about Melo on any level other than me saying, "Melo is going to give me EVERYTHING he has in his chamber tonight." I can trust that he will put shots up. Other than that what can you count on him for? Be real with yourself?

Love not having a playoff game under his belt isn't his fault. He plays in Minnesota, he does all he can do. Not his fault at all. But I think Kevin Love shouldn't be axed to be a feature player either. To me he should be a 2/3 option on a solid team. 

Thats your opinion and I respect it...but I just can't put a guy that has never played a playoff game in my top 10 best players in the league.
Thats a slap in the face to the rest of the league when you look at the kind of achievements and experience that other players have. 

Nuggets went from a 17 win team to a 43 win playoff team after drafting Melo. 

Cleveland went from 17 wins to 35 with a rookie Bron.

Thats the type of impact great players have.
I really didn't say Love was a Top 10 player in the League though. I simply said I would rather have him in the trenches with me before I would want Melo Anthony. There is no ifs, ands, or backsides about it. He does more, his game style is more conducive to winning and winning is the name of the game.

I wouldn't call Kevin Love a great player though, so the whole, "If he was really great his teams record would reflect it" argument doesn't matter in this situation. I view him as a complimentary player, not a featured dude.
But Melo isn't great either. I withhold that label for rare talents. Melo is damn sure not a rare talent. Very solid scorer but in terms of being a player (well rounded) Melo is not great at that. Very good scorer.
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