Is David Ortiz black?

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Is A-Rod black...

Arod could have been Dominican, but is American. His shoes are black most of the time.

and this guy is Taiwanese.
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

so according to niketalk i'm black i guess

Is your skin dark or not? Do you have any black features? They hell yea. Remember when AFRICAN slaves were passed through DR and Haiti and they integrated withthe whites and indians there?

At dudes not knowing the difference between ethnicity, nationality, andrace. READ A BOOK
Originally Posted by OWL TROUTWIG

Race is not synonymous with ethnicity nor is it synonymous with nationality. The three are independent of one another. You can be black and Dominican and Latino just as you can be White, Domincan and Latino. Black/White = Race, Dominican = nationality, Latino = ethnicity

Seriously. How is this not common knowledge?

so according to niketalk i'm black i guess

No. According to your DNA you're black.

For someone so quick to defend their heritage you need to actually go and find out about your heritage.
I think the problem here is not the people don't understand, I think it has more to with the terminology since we commonly and almost exclusively use theterm "Black" when referring to African-Americans.
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

I think the problem here is not the people don't understand, I think it has more to with the terminology since we commonly and almost exclusively use the term "Black" when referring to African-Americans.

Right. Black doesn't mean african american...
Originally Posted by OWL TROUTWIG

(except the PGA tour) Are you people complete ignorant ******s ? Of course he's black. Look at him. His race is black, his ethnicity is Latino, his nationality is Dominican. The three are completely different from one another.
At least someone has a brain here.
Niketalk se esta poniendo estupido con todo esto "posts" de Carmelo Anthony y David Ortiz

"No es Dominicano, es un moreno"

"El es moreno, el no habla espanol pues no es puerto riqueno"

Que Basura

Black denial

Nearly all Dominican women straighten their hair, which experts say is a direct result of a historical learned rejection of all things black

By Frances Robles

[email protected]

SANTO DOMINGO -- Yara Matos sat still while long, shiny locks from China were fastened, bit by bit, to her coarse hair.

Not that Matos has anything against her natural curls, even though Dominicans call that pelo malo -- bad hair.

But a professional Dominican woman just should not have bad hair, she said. "If you're working in a bank, you don't want somebarrio-looking hair. Straight hair looks elegant," the bank teller said. "It's not that as a person of color I want to look white. Iwant to look pretty."

And to many in the Dominican Republic, to look pretty is to look less black.



Using the word Indian to describe dark-skinned people is an attempt to distance Dominicans from any African roots, Albert and other experts said. She notedthat it's not even historically accurate: The country's Taino Indians were virtually annihilated in the 1500s, shortly after Spanish colonizersarrived.
every hispanic is mixed. clearly ortiz black side was the dominant one so that is why he is dark. dominicans are one of the darkest hispanics in general. putit this way african slaves were taken to the hispaniola just cause they speak spanish does not change the fact that they're of african decent. ifyou're a dark skinned hispanic dont be ignorant you are black!!!!
[COLOR=#red]I saw Big Papi hit a home run Thursday night. But he's black with hispanic culture. Brazil also has a huge population of African descended people. [/COLOR]
When this question is asked, it's obviously with regards to his ethnicity. Otherwise, there would be no point in asking it. So, no, he is not black.
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