Is hip-hop to blame for the youth acting out? bunB and Lupe speak to teacher

Originally Posted by Im Not You

I think alot of ya'll are underestimating how powerful and influential pop culture is. Hip Hop culture isn't the SOLE problem. I don't understand how you can't see it's PART of the problem. I don't know where ya'll live at....but in DC I see the effect it has on the youth everyday. Parenting can only go so far. All of us know that from our own experiences growing up. Specifically when you're dealing with inner city youth...most of them are coming from broken homes where they're even more impressionable.

Did you even listen to Bun's thoughts? This is exactly what he's talking about. The propensity for culture to have such a negative impact is wrought years before a person even hears a rap/rock/whatever song. Parents are and always will be the key.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

I think alot of ya'll are underestimating how powerful and influential pop culture is. Hip Hop culture isn't the SOLE problem. I don't understand how you can't see it's PART of the problem. I don't know where ya'll live at....but in DC I see the effect it has on the youth everyday. Parenting can only go so far. All of us know that from our own experiences growing up. Specifically when you're dealing with inner city youth...most of them are coming from broken homes where they're even more impressionable.

Did you even listen to Bun's thoughts? This is exactly what he's talking about. The propensity for culture to have such a negative impact is wrought years before a person even hears a rap/rock/whatever song. Parents are and always will be the key.
If I were a betting man, I would not bet on the upliftment of the urban community. And when I say urban, I don't just mean black. I mean black, hispanic, south east asian, everyone in the struggle.

Why? Well the main reason is that many people cannot get beyond a victimized mindset. Is the world unfair? Yes. Are some born with much better odds than others? Yes. Those are the harsh realities of the situation.

But how do you react to that? Do you say - "well someone should fix this situation!" Sure, you could. But that's not productive. That doesn't do anything. Nobody will fix it. Because winners never care about the losers. Not in sports, not in entertainment, not in society, not in America. Even if they won by starting with an unfair advantage. They just don't because there is no real incentive to.

So once you understand that nobody is going to give you any REAL sustainable help, what do you do? You just have to work your @%+ off.

But you don't. Because you're distracted. And part of that distraction is the mainstream hip-hop image.

It's not hip-hop's fault, but unfortunately hip-hop IS unwittingly part of the problem.
If I were a betting man, I would not bet on the upliftment of the urban community. And when I say urban, I don't just mean black. I mean black, hispanic, south east asian, everyone in the struggle.

Why? Well the main reason is that many people cannot get beyond a victimized mindset. Is the world unfair? Yes. Are some born with much better odds than others? Yes. Those are the harsh realities of the situation.

But how do you react to that? Do you say - "well someone should fix this situation!" Sure, you could. But that's not productive. That doesn't do anything. Nobody will fix it. Because winners never care about the losers. Not in sports, not in entertainment, not in society, not in America. Even if they won by starting with an unfair advantage. They just don't because there is no real incentive to.

So once you understand that nobody is going to give you any REAL sustainable help, what do you do? You just have to work your @%+ off.

But you don't. Because you're distracted. And part of that distraction is the mainstream hip-hop image.

It's not hip-hop's fault, but unfortunately hip-hop IS unwittingly part of the problem.
I did't say anything that rivals what Bun said. I'm in agreement with that so what's your point?
I did't say anything that rivals what Bun said. I'm in agreement with that so what's your point?
Originally Posted by Honest Abe Lives

If I were a betting man, I would not bet on the upliftment of the urban community. And when I say urban, I don't just mean black. I mean black, hispanic, south east asian, everyone in the struggle.

Why? Well the main reason is that many people cannot get beyond a victimized mindset. Is the world unfair? Yes. Are some born with much better odds than others? Yes. Those are the harsh realities of the situation.

But how do you react to that? Do you say - "well someone should fix this situation!" Sure, you could. But that's not productive. That doesn't do anything. Nobody will fix it. Because winners never care about the losers. Not in sports, not in entertainment, not in society, not in America. Even if they won by starting with an unfair advantage. They just don't because there is no real incentive to.

So once you understand that nobody is going to give you any REAL sustainable help, what do you do? You just have to work your @%+ off.

But you don't. Because you're distracted. And part of that distraction is the mainstream hip-hop image.

It's not hip-hop's fault, but unfortunately hip-hop IS unwittingly part of the problem.

This is exactly how I see it.
It's all a machine at the end of the day and geared to have everything exactly the way it is.
Originally Posted by Honest Abe Lives

If I were a betting man, I would not bet on the upliftment of the urban community. And when I say urban, I don't just mean black. I mean black, hispanic, south east asian, everyone in the struggle.

Why? Well the main reason is that many people cannot get beyond a victimized mindset. Is the world unfair? Yes. Are some born with much better odds than others? Yes. Those are the harsh realities of the situation.

But how do you react to that? Do you say - "well someone should fix this situation!" Sure, you could. But that's not productive. That doesn't do anything. Nobody will fix it. Because winners never care about the losers. Not in sports, not in entertainment, not in society, not in America. Even if they won by starting with an unfair advantage. They just don't because there is no real incentive to.

So once you understand that nobody is going to give you any REAL sustainable help, what do you do? You just have to work your @%+ off.

But you don't. Because you're distracted. And part of that distraction is the mainstream hip-hop image.

It's not hip-hop's fault, but unfortunately hip-hop IS unwittingly part of the problem.

This is exactly how I see it.
It's all a machine at the end of the day and geared to have everything exactly the way it is.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

I did't say anything that rivals what Bun said. I'm in agreement with that so what's your point?

Broken homes lead to culture's so-called widespread impact. "Negative" culture seems to disproportionately affect a certain segment of the population.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

I did't say anything that rivals what Bun said. I'm in agreement with that so what's your point?

Broken homes lead to culture's so-called widespread impact. "Negative" culture seems to disproportionately affect a certain segment of the population.
Damn, Lupe lookin like eazy-e with that hat and glasses 
Dmvbatman wrote:

as a teacher you say lupe was right, but another teacher in this thread said he was out of pocket.....
hmmmmmm.... interesting.

I've read every comment in this thread and the majority of you are saying the same thing.

school isn't giving us the information we need to live in this world, and rapper's aren't these kid's parent's.

other's think rappers DO hold some an extent I agree.....but like bun B said, let's just not put the blame solely on rappers.

but rapper's shouldn't switch the subject to movies and other forms of music all the damn time, if we all point fingers at another party, then we'll never get no where.....fix the problem with your genre then you can point finger's.

From my experience...all the state of California cares about are API's. The curriculum is based off what will get the kids through CSTs. No Child Left Behind ruined the already flawed system and principals only objective is getting higher scores...not grades...SCORES.
Does it not speak volumes that many kids can't pass the CAHSEE (california high school exit exam) but are socially promoted to the next grade?  There's something wrong with education when one of the key factors of your future is based on an EXAM?  To get into a university you need to take the SAT which to me is unnecessary because some of us genuinely do not test well. The books we are given to teach with are outdated by decades in some cases and do not provide todays youth with anything they can relate to. We need new literature for kids to read and debate about.  Some classics (poe, langston hues) speak to todays generations but to be honest some of the material in the curriculum is outright boring.

In the end, The education system is nothing more than a business. School districts get money from attendance and scores and only care about the $$$ and not the children in the seats. The majority of the budget is given to testing, not to the hiring of more teachers in an effort to build an efficient system where there aren't 40+ kids in one classroom so actual learning takes place.

I wont even go into the "seniority" and "bumping" that goes on within the district that further hurts the education of our kids.
Dmvbatman wrote:

as a teacher you say lupe was right, but another teacher in this thread said he was out of pocket.....
hmmmmmm.... interesting.

I've read every comment in this thread and the majority of you are saying the same thing.

school isn't giving us the information we need to live in this world, and rapper's aren't these kid's parent's.

other's think rappers DO hold some an extent I agree.....but like bun B said, let's just not put the blame solely on rappers.

but rapper's shouldn't switch the subject to movies and other forms of music all the damn time, if we all point fingers at another party, then we'll never get no where.....fix the problem with your genre then you can point finger's.

From my experience...all the state of California cares about are API's. The curriculum is based off what will get the kids through CSTs. No Child Left Behind ruined the already flawed system and principals only objective is getting higher scores...not grades...SCORES.
Does it not speak volumes that many kids can't pass the CAHSEE (california high school exit exam) but are socially promoted to the next grade?  There's something wrong with education when one of the key factors of your future is based on an EXAM?  To get into a university you need to take the SAT which to me is unnecessary because some of us genuinely do not test well. The books we are given to teach with are outdated by decades in some cases and do not provide todays youth with anything they can relate to. We need new literature for kids to read and debate about.  Some classics (poe, langston hues) speak to todays generations but to be honest some of the material in the curriculum is outright boring.

In the end, The education system is nothing more than a business. School districts get money from attendance and scores and only care about the $$$ and not the children in the seats. The majority of the budget is given to testing, not to the hiring of more teachers in an effort to build an efficient system where there aren't 40+ kids in one classroom so actual learning takes place.

I wont even go into the "seniority" and "bumping" that goes on within the district that further hurts the education of our kids.
Lupe is completely wrong about that school books being antiquated. Teaching kids how to grow plants won't teach them how to write up a contract or set up a business plan.Or teach them figures of speech and what not.Those antiquated history books are to inform folks of the past and of how conflicts can be settled.Its imo for prevention nobody wants another ww3 or vietnam.Most people learn their rights and what the amendments are through those antiquated text books.That knowledge of shapes angles and geometry get applied when people work even the most basic manual labor jobs. Lupe is the main person talking about be the next bill gates,maya angelou and what not but at the same time he is telling kids yall don't need that yall need to be able to farm and work basic jobs.Dude contradicted himself bad.
Lupe is completely wrong about that school books being antiquated. Teaching kids how to grow plants won't teach them how to write up a contract or set up a business plan.Or teach them figures of speech and what not.Those antiquated history books are to inform folks of the past and of how conflicts can be settled.Its imo for prevention nobody wants another ww3 or vietnam.Most people learn their rights and what the amendments are through those antiquated text books.That knowledge of shapes angles and geometry get applied when people work even the most basic manual labor jobs. Lupe is the main person talking about be the next bill gates,maya angelou and what not but at the same time he is telling kids yall don't need that yall need to be able to farm and work basic jobs.Dude contradicted himself bad.
at dude on page 1 saying that kids need someone to look up to, then suggesting becoming a pawn for the government or a pig. Nice "advice".
at dude on page 1 saying that kids need someone to look up to, then suggesting becoming a pawn for the government or a pig. Nice "advice".
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Inadequate parenting is the single most destructive thing our youth are faced with today. Nothing else even compares in terms of effect.
thats it.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Inadequate parenting is the single most destructive thing our youth are faced with today. Nothing else even compares in terms of effect.
thats it.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Lupe is completely wrong about that school books being antiquated. Teaching kids how to grow plants won't teach them how to write up a contract or set up a business plan.Or teach them figures of speech and what not.Those antiquated history books are to inform folks of the past and of how conflicts can be settled.Its imo for prevention nobody wants another ww3 or vietnam.Most people learn their rights and what the amendments are through those antiquated text books.That knowledge of shapes angles and geometry get applied when people work even the most basic manual labor jobs. Lupe is the main person talking about be the next bill gates,maya angelou and what not but at the same time he is telling kids yall don't need that yall need to be able to farm and work basic jobs.Dude contradicted himself bad.
I disagree. I think giving the children something feasible to work with plus allowing them to see the fruits of their labors will do a lot to change their attitudes toward learning. Taking care of a plant draws many parallels to contractual relationships and could be used to integrate business lessons and economics as well. School in the us today is b/s. This is coming from someone who has worked in the school districts from admin side, think tanks, to standardized test training. A lot of that stuff taught in school like geometry/ trig/ calculus/ history, means nothing at all if children have no means of applying that knowledge. Hell, you could combine all those subjects  just by studying agriculture. 
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Lupe is completely wrong about that school books being antiquated. Teaching kids how to grow plants won't teach them how to write up a contract or set up a business plan.Or teach them figures of speech and what not.Those antiquated history books are to inform folks of the past and of how conflicts can be settled.Its imo for prevention nobody wants another ww3 or vietnam.Most people learn their rights and what the amendments are through those antiquated text books.That knowledge of shapes angles and geometry get applied when people work even the most basic manual labor jobs. Lupe is the main person talking about be the next bill gates,maya angelou and what not but at the same time he is telling kids yall don't need that yall need to be able to farm and work basic jobs.Dude contradicted himself bad.
I disagree. I think giving the children something feasible to work with plus allowing them to see the fruits of their labors will do a lot to change their attitudes toward learning. Taking care of a plant draws many parallels to contractual relationships and could be used to integrate business lessons and economics as well. School in the us today is b/s. This is coming from someone who has worked in the school districts from admin side, think tanks, to standardized test training. A lot of that stuff taught in school like geometry/ trig/ calculus/ history, means nothing at all if children have no means of applying that knowledge. Hell, you could combine all those subjects  just by studying agriculture. 
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Lupe is completely wrong about that school books being antiquated. Teaching kids how to grow plants won't teach them how to write up a contract or set up a business plan.Or teach them figures of speech and what not.Those antiquated history books are to inform folks of the past and of how conflicts can be settled.Its imo for prevention nobody wants another ww3 or vietnam.Most people learn their rights and what the amendments are through those antiquated text books.That knowledge of shapes angles and geometry get applied when people work even the most basic manual labor jobs. Lupe is the main person talking about be the next bill gates,maya angelou and what not but at the same time he is telling kids yall don't need that yall need to be able to farm and work basic jobs.Dude contradicted himself bad.
I guess he went over your head. Yes, the books are antiquated...Some books dont have information about Ceasar Chavez. What about recent history?  Why must we keep throwing World War I, American Revolution and Boston Tea Party at our kids when we can just as easily inform them about the history they were or will be a part the Iraqi wars, Libya, the economic depression we are in now.  
He said teach kids to grow plants because what are we really teaching them in science classes?  Dissecting a frog? Really?  Teach them a skill. Horticulture is a great replacement because theres actual hands on learning and knowledge that can be taken home to do in front of your parents.

We cut music and art classes whenever there's a budget crisis and IMHO those are the 2 most important subjects for the youth...I feel algebra and geometry should only be scheduled to children who want those classes.  How many of you use algebra or geometry to do the job duties at your place of employment?  As a teacher...all my math is done by the grade book program provided to me by the school...kinda of contradictory, right?
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Lupe is completely wrong about that school books being antiquated. Teaching kids how to grow plants won't teach them how to write up a contract or set up a business plan.Or teach them figures of speech and what not.Those antiquated history books are to inform folks of the past and of how conflicts can be settled.Its imo for prevention nobody wants another ww3 or vietnam.Most people learn their rights and what the amendments are through those antiquated text books.That knowledge of shapes angles and geometry get applied when people work even the most basic manual labor jobs. Lupe is the main person talking about be the next bill gates,maya angelou and what not but at the same time he is telling kids yall don't need that yall need to be able to farm and work basic jobs.Dude contradicted himself bad.
I guess he went over your head. Yes, the books are antiquated...Some books dont have information about Ceasar Chavez. What about recent history?  Why must we keep throwing World War I, American Revolution and Boston Tea Party at our kids when we can just as easily inform them about the history they were or will be a part the Iraqi wars, Libya, the economic depression we are in now.  
He said teach kids to grow plants because what are we really teaching them in science classes?  Dissecting a frog? Really?  Teach them a skill. Horticulture is a great replacement because theres actual hands on learning and knowledge that can be taken home to do in front of your parents.

We cut music and art classes whenever there's a budget crisis and IMHO those are the 2 most important subjects for the youth...I feel algebra and geometry should only be scheduled to children who want those classes.  How many of you use algebra or geometry to do the job duties at your place of employment?  As a teacher...all my math is done by the grade book program provided to me by the school...kinda of contradictory, right?
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