Is it possible to live on 44k a year in LA? (The LA THREAD!...City Living, Girls and Social Scene).

But seriously, LA summit?

I say we hit up a few bars in Culver City. Some of y'all will need to pack sandwiches for about a week or two before we can make this happen, but I'm with it.

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But seriously, LA summit?

I say we hit up a few bars in Culver City. Some of y'all will need to pack sandwiches for about a week or two before we can make this happen, but I'm with it.


Top Ramen Diets
>D .

$2800 take home.
-$1000 rent (he doesn't want to go past this) that includes utilities in most place except for electricity.
-50 for power
-400 for groceries and essentials. A man doesn't need more than shaving cream, tooth paste and toilet paper.
-He has an altima. $40 bucks to fill up..depending on this commute $100 a month, but I'll give you $200.

He has $1200 of disposable income! If you can't go out and live then YOU'RE the problem, not the income.

No internet, cable tv, no car insurance, no cell phone, and he brown bags a lunch everyday and doesn't go out for any real activities other than happy hours. What kind of life is that?

Also think you are a little high on the take home pay, after health benefits and taxes, I doubt a single guy is pulling in 76% of his gross pay. 76.3% of $3,666 = $2800.
But seriously, LA summit?

I say we hit up a few bars in Culver City. Some of y'all will need to pack sandwiches for about a week or two before we can make this happen, but I'm with it.


Rush St?

Bigfoot lodge? :lol:

But seriously I'm out in SM pretty much every weekend. I'm down
We already figured out they wont have 1400 to spend regardless.

2500 after tax

rent - 1k
Insurance- 150-200
util/cell- 150
Food- 500

thats almost 2k
Food is $500 for one person? damn I wonder how much y'all pay for food when you have kids

$2800 take home.

-$1000 rent (he doesn't want to go past this) that includes utilities in most place except for electricity.

-50 for power

-400 for groceries and essentials. A man doesn't need more than shaving cream, tooth paste and toilet paper.

-He has an altima. $40 bucks to fill up..depending on this commute $100 a month, but I'll give you $200.

He has $1200 of disposable income! If you can't go out and live then YOU'RE the problem, not the income.

Again, somethings wrong with YOU. Does he need a 50"? Let's say he does...he can buy a cheap one, on sale for $500. He still has $700 of free income to do as he pleases. So he eats out everyday that frees up $400 in groceries and if he does eat out everyday thats $600 a month...he's still up $500 and he's "living" by your standards.

Quit trying to live a champagne life on a beer budget and you will "LIVE" comfortably.
This man KNOWS. I'll say it again. I take home 3000 a month. I go out about 3 times a week. These are my bills:

mortgage, HOA, prop taxes: 1270

internet, cell, cable: 150

elec, gas: 75

car note, insurance, gas: 600

food: 300

Total cost of living is about 2400. That leaves me 600 to entertain myself, or put into savings, or buy clothes, or whatever. I also have a side hustle that makes it way more comfortable but i excluded that income for the sake or arguement. Also, he'll save almost 300 alone in rent compared to what I pay, but he makes 500 less than I do a month...but he doesn't have a car note so that more than evens out since car notes are typically more than 200 dollars. So he'll have about 600-700 a month left over after his list of costs that include food and gas. Sure he'll by TP and toothpaste and what not. But what I've learned living by myself in a single person household...those costs are VERY low. Do you know how long it takes to use a roll of paper towels when you're the only one using it? Seriously...about a month. Household items like detergent and TP are almost ZERO when you're the only one using it. Say what you want about waiting tables, but I only work 25 hours a week and I'm really enjoying my quality of life. 
Exactly. You can tell which NTers still live at home or get help if they're living alone.

Your mindset changes when you pay for everything yourself.

If you can't survive on $1400 after bills something is wrong with YOU

Just... Stop famb...

Go ahead op. I pray that you are the first person in the history of money where your budget goes exactly according to plan.

Nothing will come up. Not one thing.

You'll be good. Trust me.

I'm.a doctor.
Since we gotta pack lunches...What if I want the summit to be at Mortons for $200 steak and lobster? How you can clown someone for not spending money and relate that to them not living is hilarious.

The logic to put groceries down on a budget then throw jabs at people using said groceries for their purpose is beyond my capabilities of thought.

Just... Stop famb...

Go ahead op. I pray that you are the first person in the history of money where your budget goes exactly according to plan.

Nothing will come up. Not one thing.

You'll be good. Trust me.

I'm.a doctor.
Next time read before you speak. Most of us are saying $1400 after bills is enough to live in L.A. Anything can come up with any income so your point is moot.

If OP cannot manage to survive in L.A. on $1400 disposable income then HE is the problem, not the job.
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Why should he stop? Let's say something does come up and he doesn't have any savings which he should and could have anyway. But let's say the ****** blows on his altima and he needs 1500 to fix it. Can't he pay like 500 cash, put 1000 on an emergency credit card, and pay it off over a few months? What could come up that a man with his income can't comfortably handle? How am I doing it for 3 years now with no issues? You're making it more of an issue than it really is. One of my best friend's is a female that takes home the same amount I do a month and she's doing GREAT. She has a 1 bedroom apt for 1100, a 300 dollar car note. And she has all the normal bills everyone else has. She lives mad comfortably also. She goes on vacations on the regular. Her electricity bill is higher than mine because she runs the AC all the like 65 degrees. She's crazy like that. It's not that hard to rap your brain around. When you have 800-1000 dollars left over AFTER bills and food and gas have plenty of money to "treat yourself", or save money, or do some of both.
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Why should he stop? Let's say something does come up and he doesn't have any savings which he should and could have anyway. But let's say the ****** blows on his altima and he needs 1500 to fix it. Can't he pay like 500 cash, put 1000 on an emergency credit card, and pay it off over a few months? What could come up that a man with his income can't comfortably handle? How am I doing it for 3 years now with no issues? You're making it more of an issue than it really is. One of my best friend's is a female that takes home the same amount I do a month and she's doing GREAT. She has a 1 bedroom apt for 1100, a 300 dollar car note. And she has all the normal bills everyone else has. She lives mad comfortably also. She goes on vacations on the regular. Her electricity bill is higher than mine because she runs the AC all the like 65 degrees. She's crazy like that. It's not that hard to rap your brain around. When you have 800-1000 dollars left over AFTER bills and food and gas have plenty of money to "treat yourself", or save money, or do some of both.
Honestly, I didn't know LA was that inexpensive to live in from these responses.($1100-1300/mo for 1 bedroom apartments) The pay is a lot higher out there compared to most big cities too right?

Also sounds like food isn't expensive either out there if some of ya'll are living off of $300-500 a month.
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Honestly, I didn't know LA was that inexpensive to live in from these responses.($1100-1300/mo for 1 bedroom apartments) The pay is a lot higher out there compared to most big cities too right?

Also sounds like food isn't expensive either out there if some of ya'll are living off of $300-500 a month.
L.A. is huge. Certain spots are more pricey than the next.

I have a gourmet "tapas" type spot near my house. Cheap food and alcohol. a local USC breakfast spot that gets you a big breakfast for $10. 

L.A. is filled with a bunch of insecure people who go spend $20 on eggs just to have a picture on IG. 

For instance..Umami burger is bomb, but it's $20 for a burger and fries. You can go to IN-n-out for $8...still bomb.
I don't see how you couldn't live off that unless you're trying to buy a house. Just get a studio and don't buy ****** drinks. Simple as that.
dude just get a roommate and that will save you on monthly costs.
If i was making 44K right out of college i would either

a) go back to school
b) find a roommate to save $$
c) go back with the fam. save even more money in order to have property rather then renting.

When i got out of college the first time i was making more than 44k and did b. was living comfortably.
L.A. is huge. Certain spots are more pricey than the next.

I have a gourmet "tapas" type spot near my house. Cheap food and alcohol. a local USC breakfast spot that gets you a big breakfast for $10. 

L.A. is filled with a bunch of insecure people who go spend $20 on eggs just to have a picture on IG. 

For instance..Umami burger is bomb, but it's $20 for a burger and fries. You can go to IN-n-out for $8...still bomb.
Not to derail but Umami IS bomb. But it's expensive....a nice treat now and then. And in n out is not "still bomb"....its FREAKIN AMAZING. There are intangible qualities to in n out that make it much better than face value. More than meets the eye. I can't explain it but i've had in n out a million times and i still cry every time i have it. Good tears famb.
L.A. is huge. Certain spots are more pricey than the next.

I have a gourmet "tapas" type spot near my house. Cheap food and alcohol. a local USC breakfast spot that gets you a big breakfast for $10. 

L.A. is filled with a bunch of insecure people who go spend $20 on eggs just to have a picture on IG. 

For instance..Umami burger is bomb, but it's $20 for a burger and fries. You can go to IN-n-out for $8...still bomb.
Not to derail but Umami IS bomb. But it's expensive....a nice treat now and then. And in n out is not "still bomb"....its FREAKIN AMAZING. There are intangible qualities to in n out that make it much better than face value. More than meets the eye. I can't explain it but i've had in n out a million times and i still cry every time i have it. Good tears famb.

Only thing Umami has on in n out is the bun. Even then, in n outs "freshness" of ingredients put them over in terms of taste. And for the price? Pshhhhhhhh it's not even a contest where you should go.
Not to derail but Umami IS bomb. But it's expensive....a nice treat now and then. And in n out is not "still bomb"....its FREAKIN AMAZING. There are intangible qualities to in n out that make it much better than face value. More than meets the eye. I can't explain it but i've had in n out a million times and i still cry every time i have it. Good tears famb.
I get a boner whenever I drive down Venice in Culver City and get that wiff.
Since we gotta pack lunches...What if I want the summit to be at Mortons for $200 steak and lobster? How you can clown someone for not spending money and relate that to them not living is hilarious.

The logic to put groceries down on a budget then throw jabs at people using said groceries for their purpose is beyond my capabilities of thought.


Just... Stop famb...

Go ahead op. I pray that you are the first person in the history of money where your budget goes exactly according to plan.

Nothing will come up. Not one thing.

You'll be good. Trust me.

I'm.a doctor.

Next time read before you speak. Most of us are saying $1400 after bills is enough to live in L.A. Anything can come up with any income so your point is moot.

If OP cannot manage to survive in L.A. on $1400 disposable income then HE is the problem, not the job.

Ehhh, I'd rather spend that at Mastro's. Better quality steak and a lot better atmosphere. Morton's quality has also seem to gone downhill. Last time I went, my steak was "meh" and my friend's lobster bisque was room temp :x.
Ehhh, I'd rather spend that at Mastro's. Better quality steak and a lot better atmosphere. Morton's quality has also seem to gone downhill. Last time I went, my steak was "meh" and my friend's lobster bisque was room temp
Meh, totally overrated.

Mortons>BOA>Ruth Chris>Sizzler>Mastros.
Fresh out of college and still on the college mind set. You all have good points but here is what i am planning to do

44ka year is about $3,400 a month

$1000 for rent ( a cheap but safe area in LA or LA county ) THIS CAN BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IF I FIND A GOOD PLACE

$100 Gas/water etc

$ 80 Internet ( no cable its called NETFLIX PEOPLE! )

$ 80-100 ( i workout a lot and i prepare my food ahead mostly every Sunday for the week.) I don't eat junk food and eat clean so that saves A LOT OF MONEY!. When i do eat out its sushi, Korean BBQ or some kind of ASIAN FOOD and maybe in N Out.)  I am pretty much consistent been doing since college. Might be boring to so people but i like it.

$40 on Alcohol A HANDLE will do. I do drink a Lot.

$150 for car insurance No car note! Car is paid off

$100 for gas a month. My car is good on gas.

I have $1,930 of the month! I'm i missing anything?


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Pretty solid but you'll probably spend more on food and alcohol (going out). Don't forget cabs. If you're gonna be pregaming then you won't be driving. I use lyft/uber/side car which are cheaper than taxis but still add up

Hit up Costco and you can get 1.75L of stuff like Ketel and Maker's for under 40. Don't need a card if you're only buying liquor.
Pretty solid but you'll probably spend more on food and alcohol (going out). Don't forget cabs. If you're gonna be pregaming then you won't be driving. I use lyft/uber/side car which are cheaper than taxis but still add up

Hit up Costco and you can get 1.75L of stuff like Ketel and Maker's for under 40. Don't need a card if you're only buying liquor.
How much would a car ride from the west side (Venice/SM) to east side (Pasadena) cost?
Pretty solid but you'll probably spend more on food and alcohol (going out). Don't forget cabs. If you're gonna be pregaming then you won't be driving. I use lyft/uber/side car which are cheaper than taxis but still add up

Hit up Costco and you can get 1.75L of stuff like Ketel and Maker's for under 40. Don't need a card if you're only buying liquor.
That is  where i go.

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