Is it possible to live on 44k a year in LA? (The LA THREAD!...City Living, Girls and Social Scene).

also... 150 a month for gas? i only drive 24 miles (round trip) to work and i spend 45/week bro.. IN A 4 CYLINDER

i dont think hell be struggling... just cant do anything fancy =\

44k after taxes is like 40

try to find a place with utilities included
lol @ only 10% taxes taken out...
also... 150 a month for gas? i only drive 24 miles (round trip) to work and i spend 45/week bro.. IN A 4 CYLINDER

i dont think hell be struggling... just cant do anything fancy =\

44k after taxes is like 40

try to find a place with utilities included

I drive 30 mi round trip and I fill up once every two weeks which is a little less than 150 a month

Every 2 weeks is about 300 miles for work plus 150 for recreational driving. That's 1 tank in my 4 cylinder
Well I pay $140 a month in glas no including random refills, which happens very rarely. For an 8 cylinder, my truck gets great range on a tank.
With that amount of income in LA? You'll be living in a place like this...

nice fixer upper
we agree to disagree then famb...

i make more... and i live in a cheaper place...

and i'm comfortable... maybe i'm just overestimating the costs of everyday activities in cali...

45k w/ a 1k apartment would be tough FOR ME... possible because i try to stick to saving 20-25%of my check aftax...
Your last sentence is THE MAIN POINT. I only save 200 dollars a month. But after a few years it's adding up. Maybe dude isn't trying to sock away 600-700 every month, which would be 25% of his net income. Cut that number down to 200-300 and he has a 400-500 more to spend on bills and other necessities. My point is I pay 1275 a month, plus utilities more expensive than his 1 bedroom apt, and I have enough money to go out often, buy 200 dollar sneakers about every 1.5 months, and not be worried about making bills on time. AND I'm still saving some every month. I think people piss money away in other ways that they aren't realizing. Smoking cigarettes is VERY expensive if you're a pack a day. Clothing....I buy a lot of clothes...but my shirts aren't 80 dollars each either. I wear and buy 514 Levi's most of the time. And some of you are buying sneakers once a week or every other week. IDK man...I've been doing this for 3 years at this level and I'm doin fine....waiting tables.
Only having $200 left over after everything is cutting it close. My car insurance deductible is $500 alone :rolleyes Gotta have a little cash left over just incase something pops up.
Create a mock budget.
All this 'what-if' scenarios don't mean nothin if you don't apply it to yourself.

Get that Excel spreadsheet goin.
Yes. Rent in Long Beach is dumb cheap. You can buy a house on 44k. Budget yourself into a good life and you will be fine.
It'll be crazy tight budget wise. Good Luck.

Very doable, however, you'll be on a tight budget once all your expenses are factored in.

Try to pick up side hustles if possible.

Also a roommate can help your situation. Get a nice two bedroom for $1200-1400. Just my opinion.
It'll be crazy tight budget wise. Good Luck.

Very doable, however, you'll be on a tight budget once all your expenses are factored in.

Try to pick up side hustles if possible.

Also a roommate can help your situation. Get a nice two bedroom for $1200-1400. opinion.

That's what I'm doing. My share is 1175. Love the area and like my complex
Roommate wouldn't be a bad option at that salary OP. Son might know where to pickup dem biddies in the area too
I'm telling you you're over thinking it. 45K IS enough. How am I doing it with 3000 dollars take home pay no problem? I get that its 500 more dollars a month than he is taking home, but I also spend 200 more in monthly payment. Plus being a homeowner, my utilities are higher. Heating and airconditioning are more expensive in a 2 story townhouse vs my little 1 bedroom apt. My utilities are NOT included. I buy shoes and clothes all the time and go out about 3 or 4 nights a week. I'm still saving money. Im telling you Fontaine you're doing it wrong. 
my max in 1100 a month on roommates
That's what I'm thinking. I only say that because I'm in a similar boat. I take home 3000 instead of 2500 (yeah that's closer to what his take home pay is). I save only about 200 a month but I'm kind of spendy (shoes, clothes, going out). I could easily save another 100-200 more a month by going out less, or spending less on clothes and shoes. I started out way conservative thinking I was gonna be drowning due to the research I did on the web in relations to how much I make versus living expenses. 

In practice, the money ended up going a lot further than i expected. He'll be fine....with plenty of money to splurge on yambs and shopping, all while saving a little every month. 1100 a month in rent is not a lot at all. The other 1400 will cover a car note and insureance, and bills with no issue whatsoever. 

One valuable piece of advice. GET RENTERS INSURANCE. I never used mine when I lived in an apt, but the piece of mind was worth it. It's literally like 15 or 20 buck a month. If you use AAA or any reputable insureance co, you can usually end up getting it for free. This is due to multiple policy discount. When I got car insurance, renters insurance was like 200 more dollars. But I got more than 200 dollars back for having multiple policy discount. They basically paid me to have renters insurance. So if you get robbed, you'll be covered, minus a small deductable.
so i should get rental insurance? could you explain how it works more. INBOX ME FAM
Don't know what kind of budgeting ya'll are doing but this is a realistic budget:

Rent $1100
Car Ins $150
Gas $150
Food + going out money $450
Heat $100
Electric $50
Water $20
Internet + TV $100
Cell Phone $50

I'm almost at $2200 when I sum it up so dude's going to be struggling a bit. That's with no car note, no car maintenance expenses, no toilet paper, deodorant, toothpaste etc.

On a salary of $44K or $2400/month after tax, he's gonna be at near break-even after incidentals like parking tickets, car maintenance, etc. That's no vacations too.
my car is good on gas. And parents helping me out with phone bill
so i should get rental insurance? could you explain how it works more. INBOX ME FAM
YES GET RENTAL INSURANCE IT'S DUMB CHEAP. Even if you have to purchase it from a seperate company than your car insurance it's only like 200 a year....maybe less. It covers everything in your apartment. They'll want you to document your belongings with a camera. Even if you leave your door unlocked you're still covered. My rental insurance was free because the discount I got from having multiple policies was more than the cost of rental insurance. Crazy concept...but it's true. I'm with AAA insurance co. 

I don't live in an apt and havent rented in 3 years so I dont remember the specifics but yeah GET RENTERS INSURANCE.
I'm telling you you're over thinking it. 45K IS enough. How am I doing it with 3000 dollars take home pay no problem? I get that its 500 more dollars a month than he is taking home, but I also spend 200 more in monthly payment. Plus being a homeowner, my utilities are higher. Heating and airconditioning are more expensive in a 2 story townhouse vs my little 1 bedroom apt. My utilities are NOT included. I buy shoes and clothes all the time and go out about 3 or 4 nights a week. I'm still saving money. Im telling you Fontaine you're doing it wrong. 

I got paisas next door who own a house and only income is SSI check from their disabled child and recycling. 

OP, Long beach has really inexpensive rent, it has a metro line if you dont want to commute with a vehicle. You have the pike and pine st to function and eat at. 45k is more than enough to live comfortably. Just live within your means. Don't go buy a BMW and take models out. Drive a bucket and date ratchets with degrees.

I got paisas next door who own a house and only income is SSI check from their disabled child and recycling. 

OP, Long beach has really inexpensive rent, it has a metro line if you dont want to commute with a vehicle. You have the pike and pine st to function and eat at. 45k is more than enough to live comfortably. Just live within your means. Don't go buy a BMW and take models out. Drive a bucket and date ratchets with degrees.
I was actually looking in that area too. Close enough to the bar scene
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