Is it rude to not offer up your food??

depends. asians all have that one greedy friend. if he's around, we all order same exact thing he does.
Originally Posted by Wilroc

I only offer up finger foods or snacks. Nachos, chips, stuff like that I'll just ask if anybody want's.

If dudes think I'm bout to be like "Yo, try some of this steak" or something like that then hell nah 

Only snacks and stuff.

Exactly. And for the people who're talking about it's selfish. How? If I have food. And YOU have food. No one has an empty plate.

If you didn't want what you ordered, next time order something else. I don't want your food, why are you taking from mine?

If I have a bag of chips or like a box of potato wedges and I just come through with snacks without saying anything, I'll always offer some. C'mon. I usually don't even get to eat much of it after everybody's taken some. I'll buy a pack of gum and get like 2 pieces before it's gone.
If im drunk and I order food I share with anyone im cool with cause I order more than I need and I barely care about food when saucey. But if im just out eating I easily share with people that deserve it (parents, people that always share their food with me, people that look out for me). And I generally ask them if they want some or a bite.

I think its rude and feminine for the friend to keep subliminally ask if they can have some by constantly commenting on ur food. If u want some u strsight up ask once and that's it. And I have no remorse for anyone who loses their hand because they just took food off ur plate in front if u without even asking.....
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

In my house, if you don't know how to share. You get the #$%# out! Simple as that.

You come home with food, you better have enough for EVERYBODY! If not, then your food becomes the families food, and you sit there and watch.

We don't play that selfish, greedy !@**.
That's stupid
 Get your lazy ++% up and go get your own food. 
I don't share unless I ordered appetizers. But my meal? Hell naw. Also, if they eat as much of my appetizers as I do, then they have to pay half.
Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

In my house, if you don't know how to share. You get the #$%# out! Simple as that.

You come home with food, you better have enough for EVERYBODY! If not, then your food becomes the families food, and you sit there and watch.

We don't play that selfish, greedy !@**.
That's stupid
 Get your lazy ++% up and go get your own food. 
I don't share unless I ordered appetizers. But my meal? Hell naw. Also, if they eat as much of my appetizers as I do, then they have to pay half.

na he shouldn't have to buy for everybody. But if you're fountain to the store to get dood before u come to my house u should ask if I (the host) want anything. U don't have to pay for it, I'll pay u back when u get to my crib
Originally Posted by AceMaster193

I'd rather buy someone food than share mine, I always tell my people that.

what really makes me mad is when I offer to buy their meal.. they said no..they are not hungry..

 i bought my meal.. 5 minutes later.. they ask to have some of my meal..

to me it all depends on what your eating, the portion size of what your eating, and where your at.

if your eating something like a steak or a burger then that's all yours,  if your eating a bag of dorritos or some fries or something i think it's common courtesy to offer whoever your with some.

if i buy a 30 pack of beer and the people around me aren't drinking, im offering them a beer or 2,  as i would hope they would do the same for me if the roles were reversed.

It's disgusting to me. To share any type of food with someone else ir sickening.

I don't want nobodies mouth fluids on my damn food. It's cringe worthy.

Whenver someone asks for a bite or something like that, just hit them with the NOPE.wav

It doesn't matter if it's selfish, on this isntance, if I know you aren't starving then you ain't getting nothing.

Hell, if you're seriously in need of food, I'll buy you a damn meal, I ain't sharing none tho.

!!*% now I'm pissed.
If it isn't some fries, wings or something that looks like more than I can handle, I'm not sharing. The most my friends will ask me is for a sample to see if it's worth ordering.
Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

In my house, if you don't know how to share. You get the #$%# out! Simple as that.

You come home with food, you better have enough for EVERYBODY! If not, then your food becomes the families food, and you sit there and watch.

We don't play that selfish, greedy !@**.
That's stupid
 Get your lazy ++% up and go get your own food. 
I don't share unless I ordered appetizers. But my meal? Hell naw. Also, if they eat as much of my appetizers as I do, then they have to pay half.

Yeah right son. You come to my house and bring food to my table and eat while others are not, don't fly with me or my culture/family.

Lazy? Yeah *%@$ that! If you're broke *!# can't afford food for everyone, then eat outside on the sidewalk!
Don't bring that selfish %!%% to my table!

And if you're inconsiderate enough not even think about sharing with others. Again, stay the *%@$ out my house, go knock on the neighbors door and ask if it's cool to eat your only food that you bought.

Like I said, me and my family don't play that stingy %!%%. Because the same selfish people that are to greedy to even share, are the same ones that come to reunions/potlucks only for the food.
at my work while on break, this girl will like bite a sandiwch and ask everyone if they want a bite.. shell eat spaghetti and offer a taste to you.. i dont want that *$+#, but i dont want to feel obligated to offer her my food becuase she is open to eat even scraps?
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

In my house, if you don't know how to share. You get the #$%# out! Simple as that.

You come home with food, you better have enough for EVERYBODY! If not, then your food becomes the families food, and you sit there and watch.

We don't play that selfish, greedy !@**.
That's stupid
 Get your lazy ++% up and go get your own food. 
I don't share unless I ordered appetizers. But my meal? Hell naw. Also, if they eat as much of my appetizers as I do, then they have to pay half.

Yeah right son. You come to my house and bring food to my table and eat while others are not, don't fly with me or my culture/family.

Lazy? Yeah *%@$ that! If you're broke *!# can't afford food for everyone, then eat outside on the sidewalk!
Don't bring that selfish %!%% to my table!

And if you're inconsiderate enough not even think about sharing with others. Again, stay the *%@$ out my house, go knock on the neighbors door and ask if it's cool to eat your only food that you bought.

Like I said, me and my family don't play that stingy %!%%. Because the same selfish people that are to greedy to even share, are the same ones that come to reunions/potlucks only for the food.
Culture? Get that $%@%+$$+ out of here. I don't feel like just because someone comes to my house to chill for a lil and decides to stop and get them some food on the way that they have to bring me something. I'll go and get my own damn food. I'm not the mooching type so I would most likely refuse if someone ask me if I wanted something. 
I also fail to see how that makes someone cheap if they are coming to your house to chill for a min. and they don't bring your whole family some food. So you saying if I stop at subway then I have to buy a sandwich for everyone? Hell naw. 
i used to be like that but then i went to college and noticed how much my friends offer me stuff so i started doing it. Plus if someone gets some of your food it wont be that much
Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

That's stupid
 Get your lazy ++% up and go get your own food. 
I don't share unless I ordered appetizers. But my meal? Hell naw. Also, if they eat as much of my appetizers as I do, then they have to pay half.

Yeah right son. You come to my house and bring food to my table and eat while others are not, don't fly with me or my culture/family.

Lazy? Yeah *%@$ that! If you're broke *!# can't afford food for everyone, then eat outside on the sidewalk!
Don't bring that selfish %!%% to my table!

And if you're inconsiderate enough not even think about sharing with others. Again, stay the *%@$ out my house, go knock on the neighbors door and ask if it's cool to eat your only food that you bought.

Like I said, me and my family don't play that stingy %!%%. Because the same selfish people that are to greedy to even share, are the same ones that come to reunions/potlucks only for the food.
Culture? Get that $%@%+$$+ out of here. I don't feel like just because someone comes to my house to chill for a lil and decides to stop and get them some food on the way that they have to bring me something. I'll go and get my own damn food. I'm not the mooching type so I would most likely refuse if someone ask me if I wanted something. 
I also fail to see how that makes someone cheap if they are coming to your house to chill for a min. and they don't bring your whole family some food. So you saying if I stop at subway then I have to buy a sandwich for everyone? Hell naw. 

Oh word? You feel like ordering food and coming to MY place and eat it? Nahh, like I said, sit your $+# in your car or stay your $+# in that restaurant if you want to enjoy your food.

Don't try ordering a course meal, sit on my chair and eat while not offering. Nope! Ain't gonna happen.

And yes culture, and like I included in my original post /family .... in my family, you don't pull that !$%*. And if you do, expect to eat outside.

And you fail to see how that makes you cheap? Well then, I fail to realize how that makes me lazy.
Like word? I'm suppose to know you went to Burger King and copped something to eat? Nawww... how about letting your family know you went out, and ask if they want anything.

To much to work for you? Alright cool. Stay your $+# at Burger King. We would never even know you ate.
Simple as that.
At a restaurant they will receive nothing. What are they doing looking poor like that. Show some class. Otherwise I'll offer my food if I feel like it and when they don't oogle me with that desperate look to be fed.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by ikari XD

Y'all are really that uptight with food? I always offer up anything I order to the rest of the table if I'm with friends/fam. Especially if its really good. 

some of yall must have had to fight hard for food growing up
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by letsgetit22

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Yeah right son. You come to my house and bring food to my table and eat while others are not, don't fly with me or my culture/family.

Lazy? Yeah *%@$ that! If you're broke *!# can't afford food for everyone, then eat outside on the sidewalk!
Don't bring that selfish %!%% to my table!

And if you're inconsiderate enough not even think about sharing with others. Again, stay the *%@$ out my house, go knock on the neighbors door and ask if it's cool to eat your only food that you bought.

Like I said, me and my family don't play that stingy %!%%. Because the same selfish people that are to greedy to even share, are the same ones that come to reunions/potlucks only for the food.
Culture? Get that $%@%+$$+ out of here. I don't feel like just because someone comes to my house to chill for a lil and decides to stop and get them some food on the way that they have to bring me something. I'll go and get my own damn food. I'm not the mooching type so I would most likely refuse if someone ask me if I wanted something. 
I also fail to see how that makes someone cheap if they are coming to your house to chill for a min. and they don't bring your whole family some food. So you saying if I stop at subway then I have to buy a sandwich for everyone? Hell naw. 

Oh word? You feel like ordering food and coming to MY place and eat it? Nahh, like I said, sit your $+# in your car or stay your $+# in that restaurant if you want to enjoy your food.

Don't try ordering a course meal, sit on my chair and eat while not offering. Nope! Ain't gonna happen.

And yes culture, and like I included in my original post /family .... in my family, you don't pull that !$%*. And if you do, expect to eat outside.

And you fail to see how that makes you cheap? Well then, I fail to realize how that makes me lazy.
Like word? I'm suppose to know you went to Burger King and copped something to eat? Nawww... how about letting your family know you went out, and ask if they want anything.

To much to work for you? Alright cool. Stay your $+# at Burger King. We would never even know you ate.
Simple as that.

Why you so mad tho? I agree that it is rude not to atleast offer food to someone, but come on, aint no way I'm feeding your whole fam, and I dont expect you to do that if you pay my house a visit. If your eating something and you offer some, cool, but I'm not gonna kick someone out of my house if they dont buy everyone food. You demanding that your guests feed your fam is even more greedy than a person not offering their food imo.
yeah you were being rude. stop being mean and share your food.
i don't like eating in front of people that aren't.
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