Is it safe to say Breaking Bad > The Wire?

Call me crazy, on first watch I HATED the second season of the wire but on rewatch it became my favorite, the story of frank sobatka is a masterpiece.

Exactly how I feel. Writing is top notch. Season 2 and 4 writing >
Call me crazy, on first watch I HATED the second season of the wire but on rewatch it became my favorite, the story of frank sobatka is a masterpiece.

I need to rewatch BB again but I'd put the wire above it. Need to rewatch OZ & the shield too.

My brother was much older than me and liked Oz so I tried watching it as a kid but I’m retrospect literally had no idea what was going on. I rewatched as an adult in 2015 and the show is flames and grimey as hell :lol:
Son you clueless :lol:

Everything I stated was a fact. What's the biggest Role Wood Harris had outside of Motaw in above the rim do ya homework before you make a attempt to come @ me that way you can state facts and not take a easy cop out with clueless and a giggling yellow guy.
Everything I stated was a fact. What's the biggest Role Wood Harris had outside of Motaw in above the rim do ya homework before you make a attempt to come @ me that way you can state facts and not take a easy cop out with clueless and a giggling yellow guy.

You keep going off topic. :lol:

The cast of the wire are far better than the cast on Entourage. You tryna discredit makes zero sense. :lol:
Now we're moving the goalposts and talking about ratings? Yikes.

Vanilla Ice sold more records than Rakim. He must be a better rapper. See how this works.

One show is about the inner city with a majority black cast. Why do you think it didn't get a fair shake? Time to wake up.

How are numbers moving the goal post also Entourage had lots of black star power if you want to take that roll, Lebron James, Saigon,Big Boy, Anthony Anderson . What you talking bout lol?

My Eyes are wide awake to the fact that when there is a cash cow in town that's only going up I'm jumping on it. I think this is where we coming to a fork in the road I came from that social economic devlopment so the half a22 script writing don't do nothing for me. I'm outta there, help the young one's out with there jumper teach them how to tune a car show them the way outta there like i found my way out. Trust me when I say IM WIDE AWAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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You keep going off topic. :lol:

The cast of the wire are far better than the cast on Entourage. You tryna discredit makes zero sense. :lol:

You bought up Wood Harris like he is some sort Actor Savant. I commented at your poor choice for a example. So in all are you saying that your Original post made zero sense I'm ok with that if you are?
You bought up Wood Harris like he is some sort Actor Savant. I commented at your poor choice for a example. So in all are you saying that your Original post made zero sense I'm ok with that if you are?

And yet he's still a better actor than everybody on Entourage. Along with Idris Alba and Michael K Williams.
How are numbers moving the goal post also Entourage had lots of black star power if you want to take that roll, Lebron James, Saigon,Big Boy, Anthony Anderson . What you talking bout lol?

My Eyes are wide awake to the fact that when there is a cash cow in town that's only going up I'm jumping on it. I think this is where we coming to a fork in the road I came from that social economic devlopment so the half a22 script writing don't do nothing for me. I'm outta there, help the young one's out with there jumper teach them how to tune a car show them the way outta there like i found my way out. Trust me when I say IM WIDE AWAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Wire, save for Season 2 is predominantly about the realistic trials and tribulations of African Americans that viewers can relate to but LeBron and Big Boi 30 second cameos, which equate to “Black Star Power”, in a fictional world are supposed to be more meaningful to African American viewers?

You bought up Wood Harris like he is some sort Actor Savant. I commented at your poor choice for a example. So in all are you saying that your Original post made zero sense I'm ok with that if you are?

Dog - how are you going to talk down on Wood Harris and act like the Entourage cast, outside of Ari, was worth a damn? Aside from being purely better actors, the folks on The Wire cast weren’t “Actor Savants” killed their roles and were extremely believable. They were legitimately great actors for the roles they were CASTED for. You keep pointing to these half minute cameos as if it makes up for the poor acting of the main cast.
The Wire, save for Season 2 is predominantly about the realistic trials and tribulations of African Americans that viewers can relate to but LeBron and Big Boi 30 second cameos, which equate to “Black Star Power”, in a fictional world are supposed to be more meaningful to African American viewers?

Dog - how are you going to talk down on Wood Harris and act like the Entourage cast, outside of Ari, was worth a damn? Aside from being purely better actors, the folks on The Wire cast weren’t “Actor Savants” killed their roles and were extremely believable. They were legitimately great actors for the roles they were CASTED for. You keep pointing to these half minute cameos as if it makes up for the poor acting of the main cast.

I will give you Credit you talking much better today and i appreciate that respect. To answer your first quote why can't our people be seen as powerful moguls in a legit world there is nothing wrong with that. I honestly can't tell you how many times i get sick and tired as seeing our people being portrayed as D boys like is that what we are feeding our next generation. Like I said i view things differently coming from that world I wanted something more and if I can make it out anybody can. On to your second quote Outside of Ari nobody can carry a individual roll but him, The rest of the cast needed each other to carry each other and they did it well. Wire had good dynamics like that as well Avon Wee-Bay. Omar the gay Spanish dude. Marlo and Chris worked well supporting each other as well.
How are numbers moving the goal post also Entourage had lots of black star power if you want to take that roll, Lebron James, Saigon,Big Boy, Anthony Anderson . What you talking bout lol?

Lebron had a 12 second cameo. Saigon was in 2 episodes. That's "star power?" Wut. It's a show about 4 white bros. You know why The Wire wasn't as popular. You're being obtuse. Entourage wasn't a black show just because they sprinkled in black celebrities here and there :lol:

Entourage was like a Wedding Crashers type of watch. It appealed to a larger crowd because it was toilet humor, had good looking naked people and was 27 mins long. It was probably big in frat houses.

The Wire took more commitment for the typical viewer because it was longer, explored unfamiliar territory at the time, story lines spanned an entire season and the talent wasn't very well known. Also, if we're being honest I don't think white people liked watching black actors in non-stereotypical roles because....America. The Wire was never going to win any popularity contests. And I think David Simon was fine with that. I think he thought he was doing something more important than trying to get some props from the mainstream.
Hey guys im about to bow out thanks for the great debate but this is more typing then I usually like to do. Some of you made great points with Wire Entourage comparisons thanks for that. I mean whatever impacts your life more on whatever show go for it

What always bothered me is that if you took the Wire detectives and put them in BB, Walt would've been arrested in season 2 or something.

Random observation. I rewatched The Wire recently. Bubbles is a homeless man. Yet he's all in their cars, offices and handing out hats. Not to fiend shame, but you ain't gonna tolerate being around mans in any close quarters for 1 minute.

In conclusion Mad Men > everything
What always bothered me is that if you took the Wire detectives and put them in BB, Walt would've been arrested in season 2 or something.

Random observation. I rewatched The Wire recently. Bubbles is a homeless man. Yet he's all in their cars, offices and handing out hats. Not to fiend shame, but you ain't gonna tolerate being around mans in any close quarters for 1 minute.

In conclusion Mad Men > everything

An ogbobbyjohnson773 ogbobbyjohnson773 sighting :wow: :wow: :wow:
Finally got around to BB. Finished season 1. Started off real rough. Got a little better as the season progressed. I can see how it will keep getting better and I plan on sticking with it. Better than than the Wire though? The worst season of the Wire is already better than S1 of BB.
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