Is it safe to say Breaking Bad > The Wire?

I’m saying, man.

Why do cameos matter? The fact that you are even using that as criteria for what makes Entourage great speaks volumes about your disgusting taste in television. If you’re not trolling and in your heart of hearts believe Entourage is on par with The Wire and Sopranos then you need to go take a long hot shower, dry yourself off and just lay in silence for the rest of the night and reevaluate your opinions and purpose.

I took your advice hopped out the shower and yes Entourage still trumps the wire slightly. It’s day time where I’m at. I’m well traveled my guy had my first passport in 1999 .If you couldn’t find cameos for the wire you should have just said no need to go and get personal the fact that you can’t have a intelligent debate about tv ,shows your immaturity. Go hop on Xbox live fix your bicycle listen to trap or whatever it is that kids do. Or go get me a adult to debate you got some growing up to do. Your on time out.
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Great tv is great tv despite the genre. Entourage was good for a few season then beacame dog ****. The office and parks and rec belong in the disscussion before entourage

Even though it pains me I agree slightly when Vince did that Pablo movie and they went to that movie festival to premiere it almost gave up but when they bought Sasha Grey in they quickly regain my interest
Great tv is great tv despite the genre. Entourage was good for a few season then beacame dog ****. The office and parks and rec belong in the disscussion before entourage
I agree about office and parks being better than entourage. Would also throw Seinfeld, curb, and eastbound and down in there. But it’s comparing apples to oranges imo. Anyway, the fact that entourage is being mentioned in the same breath as any of the aforementioned shows is absurd
Watched every season even that awful season 2. Here is my problem with the wire . You phase out what could have been an epic finale. Imagine if Avon still would have been in play not to mention wee-bay character as well. No what did the writers do they took out some of the strongest characters and made room for prop joe and snoop non acting a22. Wire had a chance to be top dog. Omar was the only one on that whole show that had the bravado as Ari Gold . Then that lazy half a22 writing to end the show. Omar got snuffed in a store by a kid:rolleyes (a seasoned stick up man)and snoop last corny line how my hair look Michael :rolleyes The writers was looking for a quick way out and it showed. Say what you want but Entourage delt with Hollywood box office money. Not to mention Look @ all the cameos Entourage had T I ,Jerry Jones ,Kanye West, James Cameron, Mark Cuban, Scarlett Johansson you think any of the mentioned names associate with anything?The wire only had one that preacher who was a real Herion king back in 70s .

No shade but this is a horrible assessment :lol:

Sounds like you want to remove all of the realism from the Wire (which is one of the MAIN reasons it's so great) and turn it into some sort of by-the-numbers show with a shoot it out grand finale. That's not what the Wire was intended to be. It was a social commentary on the city and people of Baltimore.

Entourage was also great for what it was, popcorn entertainment.

:stoneface: @ using cameos to compare.
The office

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No shade but this is a horrible assessment :lol:

Sounds like you want to remove all of the realism from the Wire (which is one of the MAIN reasons it's so great) and turn it into some sort of by-the-numbers show with a shoot it out grand finale. That's not what the Wire was intended to be. It was a social commentary on the city and people of Baltimore.

Entourage was also great for what it was, popcorn entertainment.

Respect fam I just wish the bosses could have all met at the end . Just think if Avon and Marlo would have had it out in the end while both of them had to deal with Omar? Or if not for the shootout aspect but the social part of it how come they couldn’t have Mike just quite the game and show him going to school or putting another young one on to doing the right thing? Maybe I was just expecting to much for the time. Cameos = star power you have it or you don’t
Respect fam I just wish the bosses could have all met at the end . Just think if Avon and Marlo would have had it out in the end while both of them had to deal with Omar? Or if not for the shootout aspect but the social part of it how come they couldn’t have Mike just quite the game and show him going to school or putting another young one on to doing the right thing? Maybe I was just expecting to much for the time. Cameos = star power you have it or you don’t

the thing with mike and the rest of the kids really was showing how children get caught up in the system. the foster system, prison, school, street game.
They had cameos because the show was about a movie star in Hollywood.

Why in the hell would a show about Baltimore need that? :lol:

So your argument here is that some of the wealthiest people in entertainment and sports associate themselves with a show doesn’t mean anything, That’s what your saying? We are talking about stars who turned down blockbuster movie roles appeared on this show you know that right? They got crab a22 Jerry Jones to appear on that show one of the richest people in America
No, some of us honestly like it

Because from the beginning some of us understood


Yeah I'm a fan. Tuned out the first time around but the rewatch tied up a lot for me. Seems like folks who dislike it were strictly into The Wire for the street ****.
Best thing about Sesame street (great childhood memories) was that it was created by Jim Henson. 100 Percent sure if he was still alive he would have been on Entourage as well. Money hangs around Money just the way of the world. Everybody else just hangs out on NT and make arguments with no supportive facts.
They had cameos because the show was about a movie star in Hollywood.

Why in the hell would a show about Baltimore need that? :lol:

you sound simple

Sesame Street has had way more high profile celebrity guest stars than Entourage

Sesame Street > Entourage

Dog.....a show about drug dealing in the trenches of Baltimore didn’t have guest star cameos from high profile celebrities so it’s worse than the show about a top actor in the entertainment industry which did have cameos? You do realize if you flipped this, both shows would make NO sense. They both did what they were intended to do except The Wire did it much much MUCH better.
If the Chi wouldn't have had casting problems they Could have eclipsed the wire. Get rid of bum a22 Ronnie and they might have snuck in and stole the crown.
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