Is it safe to say Breaking Bad > The Wire?

No. The Wire is superior. Come at me bro. Let me know where you live, I already have an idea. You know where I stay at, you can meet me anytime and we can get this done. Just let me when and wear and I'll be dere. We'll handle this like grown folks, not on this internet.

saw first season of wire, liked it. kinda slow but the story was nice

then season 2 came and theres like 159 episodes about some dead broads in some cargo container, everyone working a different case and barely get anything about barksdale or dude with the horse teeth. i gave up after like the 6th or 7th episode of season 2 as i was bored to tears. 

breaking bad >>>>>> 
Gonna wait til the finale of Breaking Bad to decide. Can't judge a whole show without knowing where it goes.. it's definitely UP there though... every season has been engaging and interesting.
I have watched both shows but The Wire is the best TV show ever. The writing is just too strong Breaking Bad is damn good though with amazing cinematography though...and good writing.
are there hidden gems or foreshadowing in the wire like bb? i think i love bb because it reminds me of lost. after every episode i can go online and see what connections i missed out on forums/reddit
are there hidden gems or foreshadowing in the wire like bb? i think i love bb because it reminds me of lost. after every episode i can go online and see what connections i missed out on forums/reddit
I haven't seen so much in depth analysis of a show since Lost. I used to think BB was an easy show to follow but reading the threads on this forum is like being in an English class again with all the theories and predictions. I think that is a big part of people's love for the show. They enjoy discussing what's happened and guessing what will happen and what stuff means.

I need to start The Wire and see how good it is for myself.

Hands down my second favorite TV show of all time but its not in the same league as The Wire IMO, nothing is.

BB requires alotta suspension of disbelief and is nowhere as emotionally gripping as The Wire.
No. The Wire is superior. Come at me bro. Let me know where you live, I already have an idea. You know where I stay at, you can meet me anytime and we can get this done. Just let me when and wear and I'll be dere. We'll handle this like grown folks, not on this internet.


This guy is stil mad I schooled him in the "Care Bears > Sailor Moon thread."
The Shield > Breaking Bad.

In terms of my own preferences, I prefer The Shield to The Wire as well.
saw first season of wire, liked it. kinda slow but the story was nice

then season 2 came and theres like 159 episodes about some dead broads in some cargo container, everyone working a different case and barely get anything about barksdale or dude with the horse teeth. i gave up after like the 6th or 7th episode of season 2 as i was bored to tears. 
i genuinely feel bad for you.

and no, it is not safe to say breaking bad > the wire.

i'd take the wire, and most of my reasoning has already been discussed in here.
lol @ having genuine feelings for someone because they dislike a show. 

shows overrated, i dont care if other ppl love it.  go feel something for one of ur family members bro. 
The fact that BB isn't even completed and is being compared to what a lot of people think is the best show ever says something major to me.
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