Is It Safe To Say We're The Most Desensitized Generation Ever?

doubt it............... I mean were the most liberated by FAR but desensitized is a WHOLE nother level...I think we are the most protected, censored, taxed, babied and racist....
doubt it............... I mean were the most liberated by FAR but desensitized is a WHOLE nother level...I think we are the most protected, censored, taxed, babied and racist....
I see what you guys are saying, and the more I think about it, I don't think I got my point across the way I wanted to... I don't mean today's kids are less tough than those of centuries or even decades past.  What I do mean is that kids today are virtually drones programmed to believe that just because everything is at their fingertips, they don't have to understand why it's available to them, and how to get them back if they were ever without them.  Like some others have said, one of the worst problems today is that youth feel things are owed to them, as if they never have to work for anything worth having.

And in terms of the sex and violence, coming from being around the military all of my life, I've seen young people enter the ranks just because of the monetary advantages of doing so, giving no real thought to the life-changing decision at hand.  Then, looking at the sex, more and more kids are having kids today, as if it were as simple as going to the pet store and picking out a puppy or something.  Maybe it's because kids have too much too fast these days; who knows...
I see what you guys are saying, and the more I think about it, I don't think I got my point across the way I wanted to... I don't mean today's kids are less tough than those of centuries or even decades past.  What I do mean is that kids today are virtually drones programmed to believe that just because everything is at their fingertips, they don't have to understand why it's available to them, and how to get them back if they were ever without them.  Like some others have said, one of the worst problems today is that youth feel things are owed to them, as if they never have to work for anything worth having.

And in terms of the sex and violence, coming from being around the military all of my life, I've seen young people enter the ranks just because of the monetary advantages of doing so, giving no real thought to the life-changing decision at hand.  Then, looking at the sex, more and more kids are having kids today, as if it were as simple as going to the pet store and picking out a puppy or something.  Maybe it's because kids have too much too fast these days; who knows...
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

No, but we're one of the softest generations ever.

None of us could have lived in the dark ages, let's be real with ourselves.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Lifeis realer in 3rd world countries....some of you guys should watch thatdocumentary on Liberia. We're not built like that, they're desensitizedto the most harsh living conditions known to man.


We're desensitized to what we used to be. I don't get what ya'll are saying
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

No, but we're one of the softest generations ever.

None of us could have lived in the dark ages, let's be real with ourselves.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Lifeis realer in 3rd world countries....some of you guys should watch thatdocumentary on Liberia. We're not built like that, they're desensitizedto the most harsh living conditions known to man.


We're desensitized to what we used to be. I don't get what ya'll are saying
Originally Posted by PhatBalla23

This generation sucks. There is no life anymore. Most of them are on social networks 24/7 and lack communication skills in real life. They think smoking weed and partying everyday is their main priority, yet later down the road, they will deeply regret that. These teens are followers and are easily influenced by what the media says/portrays.

I'm a teen myself, but my way of life and thinking is a lot different than how most my others my age are.
Uh, when have teenagers NOT been followers and heavily influenced by the media/popular culture?
They aren't doing anything that hasn't been done in terms of pot usage. Don't single out the kids of today as if this is some sort of new phenomena. They won't regret it any more than your mother and her friends did.

Will we stop all of this generationally based bashing? Everyone thinks the same things about the generation that comes after them.

If it isn't how bad the music is, it is about how the kids have no respect, and now how we are the most desensitized ever.

Originally Posted by handullz

i think that we are the most backwards generation..

N___ wanna be chicks... and chicks thinkin they n____
True indeed. Another issue I have today.
Originally Posted by PhatBalla23

This generation sucks. There is no life anymore. Most of them are on social networks 24/7 and lack communication skills in real life. They think smoking weed and partying everyday is their main priority, yet later down the road, they will deeply regret that. These teens are followers and are easily influenced by what the media says/portrays.

I'm a teen myself, but my way of life and thinking is a lot different than how most my others my age are.
Uh, when have teenagers NOT been followers and heavily influenced by the media/popular culture?
They aren't doing anything that hasn't been done in terms of pot usage. Don't single out the kids of today as if this is some sort of new phenomena. They won't regret it any more than your mother and her friends did.

Will we stop all of this generationally based bashing? Everyone thinks the same things about the generation that comes after them.

If it isn't how bad the music is, it is about how the kids have no respect, and now how we are the most desensitized ever.

Originally Posted by handullz

i think that we are the most backwards generation..

N___ wanna be chicks... and chicks thinkin they n____
True indeed. Another issue I have today.
Not knowing the ramifications sounds more like the 70s generation. We know the ramifications of war it's just that a staggering amount of this generation simply does not care.
Originally Posted by HigherGround

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Threads like this one and the Cleopatra thread is proof that the U.S. Education system has failed. Last time I checked none of us have ever seen bodies crucified or impaled by warlords and rulers to send a message to their enemies and subjects.
first sentence was total nonsense.
second sentence, what do you call the Taliban beheading ?
Now I never saw that but I saw them two dudes cut a guy's throat in the woods just cuz and then there's those Russians with the hammer who killed that guy.
Not knowing the ramifications sounds more like the 70s generation. We know the ramifications of war it's just that a staggering amount of this generation simply does not care.
Originally Posted by HigherGround

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Threads like this one and the Cleopatra thread is proof that the U.S. Education system has failed. Last time I checked none of us have ever seen bodies crucified or impaled by warlords and rulers to send a message to their enemies and subjects.
first sentence was total nonsense.
second sentence, what do you call the Taliban beheading ?
Now I never saw that but I saw them two dudes cut a guy's throat in the woods just cuz and then there's those Russians with the hammer who killed that guy.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Not knowing the ramifications sounds more like the 70s generation. We know the ramifications of war it's just that a staggering amount of this generation simply does not care.
Originally Posted by HigherGround

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Threads like this one and the Cleopatra thread is proof that the U.S. Education system has failed. Last time I checked none of us have ever seen bodies crucified or impaled by warlords and rulers to send a message to their enemies and subjects.
first sentence was total nonsense.
second sentence, what do you call the Taliban beheading ?
Now I never saw that but I saw them two dudes cut a guy's throat in the woods just cuz and then there's those Russians with the hammer who killed that guy.
And yeah, that's also a better way of putting it.  Today we know about the seemingly millions of things that come with unprotected sex, while 40 or so years ago people weren't as familiar.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Not knowing the ramifications sounds more like the 70s generation. We know the ramifications of war it's just that a staggering amount of this generation simply does not care.
Originally Posted by HigherGround

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Threads like this one and the Cleopatra thread is proof that the U.S. Education system has failed. Last time I checked none of us have ever seen bodies crucified or impaled by warlords and rulers to send a message to their enemies and subjects.
first sentence was total nonsense.
second sentence, what do you call the Taliban beheading ?
Now I never saw that but I saw them two dudes cut a guy's throat in the woods just cuz and then there's those Russians with the hammer who killed that guy.
And yeah, that's also a better way of putting it.  Today we know about the seemingly millions of things that come with unprotected sex, while 40 or so years ago people weren't as familiar.
No.  We still over-react about issues like religion, sexuality and race.  Fools get butthurt over stuff that is said on fb, twitter and myspace.  Look in 98% of nt threads, people are complaining about stupid stuff.  Watch american media, americans are soft as hell and cry about everything.
No.  We still over-react about issues like religion, sexuality and race.  Fools get butthurt over stuff that is said on fb, twitter and myspace.  Look in 98% of nt threads, people are complaining about stupid stuff.  Watch american media, americans are soft as hell and cry about everything.
Originally Posted by HigherGround

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Threads like this one and the Cleopatra thread is proof that the U.S. Education system has failed. Last time I checked none of us have ever seen bodies crucified or impaled by warlords and rulers to send a message to their enemies and subjects.

first sentence was total nonsense.
second sentence, what do you call the Taliban beheading ?

I was referring to American society as a whole, we have it good. I'm not saying it's all good in this country, there are some dirt poor, violent places in America. But as a whole there are things people have endured in ancient times (Dark ages, raping and pillaging, plagues, slavery, brutality, human sacrifice-see the Mayans and Aztec) in developing countries and war-torn nations (Iraq/Afghanistan/ certain African countries) we don't have to deal with.  

Listening to death metal, watching a few horror films and playing modern warfare doesn't really expose you to the realities of horrifying human conditions. You don't really get desensitized until you live it every single day.
Originally Posted by HigherGround

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Threads like this one and the Cleopatra thread is proof that the U.S. Education system has failed. Last time I checked none of us have ever seen bodies crucified or impaled by warlords and rulers to send a message to their enemies and subjects.

first sentence was total nonsense.
second sentence, what do you call the Taliban beheading ?

I was referring to American society as a whole, we have it good. I'm not saying it's all good in this country, there are some dirt poor, violent places in America. But as a whole there are things people have endured in ancient times (Dark ages, raping and pillaging, plagues, slavery, brutality, human sacrifice-see the Mayans and Aztec) in developing countries and war-torn nations (Iraq/Afghanistan/ certain African countries) we don't have to deal with.  

Listening to death metal, watching a few horror films and playing modern warfare doesn't really expose you to the realities of horrifying human conditions. You don't really get desensitized until you live it every single day.
Originally Posted by HigherGround

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Threads like this one and the Cleopatra thread is proof that the U.S. Education system has failed. Last time I checked none of us have ever seen bodies crucified or impaled by warlords and rulers to send a message to their enemies and subjects.

first sentence was total nonsense.
second sentence, what do you call the Taliban beheading ?

    LOL the beheading was hard to watch, but you don't see this everyday. And you damn sure have never witnessed anything like that in person. Until you walk outside everyday and find bullet ridden bodies lying in the street or have ever seen a mass grave you're soft. Listen to yourself, you're talking about watching what another person lived in the comfort of your home. 

The Cleopatra thing is just embarassing, people in that thread clearly know nothing about history. I blame Haze for putting it in people's heads that Egypt synonymous with blackness. Egypt went through changes in ethnic make-up due to conquering civilizations and migration. Egypt has a very diverse history but I do believe the original Egyptians were dark Africans.
Originally Posted by HigherGround

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Threads like this one and the Cleopatra thread is proof that the U.S. Education system has failed. Last time I checked none of us have ever seen bodies crucified or impaled by warlords and rulers to send a message to their enemies and subjects.

first sentence was total nonsense.
second sentence, what do you call the Taliban beheading ?

    LOL the beheading was hard to watch, but you don't see this everyday. And you damn sure have never witnessed anything like that in person. Until you walk outside everyday and find bullet ridden bodies lying in the street or have ever seen a mass grave you're soft. Listen to yourself, you're talking about watching what another person lived in the comfort of your home. 

The Cleopatra thing is just embarassing, people in that thread clearly know nothing about history. I blame Haze for putting it in people's heads that Egypt synonymous with blackness. Egypt went through changes in ethnic make-up due to conquering civilizations and migration. Egypt has a very diverse history but I do believe the original Egyptians were dark Africans.
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by Sois Frais G

What this generation lacks is a "go-getter" mentality if anything.

Co-sign I was just about to say this. 

I would also say that the actual problems are laziness (sloth) + the 6 other deadly sins (well mostly greed, gluttony, and lust).  There's a lot of people who too caught up trying too hard to impress others around them, mostly thirsty dude trying impress other dudes. 

Gluttony - buying stuff you can't afford...too lazy to Google the actual numbers but I saw it on MSNBC that a pretty big percentage of the American population have huge debts because of this.  From credit cards, to auto loans and buying homes they cant afford, etc...

Greed - Everyone is out to get everyone.  Fighting for every dollar you can get and it doesn't matter who gets hurt or who you step on.  From Scams, Identity thefts, blackmail and extortion. 

Lust - Explanation not needed. 

Envy - go to ISS and the hypebeasts on NT.  Do you really need to worship Kanye West and Pharell?

Real Talk, 75% of NT.
Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by Sois Frais G

What this generation lacks is a "go-getter" mentality if anything.

Co-sign I was just about to say this. 

I would also say that the actual problems are laziness (sloth) + the 6 other deadly sins (well mostly greed, gluttony, and lust).  There's a lot of people who too caught up trying too hard to impress others around them, mostly thirsty dude trying impress other dudes. 

Gluttony - buying stuff you can't afford...too lazy to Google the actual numbers but I saw it on MSNBC that a pretty big percentage of the American population have huge debts because of this.  From credit cards, to auto loans and buying homes they cant afford, etc...

Greed - Everyone is out to get everyone.  Fighting for every dollar you can get and it doesn't matter who gets hurt or who you step on.  From Scams, Identity thefts, blackmail and extortion. 

Lust - Explanation not needed. 

Envy - go to ISS and the hypebeasts on NT.  Do you really need to worship Kanye West and Pharell?

Real Talk, 75% of NT.
you fools talk about this as if its something new. every generation before always has a problem with the previous generation. Life isnt the same as previous genrations, the people arent going to be the same. comparing apples and oranges. its a tired debate. let me be a fat irresponsible violent lazy horny teen or anything else that is wrong with "MY" generation. So that in 20 years i could talk about all the faults that my children's generation has.
you fools talk about this as if its something new. every generation before always has a problem with the previous generation. Life isnt the same as previous genrations, the people arent going to be the same. comparing apples and oranges. its a tired debate. let me be a fat irresponsible violent lazy horny teen or anything else that is wrong with "MY" generation. So that in 20 years i could talk about all the faults that my children's generation has.
Originally Posted by R31J23

you fools talk about this as if its something new. every generation before always has a problem with the previous generation. Life isnt the same as previous genrations, the people arent going to be the same. comparing apples and oranges. its a tired debate. let me be a fat irresponsible violent lazy horny teen or anything else that is wrong with "MY" generation. So that in 20 years i could talk about all the faults that my children's generation has.
Yeah but I have a problem with MY generation.  Actually I pretty much can't stand most of my generation.
Originally Posted by R31J23

you fools talk about this as if its something new. every generation before always has a problem with the previous generation. Life isnt the same as previous genrations, the people arent going to be the same. comparing apples and oranges. its a tired debate. let me be a fat irresponsible violent lazy horny teen or anything else that is wrong with "MY" generation. So that in 20 years i could talk about all the faults that my children's generation has.
Yeah but I have a problem with MY generation.  Actually I pretty much can't stand most of my generation.
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