Is It Safe To Say We're The Most Desensitized Generation Ever?

Only in terms of access to information. Other than that, I'd say it's the complete opposite.
Only in terms of access to information. Other than that, I'd say it's the complete opposite.
Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by PhatBalla23

This generation sucks. There is no life anymore. Most of them are on social networks 24/7 and lack communication skills in real life. They think smoking weed and partying everyday is their main priority, yet later down the road, they will deeply regret that. These teens are followers and are easily influenced by what the media says/portrays.

I'm a teen myself, but my way of life and thinking is a lot different than how most my others my age are.
cosign all of this
Realest thing I ever heard a teenager say

If you want to get a hold of me, CALL ME, I have a cell phone. It's a phone, not a damn text machine, not a tweet follower, and no, I don't have web on my cell phone so I can't check your stupid Facebook message. Texting is the worse by far. People OF ALL AGES use this as the easy way out: late or not showing up for work, not wanting to call someone back, breaking up, fighting, etc. Man/woman up and see em in person or at least call. I hate it when I call someone, leave a voicemail, and the damn person doesn't even have the courtesy to call me back, but instead texts me back. I'm not about to have a text conversation with you for 30 minutes when we could get it done over the phone in less than 5 minutes. You get a pass if you are in class, eating with a group, with fam, or at some important meeting for work.

And also, I don't want to know what you are excited about, what you are doing right now, or what just happened to you unless it's groundbreaking. Someone needs to put a stop to this FB status updates and Twitter stuff.

Yes, I'm mad.
Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by PhatBalla23

This generation sucks. There is no life anymore. Most of them are on social networks 24/7 and lack communication skills in real life. They think smoking weed and partying everyday is their main priority, yet later down the road, they will deeply regret that. These teens are followers and are easily influenced by what the media says/portrays.

I'm a teen myself, but my way of life and thinking is a lot different than how most my others my age are.
cosign all of this
Realest thing I ever heard a teenager say

If you want to get a hold of me, CALL ME, I have a cell phone. It's a phone, not a damn text machine, not a tweet follower, and no, I don't have web on my cell phone so I can't check your stupid Facebook message. Texting is the worse by far. People OF ALL AGES use this as the easy way out: late or not showing up for work, not wanting to call someone back, breaking up, fighting, etc. Man/woman up and see em in person or at least call. I hate it when I call someone, leave a voicemail, and the damn person doesn't even have the courtesy to call me back, but instead texts me back. I'm not about to have a text conversation with you for 30 minutes when we could get it done over the phone in less than 5 minutes. You get a pass if you are in class, eating with a group, with fam, or at some important meeting for work.

And also, I don't want to know what you are excited about, what you are doing right now, or what just happened to you unless it's groundbreaking. Someone needs to put a stop to this FB status updates and Twitter stuff.

Yes, I'm mad.
you are sadly mistaken, have u forgotten Romans had the Colosseum and their bloody battles were seen as a spectator sport, like watching a normal football game? go look up what flaying alive is! during the inquisition, rumored witches were tortured and killed publicly... have you seen a public execution carried out? just now "real-life" violence has been taken out and now mimicked in video games and movies.
you are sadly mistaken, have u forgotten Romans had the Colosseum and their bloody battles were seen as a spectator sport, like watching a normal football game? go look up what flaying alive is! during the inquisition, rumored witches were tortured and killed publicly... have you seen a public execution carried out? just now "real-life" violence has been taken out and now mimicked in video games and movies.
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

I never really thought about it before, but it hit me when M.I.A. mentioned it in a recent interview.  She basically said that the problem with the amount of violence and sex (among other things) young people in today's society are expose to, is that as a result, they don't understand the ramifications of going off to war overseas or even the consequences of sex with random partners.  From games like Modern Warfare being top sellers, to sex being used in practically every ad we see in various forms of media, it's definitely starting to add up.  What do you guys think?

Why is she not in the kitchen?
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

I never really thought about it before, but it hit me when M.I.A. mentioned it in a recent interview.  She basically said that the problem with the amount of violence and sex (among other things) young people in today's society are expose to, is that as a result, they don't understand the ramifications of going off to war overseas or even the consequences of sex with random partners.  From games like Modern Warfare being top sellers, to sex being used in practically every ad we see in various forms of media, it's definitely starting to add up.  What do you guys think?

Why is she not in the kitchen?
Originally Posted by HOOPSboy

Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by PhatBalla23

This generation sucks. There is no life anymore. Most of them are on social networks 24/7 and lack communication skills in real life. They think smoking weed and partying everyday is their main priority, yet later down the road, they will deeply regret that. These teens are followers and are easily influenced by what the media says/portrays.

I'm a teen myself, but my way of life and thinking is a lot different than how most my others my age are.
cosign all of this
Realest thing I ever heard a teenager say

If you want to get a hold of me, CALL ME, I have a cell phone. It's a phone, not a damn text machine, not a tweet follower, and no, I don't have web on my cell phone so I can't check your stupid Facebook message. Texting is the worse by far. People OF ALL AGES use this as the easy way out: late or not showing up for work, not wanting to call someone back, breaking up, fighting, etc. Man/woman up and see em in person or at least call. I hate it when I call someone, leave a voicemail, and the damn person doesn't even have the courtesy to call me back, but instead texts me back. I'm not about to have a text conversation with you for 30 minutes when we could get it done over the phone in less than 5 minutes. You get a pass if you are in class, eating with a group, with fam, or at some important meeting for work.

And also, I don't want to know what you are excited about, what you are doing right now, or what just happened to you unless it's groundbreaking. Someone needs to put a stop to this FB status updates and Twitter stuff.

Yes, I'm mad.

COSIGN to all,
it's mostly the high income kids that are lucky they have money to fall back on, that they do not realize what opportunities they have because they are surrounded by money.
when a middle income, lower income kid goes to partying and such. they are just wasting away their parents' time and work.
I believe that children are suppose to surpass their parents every generation, or at least match their parents success or lack thereof, but
due to lethargy and the "we DGAF attitude", that many teens will not match their parents and cause even more debt.This generation will have the most screw-ups for sure.

and texting and social networks have caused society to not be "social", some people judge others on the way they text? if you have to tell me something, call me.
I'm mad too, I'd rather have a quick conversation, then a lagging conversation with, whats up? nothing. cool, blahblahblah. on a text machine.
Originally Posted by HOOPSboy

Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by PhatBalla23

This generation sucks. There is no life anymore. Most of them are on social networks 24/7 and lack communication skills in real life. They think smoking weed and partying everyday is their main priority, yet later down the road, they will deeply regret that. These teens are followers and are easily influenced by what the media says/portrays.

I'm a teen myself, but my way of life and thinking is a lot different than how most my others my age are.
cosign all of this
Realest thing I ever heard a teenager say

If you want to get a hold of me, CALL ME, I have a cell phone. It's a phone, not a damn text machine, not a tweet follower, and no, I don't have web on my cell phone so I can't check your stupid Facebook message. Texting is the worse by far. People OF ALL AGES use this as the easy way out: late or not showing up for work, not wanting to call someone back, breaking up, fighting, etc. Man/woman up and see em in person or at least call. I hate it when I call someone, leave a voicemail, and the damn person doesn't even have the courtesy to call me back, but instead texts me back. I'm not about to have a text conversation with you for 30 minutes when we could get it done over the phone in less than 5 minutes. You get a pass if you are in class, eating with a group, with fam, or at some important meeting for work.

And also, I don't want to know what you are excited about, what you are doing right now, or what just happened to you unless it's groundbreaking. Someone needs to put a stop to this FB status updates and Twitter stuff.

Yes, I'm mad.

COSIGN to all,
it's mostly the high income kids that are lucky they have money to fall back on, that they do not realize what opportunities they have because they are surrounded by money.
when a middle income, lower income kid goes to partying and such. they are just wasting away their parents' time and work.
I believe that children are suppose to surpass their parents every generation, or at least match their parents success or lack thereof, but
due to lethargy and the "we DGAF attitude", that many teens will not match their parents and cause even more debt.This generation will have the most screw-ups for sure.

and texting and social networks have caused society to not be "social", some people judge others on the way they text? if you have to tell me something, call me.
I'm mad too, I'd rather have a quick conversation, then a lagging conversation with, whats up? nothing. cool, blahblahblah. on a text machine.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Life is realer in 3rd world countries....some of you guys should watch that documentary on Liberia. We're not built like that, they're desensitized to the most harsh living conditions known to man.

EXACTLY. that doc is CRAZY. i mean, we are desensitized to videos for the most part....more people need to see it to see how $!#@ really goes down...same with the North Korea joint...i don't know if people realize how good we have it...
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Life is realer in 3rd world countries....some of you guys should watch that documentary on Liberia. We're not built like that, they're desensitized to the most harsh living conditions known to man.

EXACTLY. that doc is CRAZY. i mean, we are desensitized to videos for the most part....more people need to see it to see how $!#@ really goes down...same with the North Korea joint...i don't know if people realize how good we have it...
i love these threads. nters come in and talk about what's wrong with everybody else, wake up nt nobody is perfect. every generation has it's faults and every generation looks at the new generation pointing out petty flaws. things change, DEAL WITH IT
i love these threads. nters come in and talk about what's wrong with everybody else, wake up nt nobody is perfect. every generation has it's faults and every generation looks at the new generation pointing out petty flaws. things change, DEAL WITH IT
The internet is a crazy place. Definitely desensitized me.

Some of you sound hella old, as if texting is such a hassle. My fifty year old dad started texting us out of the blue, and I'm 21. Good friend of mine's grandmother is 79 years old and has an iPhone. Different types of communication is the way of the world.

Sometimes it's the convenience of a quick text for a quick answer. We live in a world where everyone is always in a hurry and on the go. Deal with it.
The internet is a crazy place. Definitely desensitized me.

Some of you sound hella old, as if texting is such a hassle. My fifty year old dad started texting us out of the blue, and I'm 21. Good friend of mine's grandmother is 79 years old and has an iPhone. Different types of communication is the way of the world.

Sometimes it's the convenience of a quick text for a quick answer. We live in a world where everyone is always in a hurry and on the go. Deal with it.
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

I never really thought about it before, but it hit me when M.I.A. mentioned it in a recent interview.  She basically said that the problem with the amount of violence and sex (among other things) young people in today's society are expose to, is that as a result, they don't understand the ramifications of going off to war overseas or even the consequences of sex with random partners.  From games like Modern Warfare being top sellers, to sex being used in practically every ad we see in various forms of media, it's definitely starting to add up.  What do you guys think?

Why is she not in the kitchen?

was just about to post that
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

I never really thought about it before, but it hit me when M.I.A. mentioned it in a recent interview.  She basically said that the problem with the amount of violence and sex (among other things) young people in today's society are expose to, is that as a result, they don't understand the ramifications of going off to war overseas or even the consequences of sex with random partners.  From games like Modern Warfare being top sellers, to sex being used in practically every ad we see in various forms of media, it's definitely starting to add up.  What do you guys think?

Why is she not in the kitchen?

was just about to post that
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