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son probably got desktop mode on think that wild ish :lol:
No clue what mode I’m in, but TO ME this looks MUCH better than whatever is going on when I’m on the site on my laptop :lol:
Most of us use the site daily or atleast weekly for years now. Like I said i don’t see the point of “fixing“ things that aren’t broken.
Half the time I post from my fire TV on the silk browser. I can't post from there anymore.
Most of us use the site daily or atleast weekly for years now. Like I said i don’t see the point of “fixing“ things that aren’t broken.

period... only upgrade worth its salt is emoji compatibility..

I don’t even really notice the change anymore.

you basically letting us know you blind fam... :lol:


i cant even resize texts on mobile...this ish a step backwards lookwise.
Mobile version is good if you decrease font size. Desktop version is what everyone is not on board with.

And where have I said this? It should be easy to find if it’s “in the same breath.”

NikeTalk has donated over $400,000 in ad revenue alone to charity.

Does the site make money? Yes. We couldn't have made those donations otherwise. We couldn't have remained online otherwise.

It's possible that you've confused our past situation with our present one.

For the first seven or so years, when we ran NikeTalk ad free, it simply cost us money. This was unsustainable. The site grew, but the small number of generous people who donated to keep the site online couldn’t pay for the increasing number of users who did not.

We then agreed to run ads out of necessity, but gave every penny that our team could’ve earned from those ads to charity. It left us vulnerable when Yuku sold to an unscrupulous company the drove the network into the ground.

We vowed never to allow that to happen again. So yes, some of the ad revenue does pay for professional services to keep the site online. This has always been the case, we just weren’t handling any of the funds ourselves until leaving Yuku. At the time, it felt “purer” that way, but what it meant in practice was that other companies were deciding how to allocate money made from our community - and they weren’t making good choices. Even then, when not a single cent so much as crossed our palms, cynical malcontents would accuse us of malfeasance anyway.

Today, our community is in a better place because we’ve taken on the responsibilities once delegated to companies who ultimately mismanaged their resources. We chose a software platform independent of a hosting company, server environment, managed service providers, or designers. We work to select the best solutions (and people) we can for each need that faces the community - and we’re delivering substantive updates more frequently as a result.

And yet, even as we continue to reinvest ad revenue into making the experience better and better, we haven’t forgotten about our responsibilities to the greater global community and continue to raise money for important causes.

For almost twenty years now, we’ve tried to do the absolute best we could for everyone who is, or would like to be, a member of the NikeTalk community. We’ve tried to use this opportunity in a responsible, ethical, and socially conscious way. I can't even count the number of times Nelson, our team, and I have gone out of pocket for NikeTalk. We've spent our own money on domain names, ezboard "CSC community gold" subscriptions, food for community meetup events, even some of the hats we sold for charity came out of pocket - and those costs weren't recouped to make the resulting fundraisers more effective. Like parents, we've chosen to make constant, quotidian sacrifices that people will never even know about and routinely take for granted.

Every step of the way, we've had to endure slights from cynics who try to impugn the integrity and character of our staff and our community.

As such, I knew full well that if we wanted to offer an ad free subscription the proportionately small number of users who would like one, we'd be accused of "greed" or impropriety.

NikeTalk isn't moving to a subscription only model. It's always been free to use and will remain so. The free, ad supported service remains the focus - and it's the version of the site I use every single day. We don't subject you to any advertising that we don't also subject ourselves to.

We're not looking to squeeze or gouge anyone. To prove that, we've offered to donate to charity everything we'd receive from these subscriptions less only that percentage deducted from payment processors (e.g. Paypal) before it ever reaches anyone affiliated with the site.

At the end of the year, we'll share the number of subscribers, how much was earned, and where that money went.

If that's not good enough for you, I wonder what products and services you do support, since you've decided not to support ours.

On behalf of the entire team here, I'd like to thank all of you who have chosen to support our community and its goals, either by viewing the ad supported version of the site or helping us raise money for charity as a supporter.
period... only upgrade worth its salt is emoji compatibility..

you basically letting us know you blind fam... :lol:


i cant even resize texts on mobile...this ish a step backwards lookwise.
This shows more of the content of the post, the words aren't compacted and is easier to read with less wasted space and useless information, making effective use of that small screen area you have to work with. Text doesn't even look 0.5 pt difference in front size. A casual observer would wonder if we're idiots reading these complaints.
old mobile was near identical to desktop, current mobile is inferior to current desktop.

I just hopped on desktop and there’s a big *** thread gallery thing on the side so you wrong off that alone

legit only thing I don’t like about current mobile is how quotes look
I just hopped on desktop and there’s a big *** thread gallery thing on the side so you wrong off that alone

contrary to popular belief, most people wasn't effin wit thread galleries, thats why they vanished in da 1st place...
I mostly browse NT on my phone, and to me the new layout looks and behaves pretty much the same as before. But then again, i never used all those available features (notifications, up votes, thumbs up, reactions, or however they are called, etc) this site had before and after the upgrade. I haven’t browsed NT from a computer in years, so I don’t know what’s going on over there. :lol:
Yall admins really have to explain why they have ads all social media sites have them. Nothing new its not as annoying as youtube and its usually at the bottom anyway.
Of course you find a way to post a personal photo for a forum full of men.
How does that even come up posting a picture of himself? Why do it? Don't know if I want to follow that rabbit hole.

Why did I donate they asked if I wanted an ad free version for a year, why not it is only $20. I spend more than that on boring app store purchases, with little to no benefit.
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