Is Social Media Destroying Society? Former Facebook Exec Says 'Yes'

A Florida woman named Kieria Jones and her three kids are now homeless after moving to Houston from Tallahassee at the start of 2024.

Jones says she moved to Houston with dreams of becoming a social media influencer.

"It's mainly what I came to Houston for. That's where most of all of my favorite Youtubers are from", Jones said.

She says she has no transportation but was able to rent a car to get to Houston due to receiving disability checks for her son but says her kids would be on the thing to get her to move back to Florida with her mom

Both looked staged. Definitely the 2nd one. If the 1st one isn't, she needs to understand what the gym was built & intended for.
You gotta admit, social media has opened people's eyes to other cultures and not having to rely on traditional media that was biased.

Like for example Africa was always portrayed as war torn and people living in huts and alot of people in the west believed that but now that perception has changed and people realize there are cities in Africa with modern infrastructure.

Damn where was I for this. Thats easy money.

1) that’s an ADULT???

2) she’s got to be joking

3) the same people who post their whereabouts, post all their material goods, post that they’re out of town, be the main people who are upset when they get home invaded or robbed.

Yeah, because you post all of your material possessions for the world to see :lol: :lol:
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At the end of the day, a person controls their destiny and what they ingest on the daily. There are some 60,70, 80, 90 year old black men who have been content with having trades, raising their family, and don’t even care about worldly stuff.

I have a 60+ year old uncle who’s a roofer. All he cares about is his family, bud light, scratch offs and smoking cigarettes. He doesn’t care about pop culture, vanity, or stuff like the kardashians.

Black People worshipping celebrities (instead of just appreciating the artistry) is the problem now. People care more about these peoples personal lives, instead of their skills. That’s the problem now.

Black people consuming reality TV, being more concerned about celebrity gossip is a PERSONAL choice.

The bottom line, with the advent of social media and peoples ability to record everything, coupled with people having far less social interactions, idol worship and celebrity/influencer worship is peaking. Human beings have created this and are now realizing the trouble it’s causing

Well said.
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