Is the 'Fame' really worth it?

Nah I got it
. Dudes right I shouldnt have said trust cause im not famous. I get it.
all yall talkin bout is the money. its not about the money. its constant exposure, rabid fanatics, and being constantly chastized for your actions. although that last one probably wouldnt get to me really but i dunno. look at what the 'fame' did to john lennon, elvis, even micheal jackson. thats what i mean. sure theres plenty celebs of whom it doesnt affect, but the ones it does affect are usually superstars.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Old people always just makes you more of what you really are deep down.

Money dont change you just makes you more of who you really are phonte..little brother
i'd like to be recognizable but not famous to the point where i can't do normal things like go to the corner store without getting stopped.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Old people always just makes you more of what you really are deep down.

I agree.  Not to _ride or anything, but look at people like Pharrell, for example.  He manages his celebrity well.  Laying low, not getting into crazy issh.  MTO may only catch him w/ something regarding an outfit.. but really, if you really are that kind of person wylin' while you broke, you gon be wylin' while you rich.
theres different types of fame though. Not every famous person will be recogniezed by every single person on the street. I wouldnt mind getting recognized by a handful of people a day but when its on some superstar %!$@ where you cant get your mail without someone snappin pictures of you in your robe, I aint about that
Idk we do everything everyday for money...which is worst the hassle of a 9-5 the monotony under appreciated and overworked or the annoyance of everyone have to ask yourself
Man fame comes at a price. I know there are a few conspiracy dudes on here but it makes sense IMO. I don't see why someone would "allow" you to become famous and earn millions and have access to millions of vaginas. It comes with a price, I think you have to sell your soul/morals to get to a certain point and some people just can't look at themselves in the mirror at the end of the night. And eventually it just kills them and their minds.
well if you factor in just money then yes its definitely worth it... the part that makes it tough is your privacy and not being able to go out in public without people taking pictures or beggin for autographs... but besides that i can't see why it wouldn't be great to be famous
after seeing that video of bieber getting MOBBED by the paparazzi on his bday, i don't think id enjoy it much.
Fame isn't anything. The same millions that love you will be the same ones that hate you once you slip up. Its best to b wealthy and unknown.
Depends on the type of fame.

If you're a top selling musician, high paid/well known actor, or incredibly famous ... it would really suck at times.

You can't go out and eat without cameras being there, can't go shopping without being looked at or stopped, can't go to the movies with your family, friends and family would be asking for money, favors, and try to take advantage of you, run the risk of crazy people doing god knows what to you, there's a lot to consider.

But in your examples, a lot of those people already had wild or dangerous personalities. If you have low self-control, an addictive personality, or other issues... given millions of dollars and huge amounts of freedom... you're bound to run into problems.

Then again, some people are more equipped to handle the pressures of fame and constant exposure. You listed a handful of people who had major issues but you can name equal if not more celebrities who have no major scandals or breakdowns.
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