Is the secret to women not caring?

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

... in the long run it don't even matter..The way I see it, if your girl is a ho shes a ho and will cheat whether its at a party or at her job..So if I don't think my girl is a ho then she can do w/e she wants

And this folks is all you really need to know.
I wouldn't say not caring is the solution, but letting people be who they are is.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

So as a result of me not caring what she does as long as its not cheating or whatnot, I can do w/e I want bc she can't get mad at me for the same things..Since I've taken this IDC approach, things have been even better
You just wait my friend, you just wait..
From personal experience, its good not to care sometimes, but when you take that "I don't care" approach ALL the time. Girls pick up on itand they start to think you don't love/like them anymore or they think your cheating.

Look at it this way, if your girl was on your case all the time, always wanted to spend time w/you...blah blah blah. Then one day she didn't argue withyou bout staying out till 3 or watching the game and not spending time with her or w/e it may be and just said she didn't care, it'd be kinda weird. At first you'd be walking around
then it goes to a
then around 3 months of the "i don't care" your like
and then eventually your
cause you think she doesn't care about you at all anymore.

Ya dig?
It's true. So when my girl broke up with me last time, I did what everybody told me, I didn't make any contact with her. So a week goes by and I haveto return her key, and what do I get? Somebody who is basically dying to have me back. Relationships are a crazy thing.
a relationship is like the distance between the sun and the earth. if yall too close, the relationship dies, and if yall too far apart the relationship dies.
.like yeah you my girl but i understand
you are going to do what you want regardless
so ain't no point in getting hype do you, but respect
what we have at the same time
that's it right what you want but respect what we have...we're all grown so no one should be telling the other what theycan/cannnot do...
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