Is The Title of Most Hated In NBA Shifting Right Before Our Very Eyes

Oct 13, 2001
Damn man, even in the STREETS. People just don't like Bron

Seems like people are easing up on Kobe a little more these days

But Bron man, especially in THIS city.

How long do you think it will be before Bron is public enemy #1?
once he started his lil im lik ethe jayz of basketball thing, i changed the channel ... i dont have time for that
Why must Kobe have to be mentioned? Instead of comparing we should just talk about how much people hate Lebron, including me......
when you win, people tend to forgive and forget....

afterall we watch sports because of athletes play on the court/field and not because we want to know how nice their personality is or who they sleep with....

if the lakers dont win the title this year, it will be back to hating kobe again...
Originally Posted by morningstar7777

Why must Kobe have to be mentioned? Instead of comparing we should just talk about how much people hate Lebron, including me......

Read the title and your question can be answered
I used to hate LeBron, plus I was a big Melo fan.

But LeBron has become my favorite player in the NBA.
when did the streets not like kobe? i think the is a commmon misconception. everyone said kobe was the best player everywhere i been for the last 6 or 7 years.

but you from dc right? maybe thats why they don't like bron where you're from. he does $!+! on ya every year.
if the lakers dont win the title this year, it will be back to hating kobe again...
i don't think so. kobe is a grown man now. how can you hate the kobe that you see now. yea i could see why people were hating him then buthe isn't the cocky, arrogant kid throwing up 3 point fadaways 5 feet away from the line. that title goes to gilbert arenas now
Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

when did the streets not like kobe? i think the is a commmon misconception. everyone said kobe was the best player everywhere i been for the last 6 or 7 years. .

lol there is a difference between LIKING and RESPECTING.

I don't think it was a misconception that Kobe was the most hated at one point.

Could have ALSO been the most popular as well.

Almost like a Heel Stone Cold Steve Austin if you will
Nah Kobe was DEFINITELY the most hated player in the NBA at one point.

I mean just look at his rap sheet:

1) He cheated on his wife, allegedly raping another woman (WHICH I BELIEVE IS THE SINGLE GREATEST FACTOR TO HIM BEING HATED)
2) He sabatoged what had the potential to be one of the greatest dynasties in the history of pro sports
3) He ran Shaq and Phil Jackson out of town
4) Up to this year, he has widely been perceived as a bad teammate and a ballhog, who know one in their right mind would want to play with

and some other minor things that you see talked about here on NT, but I won't go into those, so IMO Kobe has done wonders to rebuild his image, and likesomeone said earlier, winning usually cures a lot, but I don't believe that many outside of the LA area and people who are labeled his "stans"really liked Kobe at all from 2003 up until this season.
Good thread; good question.

I agree that we are seeing a shift.

People will say that they can't stand Bron's ego, they can't stand the hype around him, they can't stand the Jay-Z/Deshawn fiasco (no Lupe)...but the bottom line is exactly what NobleKane alluded to: he's not winning big.

Kobe was hated early on and respected early on, but I believe that it would have more hate than respect if he hadn't experienced 3 championships at thebeginning of this decade (this is just an opinion, folks, so don't spend too much time getting offended or trying to refute it
). But then when Shaqleft, the Lakers missed the playoffs, and then they were bounced in the first round two years in a row.

So take the most recent complete season: last season.

LeBron is in the Finals; Kobe is bounced in the first round.

Now this season: LeBron is out in the second round, Kobe is in his conference's Finals.

I think that minor shift of success contributes to the shift of hate/respect.
Until LeBron rapes someone, Kobe is still the most hated.
Stubborn ignorance FTW!
Originally Posted by the PGA tour

Dude is a very good player, but I just can't stand his over-inflated ego.

yea because kg, allen, and pierce dont have an inflated ego right?
^ Not as bad as LeBron, in my opinion.

I mean, I guess being called 'King' by damn near everyone* for 4 years now will do that to you. I remember Paul Pierce being called The Truth, KG beingcalled Big Ticket, and Ray being called Jesus, but that was because of his name in a movie.

I don't remember King Garnett, King Pierce, or King Allen.

I think being called King James for 4 years has gotten to his head.

'No LeBron team is ever desperate'?

* I have never, not one time called him King James, and I never will. And I like the dude; he's a freakish basketball player and an amazing athlete... butI'm not calling anyone King; not jokingly, not seriously, not in amazement after watching him dunk on five 9-footers. It's just not going to happen.
calling him king james would be blasphemy...

i dont get why he lets that name fly...
I don't care what anybody says, Kobe's level of hatred never had ANYTHING to do with him "allegedly" raping the chick... it had to do withhis "I wanna take on Jordan" attitude and his utter disregard for anything traditional, and the fact that his failures were monumental at first,costing what many consider championship level seasons, and that fact that he was unflinching in his desire to be the SINGLE best (as opposed to best teammate).

Jordan was the most hated at some point for most of his career actually. I think we tend to sugar coat things as we get older. Jordan started winning, and theonly people that continued to hate him were ususally fans of the teams he was killing, or stalwarts from earlier in his career.

Anyway, how could you possibly blame LeBron for an inflated ego... look at his body of work.

And you can't have it both ways. People hate Duncan because he's TOO humble and traditional, hate KG all of a sudden because he's winning (PLEASEsomeone explain that one... dude been the same player for over 10 years and NOW you wanna hate?!?), hate LeBron because he's one the two best players inthe League...

Fans are so fickle...
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