Is The Title of Most Hated In NBA Shifting Right Before Our Very Eyes

Originally Posted by MaxElite

you're not even getting the point. i don't care if you're a fan of the Lakers, Wizards, Celtics or whatever team with a superstar. it just seems to me as if there are more Lakers fans in this thread so I pointed them out. you like the Wizards, then don't say you hate Lebron b/c his ego gets on your nerves when you have players like Deshawn Stevenson and Arenas on your team. if you're a Laker fan then don't say you hate Lebron b/c of his ego when you have Kobe on your team. that is hypocritical b/c you cheer for a team with a ego maniacs too. how hard is that to see?

would it be possible for you to hate Kobe b/c of his ego and still be a Laker fan? um sure i guess. but i would like to know what percentage of Lakers fans hate Kobe. not very many i bet.

You do realize that the main reason that there are a lot of laker fans in this thread is due to the fact that a big percentage of S&T is laker fans.

A person aske a question about why they hate lebron and some said they didn't like him because of his ego. I don't see how you can say its wrong tohate lebron because laker fans have kobe on their team. You ask what precentage of laker fans hate kobe. Of course its not going to be many because of theplayoff run but at the same time you still have laker fans that will never let go of the 2004 season and some folks still blame him for shaq leaving. On theother hand no cavs fan could hate lebron because he made that team what it is. He rarely gets negative press plus he has yet to throw his team under the bus irask for a trade. In ohio lebron is a god. Kobe still has some haters in LA.

People can look down on lebron's attitude because that's their choice. I don't see why its that big of deal.

If I had my way nobody would hate on any player (unless that player took a cheap shot on a player thats on the team you root for). Just better things to do.Plus if we ever get kobe VS lebron in the finals it would great to see. I know if the cavs get that man some help it will happen sooner then later.
its funny how people are saying hes had help on his team. thats a joke seriously say that hes had more help then kobe did the past few years isridiculous...ummm how about lamar odom?? clevend hasnt even had anyone close to his talent and yet now hes the third best option on the lakers.come on peopleopen your eyes and stop the hate annd dont give me this eastern conference bull..because he beat the best team in the east (pistons)by himself with nooo help(who umm beat the lakers in 04' when they had that so called all star team)please dont bring up big ben either im tryna be serious here ..he also took thesecond best team to a game 7 and its not like where talking about weak teams .those are 2 great teams who are on the level of any great team in the west...andoh yea i dont wanna hear he was playing poorly just becuz he aint scoring 40 points hes still gettin assist and making plays ...and once in while his teammate**** the shots ...there in the nba ..thats what there supposed to do every so credit the defense not the offense for that anyway....any argumentyou can come up with of why you hate this guy i have at least 10 more arguments to counter yours ..and no im not a kobe hater quite frankly hes the best in theleague but dont act like hes the end all be all ...thats just being a fanboy
clevend hasnt even had anyone close to his talent and yet now hes the third best option on the lakers

well lamar odom has only just recently (since last year) reestablished himself as a better than average player.
EDIT: he was barely a second option before that

over the years lebron's had:

ricky davis
ben wallace

thats pretty good company imo.
Originally Posted by MaxElite

what is nothing to you? if you mean win championships, then fine a lot of great players have done nothing in this league.
when kobe won championships that only made his ego bigger and thus the hate grew stronger. it didn't go down, that's for damn sure.
you're wrong, if lebron wins championships, the hate isn't going to decrease. and neither will his ego. his respect in the long run might grow but we're not talking about that.

my point is why are you looking down upon Lebron's attitude? b/c he hasnt earned it? that's completely subjective. there are plenty of superstars with ego's who haven't even sniffed a ring who don't get as much attention as Lebron. Kobe had a huge ego before he won a ring. so what? was the hate really b/c of his ego or just the fact that he wasn't wearing your team's jersey?

I swear there is no possible way you can be reading...I have yet to even give an opinion on the whole subject, other than I don't hate him. The hatewill decrease some when he starts winning. How many people hated Kobe during the 3 peat other than Shaq???? How many people like him now? It's not hard,crazy I keep saying that.
Originally Posted by 0aktown

clevend hasnt even had anyone close to his talent and yet now hes the third best option on the lakers

well lamar odom has only just recently (since last year) reestablished himself as a better than average player.
EDIT: he was barely a second option before that

over the years lebron's had:

ricky davis
ben wallace

thats pretty good company imo.

Big Z is the only player besides probably Gooden and Gibson who ever played with LeBron in their prime

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Boozer already on the Jazz?

Kapono did nothing for the Cavaliers.

Ricky Davis was never what LeBron needed in a back-up scorer.

Diop emerged in Dallas.

Varejao is nothing more than a role player. A great role player yes, but just a role player.

Sasha has emerged a bit, but inconsistent to all hell.

Eric Snow never lived down to that airballed layup.

Jones? Damon Jones? He isn't very good. He plays like the last 3 minutes of the game, regardless if they're winning or losing.

Gibson hasn't been given consistent playing time, he could shine, but only if Mike let him.

Gooden was good, but was always in the backseat to LeBron and Z.

Hughes hasn't played good since he left Washington.

Ben Wallace only grabs rebounds and makes miraculous free throws at times. That's it.

Now don't get me wrong, some of these guys are good players, great role players, but LeBron has never had the combination that Championship caliberteams have. No second/third consistent scoring.
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