Is The Title of Most Hated In NBA Shifting Right Before Our Very Eyes

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Why would Kobe Bryant need to rape anyone? Half of NT wouldn't even say no.

This guy...
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I have never, not one time called him King James, and I never will.

What a party pooper.

Hell, even Jordan was hated, so anyone is fair game IMO.

That's right, I mentioned Michael Jordan.. in a thread with LeBron James and Kobe Bryant. MuHahahahahahahAha..
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Good thread; good question.

I agree that we are seeing a shift.

People will say that they can't stand Bron's ego, they can't stand the hype around him, they can't stand the Jay-Z/Deshawn fiasco (no Lupe)... but the bottom line is exactly what NobleKane alluded to: he's not winning big.

Kobe was hated early on and respected early on, but I believe that it would have more hate than respect if he hadn't experienced 3 championships at the beginning of this decade (this is just an opinion, folks, so don't spend too much time getting offended or trying to refute it
). But then when Shaq left, the Lakers missed the playoffs, and then they were bounced in the first round two years in a row.

So take the most recent complete season: last season.

LeBron is in the Finals; Kobe is bounced in the first round.

Now this season: LeBron is out in the second round, Kobe is in his conference's Finals.

I think that minor shift of success contributes to the shift of hate/respect.
Until LeBron rapes someone, Kobe is still the most hated.
Stubborn ignorance FTW!

you always put a disclaimer in your kobe posts huh?
1) He cheated on his wife, allegedly raping another woman (WHICH I BELIEVE IS THE SINGLE GREATEST FACTOR TO HIM BEING HATED)
Yeah that was huge I think with people not liking him. Yeah he wasn't convicted but I think those who had the slightest hint of dislike forhim took that and and ran with it.
LOL Him cheating on his wife was just an cop out excuse that haters used when talking about Kobe. No MAN really holds that against another man. Come on now LOL
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

LOL Him cheating on his wife was just an cop out excuse that haters used when talking about Kobe. No MAN really holds that against another man. Come on now LOL

Are you kidding? I would never cheer, much less, wear the shoes of a guy who has cheated on his wife.That's just unacceptable IMO. That's why I'm a big fan of... um.. Nevermind.
I think that that most of the people that hated him in his early years were Jordan fans, or at least the ones that I knew.
Those were the "other minor things" I was talking about, NT's hatred of the guy b/c he wants to be like MJ. That is also a big thing, cause noneof the Jordanites want to see his title of GOAT be questioned in the very least, let alone, someone having the audacity to say a punk like Kobe could even bein the same universe as MJ is. It's really funny to me, I didn't see the rule that to like MJ, you have to hate Kobe. I like and appreciate both forwhat they have brought to the game of basketball and have entertained me immensely. I just wish some of those on this site would give the man his due and notbust a vein when MJ and Kobe are mentioned in the same breath. I mean who knows what will happen in the future, but we may very well be witnessing at thismoment the greatest person to ever touch a basketball (puts flame ******ant suit on)
funny thing is that most of you werent old enough to remember how much jordan was hated until he won a couple of championships
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

LOL Him cheating on his wife was just an cop out excuse that haters used when talking about Kobe. No MAN really holds that against another man. Come on now LOL

I agree
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

funny thing is that most of you werent old enough to remember how much jordan was hated until he won a couple of championships

Jordan was hated, before, after, and during his championship runs.
LOL at the usual Kobe haters giving their all to prove this theory wrong...


Sidebar...Jordan received the same treatment that Kobe received that LeBron is receiving now.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

LOL at the usual Kobe haters giving their all to prove this theory wrong...


Sidebar...Jordan received the same treatment that Kobe received that LeBron is receiving now.
no he didnt.
Kobe and Lebron are definitely the class of the NBA right now; i don't hate Bron's game at all but I definitely don't like his over-inflated ego.Kobe on the other hand, I actually really respect as a player and personality, although I definitely don't like the Lakeshow. There are both Kobe hatersand Kobe stans; on this board though (especially at this point in time) the stans are absolutely outacontrol homer, just like some Cavs fans were when theywere in the postseason.
Yes...he did.

He was called a ballhog, fought his teammates, never trusted his teammates until his "first assist ever" was when he passed to Paxson, taunted forhis gambling, sometimes booed everytime he touched the ball...

Jordan said his own name a lot like LeBron does now also.
Originally Posted by acidicality

on this board though (especially at this point in time) the stans are absolutely outacontrol homer, just like some Cavs fans were when they were in the postseason.
For those of you claiming that Jordan received the same hate as Kobe, you couldn't be more wrong. True, Jordan was criticized by Vets when he first cameinto the league ( Flashiness at the all-star game, being froze out by Isiah ), but the media didn't attack him or create drama. As a matter of fact, theChicago press protected this man to no end. They knew about his first born being born out of wedlock, however they didn't make it a story. It wasn'tuntil the gambling story rose to the surface that Money was actually given any negative press. The media wasn't 24/7 or near the scale it is today whenJordan played his early years. I don't see all of the alleged hate you guys are saying LeBron is getting. I think some of you live in your own little worldor let nt dictate reality to you. Kobe is by far the most hated player in the NBA.
I never liked Kobe but when he came out and said Shaq cheats too he jus never got caught.


that 4ever made me view Kobe as _obe
Originally Posted by Three6mafia2007

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Why would Kobe Bryant need to rape anyone? Half of NT wouldn't even say no.



And I agree that Jordan got just as much hate. But his shoes sold and the media LOVED him. And plus the Internet wasn't around like that so wecouldn't see it as clearly.
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