Is The Title of Most Hated In NBA Shifting Right Before Our Very Eyes

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by MaxElite

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by MaxElite

of course all the Lakers/Wizards fans are the main posters in this thread.
What's the point?

i just dont get why lakers fans hate on the guy so much. its not like kobe dislikes him, lakers and cavs are not rivals, he's not a dirty player. i just find it stupid to hate on him b/c of his "ego." what a bunch of bs. y'all are just hating on him cuz he's rivaling your precious kobe as maybe the best player in the nba.

Wrong answer. You stated the reason why people hate on him....then changed it to because he's rivaling Kobe. First of all he isn't rivaling Kobe and he even knows that himself. Secondly that is the media making you and pretty much everyone else believe that he is. Third PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY SAID THEY HATE HIS EGO. It doesn't get more plain than that. Are there a few who might hate because it keeps getting tossed that he's close, equal, or better than Kobe? Sure. But it definitely doesn't describe Laker nation as a whole so you can cut that out early.
stop using the excuse of "we hate his ego" crap. kobe has an extremely large ego for god's sakes. most superstars have egos. sowhat? i guess its just a bit ironic that there are more Lakers fans in this thread than any other fan.

and NO the media doesnt make me believe anything. i watch the games myself so lets stop with your little "sportscenter hypes up lebron too much"theory. kobe might be the best player but lebron is in the discussion, stop being a fanboy and keep your lakers bias out of the conversation.
how old are people in here who say jordan was hated? 13? jordan wasn't liked by all, but he got MUCH more respect than kobe/lebron. early on he was criticized for ballhogging, maybe. and of course some teams' fans disliked him. but in no way did people dislike him like they do kobe
I'm pushing 30, young. And Jordan was hated by EVERYONE. From the gold chains at the All Star game, to the Full Length mink, to the shoes wehave now grown to love, Jordan was the antithesis of everything the NBA was at the time. People respected his game and athleticism and all that, to be sure,just as they do Kobe and LeBrons, but the EXACT same arguments I'm hearing all of you say about Bean and Bron are the EXACT same arguments I was hearing in85... He can't shoot (Bron), He can't make his teammates better (KB), he's selfish, He can score, but he ain't clutch blah blah blah.

Bron has buried as many teams as Jordan had in the playoffs by their 5th years in the L, which are startlingly similar... That was also Jordans beststatistical year, which amounted to nada come playoff time but a loss in the conference finals, something Bron has already accomplished.

[table][tr][td]Year[/td] [td]Team[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]GS[/td] [td]MPG[/td] [td]FG%[/td] [td]3P%[/td] [td]FT%[/td] [td]OFF[/td] [td]DEF[/td] [td]RPG[/td] [td]APG[/td] [td]SPG[/td] [td]BPG[/td] [td]TO[/td] [td]PF[/td] [td]PPG[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]07-08[/td] [td]CLE[/td] [td]75[/td] [td]74[/td] [td]40.4[/td] [td]0.484[/td] [td]0.315[/td] [td]0.712[/td] [td]1.8[/td] [td]6.1[/td] [td]7.9[/td] [td]7.2[/td] [td]1.8[/td] [td]1.1[/td] [td]3.40[/td] [td]2.20[/td] [td]30.0[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]88-89[/td] [td]CHI[/td] [td]81[/td] [td]81[/td] [td]40.2[/td] [td].538[/td] [td].276[/td] [td].850[/td] [td]1.8[/td] [td]6.2[/td] [td]8.0[/td] [td]8.0[/td] [td]2.89[/td] [td].80[/td] [td]3.58[/td] [td]3.00[/td] [td]32.5[/td] [/tr][/table]
I'm not one of those on a love quest with LeBron, and my Bro's favorite player is Kobe, but MJ was hated everywhere as the problem with the"New" NBA by everyone who either a) was a fan of a team beaten by him, or b) a so-called basketball purist who thought his flashy-somewhatballhogging style was not good form, or c) Isiah Thomas.

You don't get froze out of an All Star game unless you hated, cuzzo. Last I checked, Bron and Kobe BOTH get it in at the festivities, no?

The same thing that's happening now was happening then. The older folks really ain't care for dude, and the younger kids emulated his every move,cuz he was THAT GUY.

I dunno why this is so hard to believe, or if you were really not paying attention back then. The only difference is that Kobe hit a rough patch withvisible commercialism cuz of the whole Colorado fiasco. but the dollars have come back, just not the visibility... Dude has his own shoe now... they justdon't hype it.
Both dudes have enormous egos. Since only one is playing right now, we can spark this debate....
i cant wait until lebron gets a team with some decent talent....we have yet to see that ....not at all ....dont give me that he got big ben or big z or anybodywho u can compare to any of the players jordan or kobe or anyone has had...hes had no help !none, nada ,zip ,zilch, and yet he still took his team to thefinals by himself ...that is why hate on him when he hasnt even scratched the surface of greatness ??? stand back and witness the king cuz when hegets a decent team championships will reign -hopefully for the knicks!!!!!go ny go ny GO!!!!
i cant wait until lebron gets a team with some decent talent....we have yet to see that ....not at all ....dont give me that he got big ben or big z or anybodywho u can compare to any of the players jordan or kobe or anyone has had...hes had no help !none, nada ,zip ,zilch, and yet he still took his team to thefinals by himself ...that is why hate on him when he hasnt even scratched the surface of greatness ??? stand back and witness the king cuz when hegets a decent team championships will reign -hopefully for the knicks!!!!!go ny go ny GO!!!!
Originally Posted by john mickens

i cant wait until lebron gets a team with some decent talent....we have yet to see that ....not at all ....dont give me that he got big ben or big z or anybody who u can compare to any of the players jordan or kobe or anyone has had...hes had no help !none, nada ,zip ,zilch, and yet he still took his team to the finals by himself ...that is why hate on him when he hasnt even scratched the surface of greatness ??? stand back and witness the king cuz when he gets a decent team championships will reign -hopefully for the knicks!!!!!go ny go ny GO!!!!

Ska has pointed this out, and I'm going to point it out again.

If Lebron had no help, how was he able to play piss-poorly and the Cavs still took the best team in the league to 7 games?

How was he able to shoot 35% in a road game and the Cavs still won?

You make it sound like he was playing with a team of Kwames... This Cavaliers team is way better than the team Kobe was playing with the past couple ofyears.

Not to mention that Lebron plays in the Eastern conference... he would have ZERO postseason accomplishments to speak of if he was playing in the West.people would still be saying "when will he ever reach his potential"... instead he plays in a cakewalk conference and gets all this hype for doingsomething that is frankly not that impressive when compared to some of the greats.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by john mickens

i cant wait until lebron gets a team with some decent talent....we have yet to see that ....not at all ....dont give me that he got big ben or big z or anybody who u can compare to any of the players jordan or kobe or anyone has had...hes had no help !none, nada ,zip ,zilch, and yet he still took his team to the finals by himself ...that is why hate on him when he hasnt even scratched the surface of greatness ??? stand back and witness the king cuz when he gets a decent team championships will reign -hopefully for the knicks!!!!!go ny go ny GO!!!!

Ska has pointed this out, and I'm going to point it out again.

If Lebron had no help, how was he able to play piss-poorly and the Cavs still took the best team in the league to 7 games?

How was he able to shoot 35% in Game 4 and the Cavs still won?

You make it sound like he was playing with a team of Kwames... This Cavaliers team is way better than the team Kobe was playing with the past couple of years.

Not to mention that Lebron plays in the Eastern conference... he would have ZERO postseason accomplishments to speak of if he was playing in the West.
I totally agree with that. Dude has help. Not the best in the world, but he has enough help to go far in the playoffs.
From the gold chains at the All Star game, to the Full Length mink, to the shoes we have now grown to love, Jordan was the antithesis of everything the NBA was at the time. People respected his game and athleticism and all that, to be sure, just as they do Kobe and LeBrons, but the EXACT same arguments I'm hearing all of you say about Bean and Bron are the EXACT same arguments I was hearing in 85...
i see what you're saying, but we're talking about different degrees of hate. one guy (mike) was a different kind of player, new to theleague, ballhogger, flashy, etc. the reason people hate kobe.. okay the reasons. he emulates mj to a ridiculous degree down to post-game interview style, walkslike him, talks like him, etc. cheating on the wife. running everyone out of LA. demanding trades, hell people don't like him after childs gave him atwo-piece.

as for lebron, i don't really see the same degree, yet... but as much as mj wasn't everyone's 'favorite', there was still a draw to him. itwasn't as bad
Most Hated man in my eyes. FTL....
Originally Posted by MaxElite

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by MaxElite

of course all the Lakers/Wizards fans are the main posters in this thread.
What's the point?

i just dont get why lakers fans hate on the guy so much. its not like kobe dislikes him, lakers and cavs are not rivals, he's not a dirty player. i just find it stupid to hate on him b/c of his "ego." what a bunch of bs. y'all are just hating on him cuz he's rivaling your precious kobe as maybe the best player in the nba.

I love how people bunch folks together.

You can't say all laker fans hate lebron because rivaling kobe. IMO is great that we have lebron and kobe going at each other. But to be honest itwouldn't matter until they met in the finals. The people who worry about lebron rivaling kobe are kobe fans/stans. They may have a team lakers sig but thatsig will chance quick if he ever got traded. I do understand what you are say but don't throw all laker fans under the bus.

And like I have said before there is no reason to hate lebron IMO. Yeah he may have a big ego but name 1 nba superstar that doesn't. I can't wait tosee what the kid can do when the cavs finally put some talent around him.
Some of these "internet thugs" on NT have a bigger ego than Lebron yet they make ignorant comments about other peoples "inflated egos". Noone on here can tell me that if they were worth as much as Lebron, got as much TV time as Lebron, or was the face of the NBA like Lebron that they wouldn'thave a bit of an ego.
Originally Posted by MaxElite

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by MaxElite

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by MaxElite

of course all the Lakers/Wizards fans are the main posters in this thread.
What's the point?

i just dont get why lakers fans hate on the guy so much. its not like kobe dislikes him, lakers and cavs are not rivals, he's not a dirty player. i just find it stupid to hate on him b/c of his "ego." what a bunch of bs. y'all are just hating on him cuz he's rivaling your precious kobe as maybe the best player in the nba.

Wrong answer. You stated the reason why people hate on him....then changed it to because he's rivaling Kobe. First of all he isn't rivaling Kobe and he even knows that himself. Secondly that is the media making you and pretty much everyone else believe that he is. Third PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY SAID THEY HATE HIS EGO. It doesn't get more plain than that. Are there a few who might hate because it keeps getting tossed that he's close, equal, or better than Kobe? Sure. But it definitely doesn't describe Laker nation as a whole so you can cut that out early.
stop using the excuse of "we hate his ego" crap. kobe has an extremely large ego for god's sakes. most superstars have egos. so what? i guess its just a bit ironic that there are more Lakers fans in this thread than any other fan.

and NO the media doesnt make me believe anything. i watch the games myself so lets stop with your little "sportscenter hypes up lebron too much" theory. kobe might be the best player but lebron is in the discussion, stop being a fanboy and keep your lakers bias out of the conversation.

When did I use any excuse? How about you learn to read? Heck I even wrote it in caps so you could understand and you still couldn't understand it.People said they hate his ego...try and find where I said won't. I also never said other superstars didn't have an ego. I'm not going toget into any discussion about Bron being better or anywhere near him because I don't want to get this thread locked but my views on that have nothing todo with any supposed bias. How about you do yourself a the post then come with a more intelligent rebuttal.
LeBron is probably the best player in the world, and if not, he's equal.

And in turn, People have reasons to hate him and criticize him to no end.

People believe he has help? C'mon

I also can't wait till he gets some help around him or leaves Cleveland.

Earlier this season it was a consensus that Kobe and LeBron were equal or at the least 1a and 1b...then Kobe gets some help and LeBron can't becompared...

I enjoy Kobe's game's just I think that highly of LeBron's.

If Lebron had no help, how was he able to play piss-poorly and the Cavs still took the best team in the league to 7 games?
If you think LeBron played awful outside of Game 2...

Idk what to tell you...I guess we see things differently
Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by MaxElite

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by MaxElite

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by MaxElite

of course all the Lakers/Wizards fans are the main posters in this thread.
What's the point?

i just dont get why lakers fans hate on the guy so much. its not like kobe dislikes him, lakers and cavs are not rivals, he's not a dirty player. i just find it stupid to hate on him b/c of his "ego." what a bunch of bs. y'all are just hating on him cuz he's rivaling your precious kobe as maybe the best player in the nba.

Wrong answer. You stated the reason why people hate on him....then changed it to because he's rivaling Kobe. First of all he isn't rivaling Kobe and he even knows that himself. Secondly that is the media making you and pretty much everyone else believe that he is. Third PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY SAID THEY HATE HIS EGO. It doesn't get more plain than that. Are there a few who might hate because it keeps getting tossed that he's close, equal, or better than Kobe? Sure. But it definitely doesn't describe Laker nation as a whole so you can cut that out early.
stop using the excuse of "we hate his ego" crap. kobe has an extremely large ego for god's sakes. most superstars have egos. so what? i guess its just a bit ironic that there are more Lakers fans in this thread than any other fan.

and NO the media doesnt make me believe anything. i watch the games myself so lets stop with your little "sportscenter hypes up lebron too much" theory. kobe might be the best player but lebron is in the discussion, stop being a fanboy and keep your lakers bias out of the conversation.

When did I use any excuse? How about you learn to read? Heck I even wrote it in caps so you could understand and you still couldn't understand it. People said they hate his ego...try and find where I said won't. I also never said other superstars didn't have an ego. I'm not going to get into any discussion about Bron being better or anywhere near him because I don't want to get this thread locked but my views on that have nothing to do with any supposed bias. How about you do yourself a the post then come with a more intelligent rebuttal.

ok let me ask you something. are u a lebron hater? if not, then my posts are not addressing you.

now if you are a lebron "hater" and you say its b/c of his ego AND you're a fan of a team with a superstar on it (ie the Lakers) then that isa bunch of crap. that is being hypocritical. so if you cheer for kobe (who has the same big ego) why are you hating on someone else b/c of their ego. aftergoing thru this thread, i have simply observed that there are quite a few Lakers fans who do not particularly like Lebron b/c of his ego. i find that to benothing more than excuse to hide the fact that alot of Laker fans don't like that Lebron and Kobe are constantly compared.

now is that rebuttal up to your intelligence level or do you need to dumb it down for me since im so stupid.
And I'm not saying he has absolutely no help..


Get him some guys who can run and fill lanes and we're really gona see somethin special

Cleveland is building a 1990's Knick philosophy filled team (with less talent) with the best open court player in the league..
I haven't stayed on top of this discussion, but how can you call LeBron out for having an inflated ego and praise someone like KG? To the NBA outside ofBoston, dude has been nothing less than a complete annoying, pompous, great player who lacks sportsmanship on the court.
Originally Posted by MaxElite

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by MaxElite

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Originally Posted by MaxElite

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by MaxElite

of course all the Lakers/Wizards fans are the main posters in this thread.
What's the point?

i just dont get why lakers fans hate on the guy so much. its not like kobe dislikes him, lakers and cavs are not rivals, he's not a dirty player. i just find it stupid to hate on him b/c of his "ego." what a bunch of bs. y'all are just hating on him cuz he's rivaling your precious kobe as maybe the best player in the nba.

Wrong answer. You stated the reason why people hate on him....then changed it to because he's rivaling Kobe. First of all he isn't rivaling Kobe and he even knows that himself. Secondly that is the media making you and pretty much everyone else believe that he is. Third PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY SAID THEY HATE HIS EGO. It doesn't get more plain than that. Are there a few who might hate because it keeps getting tossed that he's close, equal, or better than Kobe? Sure. But it definitely doesn't describe Laker nation as a whole so you can cut that out early.
stop using the excuse of "we hate his ego" crap. kobe has an extremely large ego for god's sakes. most superstars have egos. so what? i guess its just a bit ironic that there are more Lakers fans in this thread than any other fan.

and NO the media doesnt make me believe anything. i watch the games myself so lets stop with your little "sportscenter hypes up lebron too much" theory. kobe might be the best player but lebron is in the discussion, stop being a fanboy and keep your lakers bias out of the conversation.

When did I use any excuse? How about you learn to read? Heck I even wrote it in caps so you could understand and you still couldn't understand it. People said they hate his ego...try and find where I said won't. I also never said other superstars didn't have an ego. I'm not going to get into any discussion about Bron being better or anywhere near him because I don't want to get this thread locked but my views on that have nothing to do with any supposed bias. How about you do yourself a the post then come with a more intelligent rebuttal.

ok let me ask you something. are u a lebron hater? if not, then my posts are not addressing you.

now if you are a lebron "hater" and you say its b/c of his ego AND you're a fan of a team with a superstar on it (ie the Lakers) then that is a bunch of crap. that is being hypocritical. so if you cheer for kobe (who has the same big ego) why are you hating on someone else b/c of their ego. after going thru this thread, i have simply observed that there are quite a few Lakers fans who do not particularly like Lebron b/c of his ego. i find that to be nothing more than excuse to hide the fact that alot of Laker fans don't like that Lebron and Kobe are constantly compared.

now is that rebuttal up to your intelligence level or do you need to dumb it down for me since im so stupid.

NO I'm not a hater...but if I was why would I be a hypocrite? Because Kobe plays for the Lakers? That doesn't even make sense. What makes you thinkit's beyond possible for me to believe both have terrible egos? Why would it be not possible for me to hate Kobe while being a Laker fan? I don't thinkyou are paying much attention because it's not just Laker fans who don't like his ego...seems to me as if you are trying to make something thatisn't. Should probably put an end to that. Not liking his ego has nothing to do with not liking the two being compared....those are two seperate issues.
you're not even getting the point. i don't care if you're a fan of the Lakers, Wizards, Celtics or whatever team with a superstar. it just seems tome as if there are more Lakers fans in this thread so I pointed them out. you like the Wizards, then don't say you hate Lebron b/c his ego gets on yournerves when you have players like Deshawn Stevenson and Arenas on your team. if you're a Laker fan then don't say you hate Lebron b/c of his ego whenyou have Kobe on your team. that is hypocritical b/c you cheer for a team with a ego maniacs too. how hard is that to see?

would it be possible for you to hate Kobe b/c of his ego and still be a Laker fan? um sure i guess. but i would like to know what percentage of Lakers fanshate Kobe. not very many i bet.
Originally Posted by MaxElite

you're not even getting the point. i don't care if you're a fan of the Lakers, Wizards, Celtics or whatever team with a superstar. it just seems to me as if there are more Lakers fans in this thread so I pointed them out. you like the Wizards, then don't say you hate Lebron b/c his ego gets on your nerves when you have players like Deshawn Stevenson and Arenas on your team. if you're a Laker fan then don't say you hate Lebron b/c of his ego when you have Kobe on your team. that is hypocritical b/c you cheer for a team with a ego maniacs too. how hard is that to see?

would it be possible for you to hate Kobe b/c of his ego and still be a Laker fan? um sure i guess. but i would like to know what percentage of Lakers fans hate Kobe. not very many i bet.

Every team has an ego maniac...let's get that straight. And I can't believe you compared the ego of a superstar to a role player. You serious?Dude, it's simple. Bron has a terrible attitude/ego. He's already overexposed when he's done nothing. It's not really hard to see why peoplewould hate him because of his ego....HE'S DONE NOTHING TO EVEN HAVE IT. I dunno whether you hate or don't hate nor do I know you're reasoning, whatI do know is it's really not this hard to understand but for some reason you are trying to make it more complicated then it really is. I'd say the samething about KG. Heck I'd understand people hating on Jordan's ego. It was the worst. But he got a pass because he was a winner...when Bron does some ofthat you won't see as much hate.
what is nothing to you? if you mean win championships, then fine a lot of great players have done nothing in this league.
when kobe won championships that only made his ego bigger and thus the hate grew stronger. it didn't go down, that's for damn sure.
you're wrong, if lebron wins championships, the hate isn't going to decrease. and neither will his ego. his respect in the long run might grow butwe're not talking about that.

my point is why are you looking down upon Lebron's attitude? b/c he hasnt earned it? that's completely subjective. there are plenty of superstars withego's who haven't even sniffed a ring who don't get as much attention as Lebron. Kobe had a huge ego before he won a ring. so what? was the hatereally b/c of his ego or just the fact that he wasn't wearing your team's jersey?
Originally Posted by the PGA tour

Dude is a very good player, but I just can't stand his over-inflated ego.

Yeah... not a fan of his personality/ego.

Although he does like the Yankees
LeBron getting up in there in hate...
but the difference with LeBron haters and Kobe haters are, Lebron haters are still pretty mild on hating him... hating him being arrogant in the court, bigego, no jumpshot, etc.. Pretty normal for a rival player.

But Kobe haters take it in a higher level! I mean its personal for them
To the point that they call his fans "kobe lovers" Never seen an athlete get hated and blamed for every movement he does
They even still talk about him not wanting to play for Charlotte
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