Is The Title of Most Hated In NBA Shifting Right Before Our Very Eyes

I respect his game but that's it. He has way too much swagger and he did nothing but get swept in the Finals. He is David Stern's, the NBA, any othermedia outlet's human Slurpee.
IMO I don't see why anybody should hate any player unless they took a cheap shot on somebody on your team.

There are a lot of things put out in the press. Not all of us know how true they are because some of the writers have hidden adjendas.

As far as kobe cheating on his wife, yeah it was wrong but I don't worry about what players do off the court because most players cheat. Also itdoesn't effect their play on the court which is what I worry about most. Kobe telling on shaq wasn't cool at all. IMO people tend to hang on that justso they can stay hating on him.

But noe of this matters. People are going to continue to hate hate on players like jordan, kobe and lebron because they are the best players.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Where to begin...

1. He nick-named himself the King

2. He thinks he is the 2nd coming of MJ and uses the #23. (Sorry, but I don't like anyone using that number; it should be retired from EVERY team.)

3. He has such an egotistical view of himself.

4. He chews on his nails.

5. Media hype for him is very annoying. Can't go a game (even non-Cavs games) without announcers having an On-Air Love affair with him.

6. That little tirade he went on about the Wizards. Dude needs to show some respect.

The guy has game and I respect him; but I just can't bring myself to like him.

Since you're a Lakers/Kobe fan I am not surprised by any of your responses.
K8be wan Kenobi wrote:
I lost respect for the dude when he dropped the quote about being 6'8" 245lbs so he's built for basketball, i'm not sure of the exact words, and then this postseason he flops and acts like he's getting molested out there.
Also, I think his ego is way out of the building.

LOL, I know right.

Dude was like "I'm 6'9 260, I'm built for the contact" and then proceeds to get checked by Songaila, Stevenson, Haywood, and flops and whines after every play.

He was like "I'm not built to shoot jumpers all night" and the very next game he took like 10 threes and was like 3-50 from midrange

Lebron is my favorite player but watching that was just sickening. Dude cried like a little girl after every foul. Then you see the replay and its notthat serious. But as dude gets better more haters come out.

Stupid A_ _ Goober?

Selfish A _ _ Goon?

Super Anti-Good?

Son of A Grinch?

Slimy And Grimy?

Salty And Gutless?

Spoonfed And Gifted?

Sorry. I... I don't now what happened to me there.
Im indifferent about lebron. I liked watching him play his hardest, i like his tinacity.

Im never one to pay attention to interviews and beefs and anything off the court, on court is all that matters to me.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02


Stupid A_ _ Goober?

Selfish A _ _ Goon?

Super Anti-Good?

Son of A Grinch?

Slimy And Grimy?

Salty And Gutless?

Spoonfed And Gifted?

Sorry. I... I don't now what happened to me there.

Screen Actors' Guild
Originally Posted by Kal Ripped Ken

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02


Stupid A_ _ Goober?

Selfish A _ _ Goon?

Super Anti-Good?

Son of A Grinch?

Slimy And Grimy?

Salty And Gutless?

Spoonfed And Gifted?

Sorry. I... I don't now what happened to me there.

Screen Actors' Guild

had me
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02


Stupid A_ _ Goober?

Selfish A _ _ Goon?

Super Anti-Good?

Son of A Grinch?

Slimy And Grimy?

Salty And Gutless?

Spoonfed And Gifted?

Sorry. I... I don't now what happened to me there.

, yeah, Screen Actor's Guild.
I agree, I don't see why people HATE players as if they did something to them personally.

There isn't an athlete that I DON'T like and I am proud to say that
bron was having a great yeah but i just feel they overhype. i work for footlocker and they always play highlights of him and it's not even great plays justplays he makes extra hyped... just my input
Originally Posted by vi3tsi06

bron was having a great yeah but i just feel they overhype. i work for footlocker and they always play highlights of him and it's not even great plays just plays he makes extra hyped... just my input


Yes he has and ego and it's annoying. However, what annoys me the most is how the media overhype him and everything he does. Being exposed to all thesemedia slurping is sickening.
how old are people in here who say jordan was hated? 13? jordan wasn't liked by all, but he got MUCH more respect than kobe/lebron. early on he wascriticized for ballhogging, maybe. and of course some teams' fans disliked him. but in no way did people dislike him like they do kobe
How does LeBron always end up looking like the one with the "ego".

LeBron actually said that Kobe was the best in the league.. While Kobe has said crap like that it was easier to get to the basket in Michael Jordan's timethan today to make himself look better than MJ. But LeBron is the one with the ego.
Does a tattoo from one shoulder to the other that says "Chosen One" not = ego?

Cuz you know, a Lebron James team is never worried.

Because the "Chosen One" is King James.

But there's no ego, cuz he said something nice once.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by MaxElite

of course all the Lakers/Wizards fans are the main posters in this thread.
What's the point?

i just dont get why lakers fans hate on the guy so much. its not like kobe dislikes him, lakers and cavs are not rivals, he's not a dirty player. i justfind it stupid to hate on him b/c of his "ego." what a bunch of bs. y'all are just hating on him cuz he's rivaling your precious kobe asmaybe the best player in the nba.
Originally Posted by bjm5295

I had no problem with LeBron his ego until the "No LeBron James team will ever be desperate" or whatnot quote was dropped. That was so egotistical.

However, the Cavs/Celtics series made me gain a lot more respect for him as an individual player, but at the same time, he hasnt proved to me he can win with a team.
This got me. I was starting to dislike Lebron, and then that quote came, and completely shut me off from actually liking the dude. Like bjm said, dudedeserves the utmost respect for his individual abilities. I respect the fact that he is a freak of nature, and dude sometimes just cannot be stopped. But atthe same time, when he proves that he can play a team game (make his teammates better, what Kobe is doing now IMO), then he will get ALOT more respect than hegets now.

But the ego thing is something completely different. That is something that would make any fan just turn his head and walk away.
Originally Posted by MaxElite

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by MaxElite

of course all the Lakers/Wizards fans are the main posters in this thread.
What's the point?

i just dont get why lakers fans hate on the guy so much. its not like kobe dislikes him, lakers and cavs are not rivals, he's not a dirty player. i just find it stupid to hate on him b/c of his "ego." what a bunch of bs. y'all are just hating on him cuz he's rivaling your precious kobe as maybe the best player in the nba.

Wrong answer. You stated the reason why people hate on him....then changed it to because he's rivaling Kobe. First of all he isn't rivaling Kobeand he even knows that himself. Secondly that is the media making you and pretty much everyone else believe that he is. Third PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY SAID THEYHATE HIS EGO. It doesn't get more plain than that. Are there a few who might hate because it keeps getting tossed that he's close, equal, or betterthan Kobe? Sure. But it definitely doesn't describe Laker nation as a whole so you can cut that out early.
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