Is This Blackface? vol. Olympic Edition

Op is a habitual pot stirrer.

What he doesn't realize is he aint got to do that.

Theres nters that like his chili eem if he just lets it simmer but he gotta stir the pot.
You can believe what you want, we can agree to disagree. It's a common skin treatment first of all, and while it's possible she did it with malicious intent, I don't see it as definely malicious in the same way as idiots deliberately painting their faces black like on halloween. Those are clear cut mockeries given the historical connotations of blackface, whereas this leans more towards reaching.
Yea, we can just agree to disagree.

As well traveled of a young lady she is, I would expect her to have a solid world view.

I just can't look at situations like this as, "Harmless or accidental."

Again, nobody is upset.

Nobody is going to boycott USA Gymnastics.

I am simply making an observation. I think she knew what she was doing.

Of course there is no way for any of us to know.
damnnn that means this ISNT blackface then

wow your two pictures just completely blew me away 
Op pushed submit, put his phone down, sat back and cracked his knuckles hoping people get offended and talk mess to eachother.
So is every person who uses these masks a racist? Or is it only if they post pictures?
Any white person that posts a picture with a black cleansing mask, online; knows what they are doing.

It is an EASY, "Line Step" that can tip toe the line enough that they can easily say, "It is just a mask."

And also, the vast majority of people that see it will also see it that way.
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You gotta be dumber then a pack of tortillas to think a face mask is someone doing 'black face'

It even sounds dumb.

So yall gona cry and make sephora ban the sales of black/white colored masks?
But what is the difference between posting the pictures and not?

They're putting it on...they see themselves in black face...seems like if they're racist in the photos they would be racist in any other scenario as well
A white person posting a black cleansing mask online is equivalent to Jerry Springers security team breaking up fights with females while at the same time getting free feels.

Sure, they are actually breaking up the fight (actually cleaning their face), but deep down inside, they know what they are REALLY doing but they can pass it off as them actually doing said task (cleansing and breaking up fight)
That overgeneralizing logic tho. lmaooo "Any white person that posts a picture with a black cleansing mask, online; knows what they are doing." :rofl:
So blackface gets a pass as long as it's behind closed doors with no photos?
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That overgeneralizing logic tho. lmaooo "Any white person that posts a picture with a black cleansing mask, online; knows what they are doing."
What makes you believe otherwise?

So you think they are just oblivious to race to the point where they don't even think twice about it before clicking send?
you gotta be dumber than a pack of pita bread if you think this is about her wearing the face mask and NOT her taking a picture with it on

You gotta be dumber then a bowl of cereal wit expired milk to even have the mindframe to think that a GIRL postin a pic of her having a face mask om means shes racist. Your life sounds miserable baby gurl.
But what is the difference between posting the pictures and not?

They're putting it on...they see themselves in black face...seems like if they're racist in the photos they would be racist in any other scenario as well
I mean if nobody else sees it, then feathers can't be ruffled.
you gotta be as naive as newborn baby if you think white girls wont do this kind of thing and think they can get away with it
You gotta be dumber then a bowl of cereal wit expired milk to even have the mindframe to think that a GIRL postin a pic of her having a face mask om means shes racist. Your life sounds miserable baby gurl.
First of all, who said she was RACIST?
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