Is this excessive police force? (Gun was on suspect)

Dec 30, 2007
I don't know how to feel about this, was the punch excessive? Yes. Was it needed? No. Yet at the same time the man was armed, and still didn't have his second half cuffed(thats what it looked like to me). How do you guys feel about this?
see that mess everyday...does the cop have his knee on dudes head tho? smh. it wasnt like he was even resisting...or was he? no audio...
Yes it is
, No wonder cops get killed everyday.
yes. and with the comment "why don't you put that on the internet too," just sounds like he has some anger balled up.
If your dumb enough to have an illegal weapon on you your dumb enough to get your %!# wopped by the cops.. and that aint nothing in nyc you got a gun on you your getting shot at by the cops period.
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