Is this self-defense, or murder??? What do you think? Watch this vid...

damn that's straight murder after one point. did he really have to shoot 5 times to his abdomen?
he was already on the floor and he still continued to shoot at him? $@@
Eff that. You playin a dirty game like robbery, expect the repercussion to be equally dirty. He got what he deserved.
It depends on his mindframe at that time of the murder. The main focus was to subdue and make sure everybody is safe. Never know if the perpertrator isperpertrating and and lying on the floor faking. I mean mixed with adrenailene theres no telling. If he do get prosecuted they should get him for manslaughter.
Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

good one less piece of crap in the world. should have never tried to rob that place.

you're an idiot. What if that was your son? everybody makes mistakes, jerk.
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

i just dont understand people defending a person who robbed a store at gun point ... ... ... ... ...

I don't think anyone is defending the robber, however what the store owner did was murder. He had already chased one man off, had the other on the floor,went back, RELOADED, and shot the young man again. That is undoubtedly murder.
Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

good one less piece of crap in the world. should have never tried to rob that place.

you're an idiot. What if that was your son? everybody makes mistakes, jerk.

piss off you stupid que/er hopefully you die in a car accident so it will be two less pieces of crap in the world.

everybody makes mistakes little stuff like stealing candy from the ice cream truck, or egging somebodys car or whatnot but attempting to rob a storeisn't a mistake its attempted robbery.

if that was my child he would have deserved what he got because i would have raised him better then that.
Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

good one less piece of crap in the world. should have never tried to rob that place.

you're an idiot. What if that was your son? everybody makes mistakes, jerk.

piss off you stupid que/er hopefully you die in a car accident so it will be two less pieces of crap in the world.

everybody makes mistakes little stuff like stealing candy from the ice cream truck, or egging somebodys car or whatnot but attempting to rob a store isn't a mistake its attempted robbery.

if that was my child he would have deserved what he got because i would have raised him better then that.
Do us all a favor and off yourself. One less huge piece of crap in the world.
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

good one less piece of crap in the world. should have never tried to rob that place.

you're an idiot. What if that was your son? everybody makes mistakes, jerk.

piss off you stupid que/er hopefully you die in a car accident so it will be two less pieces of crap in the world.

everybody makes mistakes little stuff like stealing candy from the ice cream truck, or egging somebodys car or whatnot but attempting to rob a store isn't a mistake its attempted robbery.

if that was my child he would have deserved what he got because i would have raised him better then that.
Do us all a favor and off yourself. One less huge piece of crap in the world.

you sound like a vagina
Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

Originally Posted by mdresident

Originally Posted by lakersmets49ers

good one less piece of crap in the world. should have never tried to rob that place.

you're an idiot. What if that was your son? everybody makes mistakes, jerk.

piss off you stupid que/er hopefully you die in a car accident so it will be two less pieces of crap in the world.

everybody makes mistakes little stuff like stealing candy from the ice cream truck, or egging somebodys car or whatnot but attempting to rob a store isn't a mistake its attempted robbery.

if that was my child he would have deserved what he got because i would have raised him better then that.

I think the laws in Saudi Arabia and China may suit you better.
Man, some of y'all are defending attempted robbery. Owner, didwhat he had to do ,EXCESSIVE, yes but it should be carefully looked over. Do you know how it feels to have your life in danger and the millions of thingsrushing in your head. Owner was probably shook and got trigger happy, regardless it's still his shop and he was the one getting robbed, unfortunate for therobbers he was ready. I think, owner should just go to counselling or something.
How some of y'all calling this is a mistake !!! Attempting a crime is nevera mistake, that *%!$ is premeditated regardless what it is...
ericberry.. You're freaken Lamar Odom inconsistent.. Sometimes I see ridiculous posts but all of your comments in this thread are appreciated..
first shot: self-defense

anything after that, then he's worse than the robbers if you ask me.
IMO the kid played with fire and now they both lost. the final shots were not necessary, dude straight up tagged him in the head first shot! while young boywas fixing his mask...
I imagine he will get off though. first shot probably killed the kid anyway, or left him veggie.
but man what a sad story and a tough call. hopefully others can learn from this
oh and what a variety of responses in here. NT is a diverse crowd
Originally Posted by kylewatson3

Technically it's 1st degree murder, because after the initial shot he had time to collect himself. Not only did he collect himself, he went and checked on the culprit, walked to a drawer, unlocked it, and pulled out another gun, and walked backed and fired 5 more shots.

However, I think a good lawyer would be able to get him off on a lesser charge, but maybe not self defense. They might could argue that the robber knew of the possible consequences, murder, jail time, and including death. Therefore making the outcome acceptable.

IMO by law he should be convicted of murder, but I don't know if I actually agree with it.
I agree, BUT the time elapsed to do all that was ~13 seconds. I think a sympathetic jury or judge ( would not surprise in OK) would buy that thedude was still in shock, regardless of his specific sequence of actions.
A lot of things will play, I mean the owner can be mentally unstable or suffer from some type of medical problem which a good lawyer will be able to use orabuse and get his client off the hook. Again, like I said kid caught a bad time to try and rob a man.

Anybody, hear about the store owner in NY, who gave the robber $40.00 and a loaf of bread to go feed his family...
typical of the way this country is heading....%++ backwards. Yes, lets arrest the victim of the robbery for killing the robber. I don't care if he unloaded4 clips on the douche bag, went out and bought himself an assault rifle, came back and used the dude for target practice, maybe the next $%%@%%#$$ will thinklong and hard before they try to rob that store again.

This guy was minding his own business, and not breaking a single law. These two dumbasses put him in the situation which caused him to do things he most likelyhas never had to do before. Its not like this man went out LOOKING for someone to shoot, this is not murder. I know exactly what the guy was thinking, becauseof the backwards %++ way we do things now. He probably wanted to make sure the robber was dead so that the robber didn't go lawyer up later on and sue theguy for shooting him during his robbery attempt. Don't be surprised when you find out the dead robbers family is suing the store owner for THAT is what is shameful, dispicable, and disgusting.
some of yall must be brain dead or something.

Say someone attacks you with a knife in a dark alley. You defend yourself and successfully disarm, and incapacitate the man.
Now you are in no harm what so ever.
You go to your car, grab your gun, and shoot that man 5 times, in turn killing him.

Please tell me how you can't see the wrong in that.
That's murder...he came back to finish the job. It's unfortunate because I'm sure we all understand you have the right to protect yourself. But hewent overboard...
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