Is this what really goes down in Washington Heights?

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As I posted in another thread:
Off topic I love my peeps, but hick Dominicans piss me off. Everything they do feels mad forced. Just relax B. Stop trying to act like the 5th member of Aventura. Ya jeans are way too tight and I know you didnt buy that in the mens section.
OP how did you find this vid? What were you searching for? lol

side note, why is it when a minority does something he becomes a representative of his entire culture/race?
some black people killed each other for jordans this past week.....blacks are so violent. This is what goes down in the hood.
some ayo dominicans film ayo tendencies....all dominicans are ayo. This is what goes down in the heights.
Some extremist Muslims are reacting violently because of offensive cartoons... all muslims are terrorist. This is what goes down in the entire middle east.
Your entire post pretty much summed up my thoughts when I see some trash on here about the Heights/Dominicans.

Also doesn't help that the "representative" on NT perpetuates a lot of the negative sterotypes.

People are gonna think what they want to though, regardless of logic. I generally avoid bait threads like this one because of that.
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