Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

You know they losing the war when the day after 3 countries recognize the state of Palestine they release a Hamas video where they line up female soldiers and then fake the subtitles with “she’s beautiful. She can get pregnant” so that US media can continue to push the fake mass rape story

If that’s what you claim as a victory then god you’re losing so bad

It is really weird because don't they know there are Arab native speakers that can DEBUNK this easily with the fake subtitles?

What is messed up is it came from Israel's official Twitter account. This is in such bad faith and deranged.

Then these Oct. 7 mass SA allegations supporters dare to question us why we don't believe Israeli propaganda and how they actually weaponize SA to manufacture genocide.
But the thing is that they are doing this to increase support amongst the very very surface level Americans (most of who are) that just read headlines and this type of garbage works on them.

BUT…8 months in and it’s different now bc, EVEN IF TRUE (which it isn’t bc you know, Arabic speakers), it won’t work now. Ok so what if he said “she’s can get pregnant”- bad Hamas! But you can’t kill 17k kids. See how it all just falls apart. They are trying to earn the trust of Americans but most Americans don’t care OR it doesn’t matter bc congress will do what it wants since it doesn’t work for the people. They are just spinning their own wheels.

Outside of the states that already love Israel, nobody is presenting that video as evidence for “mass rape” so it’s useless
But the thing is that they are doing this to increase support amongst the very very surface level Americans (most of who are) that just read headlines and this type of garbage works on them.

BUT…8 months in and it’s different now bc, EVEN IF TRUE (which it isn’t bc you know, Arabic speakers), it won’t work now. Ok so what if he said “she’s can get pregnant”- bad Hamas! But you can’t kill 17k kids. See how it all just falls apart. They are trying to earn the trust of Americans but most Americans don’t care OR it doesn’t matter bc congress will do what it wants since it doesn’t work for the people. They are just spinning their own wheels.

Outside of the states that already love Israel, nobody is presenting that video as evidence for “mass rape” so it’s useless

Zios are now claiming that supposedly ISIS uses the word sabayya to mean sex slaves and so that's what it means.

LIKE WHAT? Hamas is not ISIS though and never had sex slavery. It is absurd. Also, Palestinians speak Levantine Arabic and literally we always say it as meaning group of young women...Allll the time. It makes perfect sense given they are talking about the girls they captured.

It is really weird with their obsession that Hamas is ISIS or as if they're from the same branch or something.

Hamas' political Islam is nowhere near and wasn't even founded on same principles as ISIS. They are 2 completely different groups and founded based on different ideologies and movements.
The original establishment of Israel kinda set things up to fail in perpetuity. Israel should've never been established in the first place but obviously you can't just dissolve Israel after all these years, especially given their power and influence.
While I agree with your last sentence, I think the notion that "they were given a state" can easily hide the fact that Israelis were heavily involved in the establishment of their state. Let's not forget that they went around the British to bring in more Jewish folks than they were allowed to, and they committed terrorist acts against UK forces until the latter left in 1947. In fact, Israeli militias were considered terrorist groups by the US government, even though they quickly recognized the state of Israel.

If anything, allied countries should've set up a special immigration process for the jews after WW2 so they could easily immigrate and get citizenship in allied countries. Instead they were given land that doesn't belong to them, surrounded by countries that don't want want them there. All under the absurd rationale of some nonsense about a religious claim to the land

There's that little mentioned issue of European antisemitism they wanted to solve, just like Americans wanted to solve anti-black racism by funding the creation of Liberia. We can trace the Liberian civil war of the 1990s directly to the natives/settlers conflicts.
Remember when Golda Meier said “we will have peace when Palestinian mothers love their kids more than they hate us”

Holy ****

Every accusation really is a confession

This post is partly associated with this thread since Iran is part of the resistance nexus

This 1.5 hr lecture on Iran (watch it on 1.5x speed) is an absolutely mind blowing. Highly highly highly recommend especially if you love history.

I’m being facetious but UAE is notoriously infiltrated by the Israeli. Illegal to have Palestinian flags there
"infiltrated by the Israeli" :lol:

What actually happened in the world of reality is that the UAE's Federal Supreme Council decided that they care more about business and political ties with Israel (and others involved in negotiating the Abraham Accords) than maintaining a relationship with Palestine. They also cut practically all their financial support for Palestinians since the Abraham Accords.
Palestinian flags are theoretically fine but the UAE has heavy restrictions on any and all forms of public protests; or whatever they want to interpret as a protest.
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"infiltrated by the Israeli" :lol:

I have to wonder if that's gonna be the entry point for the eventual "the IDF is funding the Sudanese genocide through the UAE" conspiracy theory...

I don't understand how people can go entire lives without considering that smaller nations that don't register on the nightly news cycle can also have foreign objectives that are divorced from the what's happening between opposing global powers...
Arabs don't really like each other if we're being honest. They put their financial interests first before any "solidarity"
Arabs don't really like each other if we're being honest. They put their financial interests first before any "solidarity"
That's just human nature in general. In theory it is possible that the UAE does support the Palestinian cause to some extent, after all they had nothing to gain from providing the pre-Abraham Accords levels of aid. However with those Accords, the UAE clearly rank maintaining ties with the Palestinians on a vastly lower priority than formalizing business and political ties with Israel. Which makes sense, after all the Palestinians have nothing of value to offer in such negotiations. At most you could argue that helping the Palestinians grants a state a certain level of humanitarian respect in some circles but that's about it.
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Arabs don't really like each other if we're being honest. They put their financial interests first before any "solidarity"

Most Arabs are united with each other like the Palestinian cause and against American/Israeli/Western imperialism.

It's the GOVERNMENTS that are heavily invested with the western governments.

Then again, how do ya'll think these governments were propped up when the colonial powers propped them up?

If these governments don't align with western interests, there will be a coup or you'll be assassinated.
That's just human nature in general. In theory it is possible that the UAE does support the Palestinian cause to some extent, after all they had nothing to gain from providing the pre-Abraham Accords levels of aid. However with those Accords, the UAE clearly rank maintaining ties with the Palestinians on a vastly lower priority than formalizing business and political ties with Israel. Which makes sense, after all the Palestinians have nothing of value to offer in such negotiations. At most you could argue that helping the Palestinians grants a state a certain level of humanitarian respect in some circles but that's about it.

The men ruling the Gulf are some of the most depraved and corrupted types of people.

They'll align with whatever means that suits their depravity.
Most Arabs are united with each other like the Palestinian cause and against American/Israeli/Western imperialism.

They are united against a common enemy. That doesn't stop them from fighting each other: Iraq invading Yemen, Iraq and Syria clashing, SA fighting with Yemeni militias, etc...

If these governments don't align with western interests, there will be a coup or you'll be assassinated.

I don't know...

Niger did kick out the US from their country a few months over their growing relationship with Russia. If there is a time to switch allegiance for these governments, it has to be now since China and Russia are growing bolder and are seeking allies.

If anything, MENA governments not turning away from the US when they have the option to do so indicates that they benefit from this relationship; those leaders are not entertain the US simply out of fear.
Biden said Rafah was redline. So they did a “limited infiltration of Rafah”

He said nothing

Today they dropped a 2000lb bomb on Rafah tents, killing hundreds and injuring many more. As usual, mostly women and babies.

Biden will say nothing

But remember, vote Blue no matter who
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