Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

I really hate that my tax dollars are funding this.

Doesn’t matter if it was Biden or Trump. America would still be heavily involved.
Yeah unfortunately the US-Israeli relationship is so entrenched that both Republican and Democrat administrations are going to largely support Israel.
Sure there's candidates who wouldn't, or at least push back more, but those people don't make it to the White House obviously.

Either way there's still a pretty blatant discrepancy between Republicans and Democrats on the issue of Israel/Palestine though. Throughout Trump's entire term, he worked to further isolate the Palestinians from what used to be somewhat allies. Hence why the Abraham Accords happened. He also explicitly approved Israel's furthering of their 'settlements', aka colonization, abd refused to do anything to push back on it.
He also gave Netanyahu massive gifts for no reward whatsoever, such as formally acknowledging Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, which of course pissed off the Palestinians and inflamed the conflict.
Netanyahu wanted to get rid of the Iran Nuclear Deal too, so it's not like Trump needed to shower Netanyahu with deeply divisive gifts for some broader purpose. Perhaps it was to further negotiations of the Abraham Accords, which cut Palestinians off from former alliances like the UAE. Even in that case though, Israel had nothing to lose from those Accords.

Trump's track record on Israel is incessantly lapdog-ish and he's already made it very clear he intends to fully support Israel in a potential second term. In the absolute best case scenario, he'd simply continue what Biden is doing. That seems unlikely though, as his ego wouldn't be able to cope with being seen as less pro-Israel than Biden.
They are united against a common enemy. That doesn't stop them from fighting each other: Iraq invading Yemen, Iraq and Syria clashing, SA fighting with Yemeni militias, etc...

I don't know...

Niger did kick out the US from their country a few months over their growing relationship with Russia. If there is a time to switch allegiance for these governments, it has to be now since China and Russia are growing bolder and are seeking allies.

If anything, MENA governments not turning away from the US when they have the option to do so indicates that they benefit from this relationship; those leaders are not entertain the US simply out of fear.

Again, the GOVERNMENTS are the ones that clash for their interests, which also are heavily influenced by Western imperial powers. You also have the Western powers that know how to create divisions and rifts between certain groups and sects, which is also used by the governments.

But, the people can be united as needed, except when things pop off because of sectarian rifts due to tensions instigated and fired up by the local national governments and colonial powers.

Again, this goes way back in how the Western imperial powers used underlying rifts to bring to the forefront when they propped up certain clans as monarchies, and carved up territories based on populations of certain sects.

Many of the anti-imperial/anti-West leaders or regimes were overturned or offed. Syrian coup in the 50s, coup against Iran's Mossadegh, Egypt's Nasser (allegedly poisoned), Saudi's King Faisal (assassinated), Saddam & Gaddafi (we all know what happened), Egypt now is back under military rule that is pro-West/Zionist under Sisi, Arafat (allegedly poisoned), etc. Sadat was assassinated because of his shift to pro-Zionist/West, although Mubarak that replaced him was heavily backed by U.S.

But, I agree with you, unless some of these countries shift to Russian alliance and receive much closer ties & links, they can become more protected and harder to be taken down by the West (ex. Syria's Assad).

The West also has a foreign policy of trying many different ways to take down anti-West regimes that threaten their interference, pipeline politics, and resources.
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They are united against a common enemy. That doesn't stop them from fighting each other: Iraq invading Yemen, Iraq and Syria clashing, SA fighting with Yemeni militias, etc...

I don't know...

Niger did kick out the US from their country a few months over their growing relationship with Russia. If there is a time to switch allegiance for these governments, it has to be now since China and Russia are growing bolder and are seeking allies.

If anything, MENA governments not turning away from the US when they have the option to do so indicates that they benefit from this relationship; those leaders are not entertain the US simply out of fear.

Yeah unfortunately the US-Israeli relationship is so entrenched that both Republican and Democrat administrations are going to largely support Israel.
Sure there's candidates who wouldn't, or at least push back more, but those people don't make it to the White House obviously.

Either way there's still a pretty blatant discrepancy between Republicans and Democrats on the issue of Israel/Palestine though. Throughout Trump's entire term, he worked to further isolate the Palestinians from what used to be somewhat allies. Hence why the Abraham Accords happened. He also explicitly approved Israel's furthering of their 'settlements', aka colonization, abd refused to do anything to push back on it.
He also gave Netanyahu massive gifts for no reward whatsoever, such as formally acknowledging Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, which of course pissed off the Palestinians and inflamed the conflict.
Netanyahu wanted to get rid of the Iran Nuclear Deal too, so it's not like Trump needed to shower Netanyahu with deeply divisive gifts for some broader purpose. Perhaps it was to further negotiations of the Abraham Accords, which cut Palestinians off from former alliances like the UAE. Even in that case though, Israel had nothing to lose from those Accords.

Trump's track record on Israel is incessantly lapdog-ish and he's already made it very clear he intends to fully support Israel in a potential second term. In the absolute best case scenario, he'd simply continue what Biden is doing. That seems unlikely though, as his ego wouldn't be able to cope with being seen as less pro-Israel than Biden.

I think Netanyahu and other Israeli politicians have much more power than people realize or can understand, and that is why Israel has a bipartisan backing from the U.S. to this day. Again, U.S. is heavily invested in that region, and why as the head of the Empire would you let it go?

Israeli politicians brag all the time the U.S. cannot stop them and as if they have the U.S. by the (you know what). Must be because of AIPAC, money, networks, and I believe a bunch of blackmail/extortion.

Let me add the issue is many of the propped up and U.S.-backed regimes (i.e. Saudi Arabia).
So yesterday Israel came out with their B.S. of Hamas hiding among tents and then Hamas command centre among tents, and now they're admitting it was a mistake of their Rafah massacre and they will investigate further.

WHY does anyone even still believe Israeli press and government statements? It is like the mainstream press is dumb, or knows they are patent blatant pathological liars, and intentionally and maliciously still reporting based on the Israeli narrative.

How many massacres and excuses or their lies and backtracking does are needed to not believe anything they claim?

This IS ISRAEL, a genocidal colonial violent state, and that's how it was established and will continue to be, and for some reason the West doesn't want to believe it. It is obviously clear because some Western nations are settler colonial states in this same manner and continue settler colonialism policies to this day. So of course, they turn a blind eye and approve for this to continue.
I think Netanyahu and other Israeli politicians have much more power than people realize or can understand, and that is why Israel has a bipartisan backing from the U.S. to this day. Again, U.S. is heavily invested in that region, and why as the head of the Empire would you let it go?

Israeli politicians brag all the time the U.S. cannot stop them and as if they have the U.S. by the (you know what). Must be because of AIPAC, money, networks, and I believe a bunch of blackmail/extortion.

Let me add the issue is many of the propped up and U.S.-backed regimes (i.e. Saudi Arabia).
It's a pretty simple matter of Israel being one of the only countries in that region that is quite easy to work with for the US and other Western nations that are strongly allied with them.
Israel's Mossad is easily one of the highest quality intelligence agencies in the world, and they have a unique level of insight in the region. More importantly, Israel shares important intelligence with its strongest allies. It is a mutually beneficial political, business and intelligence-sharing relationship for the Israeli and US/Western governments.

Saudi Arabia has a similar level of power, arguably more. When was the last time anyone's heard about their multi-year bombing and mass starvation campaign in Yemen that has caused well over 100k deaths already and shows no signs of slowing down? The Saudi's got away with 9/11 free of charge and crown prince MBS very blatantly got off without a dent in his international standing when he ordered the execution and mutilation of a dissident in their Istanbul embassy, despite the dissident working for the US Washington Post as a columnist.

Bombings, genocide etc. are largely negligible for most governments.
The Saudi's have been doing the same to Yemen for years, also while continually doing arms deals with the US and others.
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It's a pretty simple matter of Israel being one of the only countries in that region that is quite easy to work with for the US and other Western nations that are strongly allied with them.
Israel's Mossad is easily one of the highest quality intelligence agencies in the world, and they have a unique level of insight in the region. More importantly, Israel shares important intelligence with its strongest allies. It is a mutually beneficial political, business and intelligence-sharing relationship for the Israeli and US/Western governments.

Saudi Arabia has a similar level of power, arguably more. When was the last time anyone's heard about their multi-year bombing and mass starvation campaign in Yemen that has caused well over 100k deaths already and shows no signs of slowing down? The Saudi's got away with 9/11 free of charge and crown prince MBS very blatantly got off without a dent in his international standing when he ordered the execution and mutilation of a dissident in their Istanbul embassy, despite the dissident working for the US Washington Post as a columnist.

Bombings, genocide etc. are largely negligible for most governments.
The Saudi's have been doing the same to Yemen for years, also while continually doing arms deals with the US and others.

The Saudi's got away with 9/11?
It's a pretty simple matter of Israel being one of the only countries in that region that is quite easy to work with for the US and other Western nations that are strongly allied with them.
Israel's Mossad is easily one of the highest quality intelligence agencies in the world, and they have a unique level of insight in the region. More importantly, Israel shares important intelligence with its strongest allies. It is a mutually beneficial political, business and intelligence-sharing relationship for the Israeli and US/Western governments.

Saudi Arabia has a similar level of power, arguably more. When was the last time anyone's heard about their multi-year bombing and mass starvation campaign in Yemen that has caused well over 100k deaths already and shows no signs of slowing down? The Saudi's got away with 9/11 free of charge and crown prince MBS very blatantly got off without a dent in his international standing when he ordered the execution and mutilation of a dissident in their Istanbul embassy, despite the dissident working for the US Washington Post as a columnist.

Bombings, genocide etc. are largely negligible for most governments.
The Saudi's have been doing the same to Yemen for years, also while continually doing arms deals with the US and others.

Agreed on everything.

I read this book on pipeline politics and their conclusion was certain countries and regimes were propped and used as military outposts to serve each other in the region, and Israel and Saudi are actually protectors of each other to serve Western imperialism.

I also agree with you on how Saudi got away with 9/11 big time. They do have very close ties and connection to the Bush family and they run deep with the Kushners as well. Also agreed on the havoc and literal destruction of Yemen and its people, but then again the West sees the Houthis as the main issue.

The Saudi Arabia monarchy is another cancer of the Middle East.

You are absolutely right in literally how they had no sanctions on repercussions on their killing of Kashoggi. Also, do you notice how the U.S. will put out there and support anti-Iranian government regime on their human rights, but not Saudi Arabia. I think Iranian government is even less maniacal and authoritarian than Saudi Arabia (although both of them are on extreme end). But, somehow in the West or U.S. you never see much on exposing Saudi Arabia.
Yeah I just read that like Saudi Arabia as a state was responsible.

I believe it. You need to read also into the commision and inquiries of the 9/11 survivors and their families that have been trying to invesitgate Saudi Arabia's role but the U.S. government has been denying it.

I will go look into that book again on the pipeline politics that had a chapter which mentioned this and the author insinuated Saudi Arabia was involved.
I believe it. You need to read also into the commision and inquiries of the 9/11 survivors and their families that have been trying to invesitgate Saudi Arabia's role but the U.S. government has been denying it.
There's a reason for that:

The bill had sailed through both chambers of Congress, with final passage just days before the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people. But the White House said the bill, which doesn’t refer specifically to Saudi Arabia, could backfire by opening up the U.S. government and its officials to lawsuits by anyone accusing the U.S. of supporting terrorism, rightly or wrongly
Yeah unfortunately the US-Israeli relationship is so entrenched that both Republican and Democrat administrations are going to largely support Israel.
Sure there's candidates who wouldn't, or at least push back more, but those people don't make it to the White House obviously.

Either way there's still a pretty blatant discrepancy between Republicans and Democrats on the issue of Israel/Palestine though. Throughout Trump's entire term, he worked to further isolate the Palestinians from what used to be somewhat allies. Hence why the Abraham Accords happened. He also explicitly approved Israel's furthering of their 'settlements', aka colonization, abd refused to do anything to push back on it.
He also gave Netanyahu massive gifts for no reward whatsoever, such as formally acknowledging Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, which of course pissed off the Palestinians and inflamed the conflict.
Netanyahu wanted to get rid of the Iran Nuclear Deal too, so it's not like Trump needed to shower Netanyahu with deeply divisive gifts for some broader purpose. Perhaps it was to further negotiations of the Abraham Accords, which cut Palestinians off from former alliances like the UAE. Even in that case though, Israel had nothing to lose from those Accords.

Trump's track record on Israel is incessantly lapdog-ish and he's already made it very clear he intends to fully support Israel in a potential second term. In the absolute best case scenario, he'd simply continue what Biden is doing. That seems unlikely though, as his ego wouldn't be able to cope with being seen as less pro-Israel than Biden.
His son in law is Jared Kushner. Trump was basically a lapdog looking to win favor for personal financial reasons
There's a reason for that:

Just found this published 8 days ago:

Looks like the lawsuit has already been launched.

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