It took D12 six years to learn some post moves...

Lol, if Dwight grew up a guard, he must've been a bad guard.  I see nothing about his game that suggests he grew up handling the ball. 

You guys can't give me that 12 inch growth spurt excuse.  He's been 7 foot for the last 6 or 7 years and he's had damn time to get used to his body

*edit* and if anyone of y'all have been paying attention...

he been working out with hakeem...since the summer before last.  he used some of these post moves in the playoffs but the biggest problem is that he lacks the soft touch to finish.  like he'll execute everything right except the finish.  and when he gets played physically it bothers him and throws his shot off even more.  the problem with workin with hakeem is a lot of the practice is without a defender. 

it's one thing to learn those moves in practice but he just needs to do the same thing in a real game. 
Wow. The Dream still looks better than a majority of the centers in the league.
Originally Posted by MrBen23

Wow. The Dream still looks better than a majority of the centers in the league.

majority? which center looks better? who in the nba has the footwork he has? the center in the league these days suck #$$, bynum, howard, oden, shaq, biedrins, can't name anyone that had hakeem's skills
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Dwight looked good against Yao last game, a player that consistently outplayed him. But on the other hand Yao is mad rusty so I would like to see some consistency from Dwight first.

Hakeem himself was offensively raw when he entered the league and relied much on his athleticism like Dwight, a far cry from his 1992-95 smoothness. But he was never as raw as Dwight though..

Speaking of Hakeem, check out this vid that was recently uploaded on youtube, where Mutombo really makes him work for his points and he keeps drowning shots. It's amazing how passive the commentators are considering the sickness of his moves, I guess they got used to him pulling off moves and shots like that..
I just miss 90s hoops.
he can practice the moves all he wants and look good doing them with no one guarding him. but bottom line if it doesnt come naturally to him in a game, which it probably won't, he'll revert back to what he knows.
Ignoramus wrote:
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Dwight looked good against Yao last game, a player that consistently outplayed him. But on the other hand Yao is mad rusty so I would like to see some consistency from Dwight first.

Hakeem himself was offensively raw when he entered the league and relied much on his athleticism like Dwight, a far cry from his 1992-95 smoothness. But he was never as raw as Dwight though..

Speaking of Hakeem, check out this vid that was recently uploaded on youtube, where Mutombo really makes him work for his points and he keeps drowning shots. It's amazing how passive the commentators are considering the sickness of his moves, I guess they got used to him pulling off moves and shots like that..
I just miss 90s hoops.

^ You ain't eva lied about that! 90's> everything after

Ignoramus wrote:
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Dwight looked good against Yao last game, a player that consistently outplayed him. But on the other hand Yao is mad rusty so I would like to see some consistency from Dwight first.

Hakeem himself was offensively raw when he entered the league and relied much on his athleticism like Dwight, a far cry from his 1992-95 smoothness. But he was never as raw as Dwight though..

Speaking of Hakeem, check out this vid that was recently uploaded on youtube, where Mutombo really makes him work for his points and he keeps drowning shots. It's amazing how passive the commentators are considering the sickness of his moves, I guess they got used to him pulling off moves and shots like that..
I just miss 90s hoops.
@ the "The Dream" video wiff' D-12.

Dwight has the killer insinct. I dunno why people say he isn't "serious" or lacks "focus" because he is playful at heart.

It's not like he goofs off in practice, and when Hakeem is trying to teach him some crafty moves.

He'll come in 3rd or 4th this season for MVP voting. Orlando's record this season will really determine it.
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