Its 1am, why you still up?

it's gonna be 11pm in CA soon soo.  Just finished my online quiz 9/10
and listening to 400 Degreez
no yob
got back from the grocery store awhile go

been drinking before sleep lately...does that make me an alcoholic?
my usual time when im up. I leave work at midnight, stay up to watch my recorded DVR tv shows and see what's new on NT. my lady is asleep. I love this time. Late Night FTW. I've always loved staying up late since I was a kid.(hated going to bed early to wake up early for school. Never was an early bird/morning person)
It's a little after 4 AM on the east coast, just finished playing Madden. Bout to look for something to eat then watch tv till I fall asleep.
im at work, got asked to work overnight shift....9pm-5am....this shift sucks, but I NEED $
what sucks more about it today especially is that I went to bed early yesterday (9pm)
I woke up at 530 AM, and haven't slept since! so i am being up 24hrs straight at least
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