It's a Hot Summer Vol. 1

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]A lot of cute chicks in here.. I'm impressed
.. Just finished driving around, saw a couple of bad chicks myself.. but it's way too hot for me to be outside[/color]
Definitely some beautiful women in this thread.... Thing is.. I dont know if it's just me, but looking at these type of chicks on the net gets old.It's a lot better when you're out in person and actually have a chance to spit at em. This thread is appreciated, but I think it's been done toomany times, so it gets redundant.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Definitely some beautiful women in this thread.... Thing is.. I dont know if it's just me, but looking at these type of chicks on the net gets old. It's a lot better when you're out in person and actually have a chance to spit at em. This thread is appreciated, but I think it's been done too many times, so it gets redundant.
Very True.... but this is just motivation to the simps to let them know that these type of women ARE out there... you just have be out there aswell.
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