January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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His bank account going to stay small with that ugly *** shirt
I don’t get the point of Twitter feud shirts. Next week people will forget all about it and be mad at something else
All trolling aside:

Ospreay seems like a cornball


People that are extremely pro-WWE and people that are extremely anti-WWE/pro-AEW are annoying as **** and sound like fools and I take great pleasure in trolling both sides.


If it's good we give props if it sucks we call it to.

about Rollins though

While I do like that he's going to bat for the company that has allowed to him to succeed(depending on your definition of it), he's also sounding like a fool in the process and giving the anti-WWE crowd way too much ammo.

He needs to attend promo classes at the MeatGene School of Acting
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