January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Doubling down on my Taichi > Ospreay post off the strength of this gif alone
I think the thing that got me about Seth was that he basically said he was tired of idiots with no clue (wrestling fans) criticize the WWE/himself..And I hate that argument/view point so damn much..It's true the overwhelming majority of wrestling fans don't know what it's like between the ropes or what it takes to do a wrestler's job..But as fans we have eyes and know what we find entertaining..So I feel like we, the fans, absolutely have a right to speak on whats going on in front of us/on our tv screens..

If someone says Seth or WWE has been garbage lately then who is he to say that that person is wrong or don't know what they're taking about just because he's a wrestler and they're not..Seth basically called his audience trash and then got butthurt (word to Rickey's Shed) when that trash went at his neck and burned him down on the tweeters..
Semi OT, but he's a couple quotes from a Drew McIntyre interview a few days ago that may add a little to today's topic

Drew McIntyre also spoke with Sam Roberts about his own career going the way he wanted after being let go from WWE because he stuck to a plan. During this topic, he touched upon WWE stars venting their frustrations about the company via social media.

Here’s what he had to say:

“If you have a vision in your head and you work hard enough you can pull off absolutely anything. Just don’t have any doubt in your mind and work as hard as you can in every area. I tell everyone that all the time right now. And I’ll tell everyone right now at the beginning of the interview … that I see all these tweets out there, these negative tweets that drives me bloody crazy.”

“You don’t understand how much it drives me crazy because I assure you, that if you’re in WWE right now you want to figure it out. Because if you do go outside the company there is a lot of opportunity, but some people aren’t willing to put in the work. And I can’t guarantee you’re gonna be a Drew Galloway or a Cody Rhodes, so you might want to start putting the work in while you’re in WWE. Stop complaining on Twitter and make it happen, because taking the Drew and Cody route doesn’t work out for everybody.”

McIntyre also stated:

“You look yourself in the mirror and you know if you’re working hard and you know if you’re not giving it everything. The people know who I’m talking about. And there’s a lot of people that are talented and do deserve more opportunities, but are those who aren’t putting in the work. Maybe in their head they think ‘I deserve this, this, and this.’ And I assure you, if you go outside the company — when it’s one-hundred percent on you — it becomes your life.”
Bad Moon Rison Bad Moon Rison Was saying on Sunday that he tries a bit too hard to be likable as a face. He wants to look like Superman but he's coming off like Starscream.
Faxs!!! he tries too damn hard to be “Billy Bada$$”, just like Becky.
“Oh here comes Seth with a chair. I’m shaking in my boots. Seth what are you gonna do make me have a seat?!” Not believable to me........
I think the thing that got me about Seth was that he basically said he was tired of idiots with no clue (wrestling fans) criticize the WWE/himself..And I hate that argument/view point so damn much..It's true the overwhelming majority of wrestling fans don't know what it's like between the ropes or what it takes to do a wrestler's job..But as fans we have eyes and know what we find entertaining..So I feel like we, the fans, absolutely have a right to speak on whats going on in front of us/on our tv screens..

If someone says Seth or WWE has been garbage lately then who is he to say that that person is wrong or don't know what they're taking about just because he's a wrestler and they're not..Seth basically called his audience trash and then got butthurt (word to Rickey's Shed) when that trash went at his neck and burned him down on the tweeters..

Basically all of this

Don't need to be a chef to know when something tastes bad
I kinda wonder what kind of reaction Seth is gonna get the next time he appears on TV :lol:
Semi OT, but he's a couple quotes from a Drew McIntyre interview a few days ago that may add a little to today's topic

Drew McIntyre also spoke with Sam Roberts about his own career going the way he wanted after being let go from WWE because he stuck to a plan. During this topic, he touched upon WWE stars venting their frustrations about the company via social media.

Here’s what he had to say:

“If you have a vision in your head and you work hard enough you can pull off absolutely anything. Just don’t have any doubt in your mind and work as hard as you can in every area. I tell everyone that all the time right now. And I’ll tell everyone right now at the beginning of the interview … that I see all these tweets out there, these negative tweets that drives me bloody crazy.”

“You don’t understand how much it drives me crazy because I assure you, that if you’re in WWE right now you want to figure it out. Because if you do go outside the company there is a lot of opportunity, but some people aren’t willing to put in the work. And I can’t guarantee you’re gonna be a Drew Galloway or a Cody Rhodes, so you might want to start putting the work in while you’re in WWE. Stop complaining on Twitter and make it happen, because taking the Drew and Cody route doesn’t work out for everybody.”

McIntyre also stated:

“You look yourself in the mirror and you know if you’re working hard and you know if you’re not giving it everything. The people know who I’m talking about. And there’s a lot of people that are talented and do deserve more opportunities, but are those who aren’t putting in the work. Maybe in their head they think ‘I deserve this, this, and this.’ And I assure you, if you go outside the company — when it’s one-hundred percent on you — it becomes your life.”
And they have this man being a constant lackey smh. He should be at the top of the mountain
Question: Do you count Seth cashing in the MITB at WM31 as him Main Eventing Wrestlemania? I say yes, but I guess it's debatable in ticket buys.

Next question: What do you guys consider to be Seth's best match in WWE? I say either the Orton Match from WM31 or his return match against Roman at MITB 2016

Bonus: In the spirit of this Ospreay beef, who do you think had a more impressive showings between Seth's Gauntlet (kinda old being last Feb, but whatever) and Royal Rumble victories vs. Ospreay 2019 BOSJ?
Question: Do you count Seth cashing in the MITB at WM31 as him Main Eventing Wrestlemania? I say yes, but I guess it's debatable in ticket buys.

Next question: What do you guys consider to be Seth's best match in WWE? I say either the Orton Match from WM31 or his return match against Roman at MITB 2016

Bonus: In the spirit of this Ospreay beef, who do you think had a more impressive showings between Seth's Gauntlet (kinda old being last Feb, but whatever) and Royal Rumble victories vs. Ospreay 2019 BOSJ?

Question: Do you count Seth cashing in the MITB at WM31 as him Main Eventing Wrestlemania? I say yes, but I guess it's debatable in ticket buys.

Next question: What do you guys consider to be Seth's best match in WWE? I say either the Orton Match from WM31 or his return match against Roman at MITB 2016

Bonus: In the spirit of this Ospreay beef, who do you think had a more impressive showings between Seth's Gauntlet (kinda old being last Feb, but whatever) and Royal Rumble victories vs. Ospreay 2019 BOSJ?
1. Yes I count it as main eventing too

2. Royal Rumble 2015 triple threat with Cena and Bork

3. Seth’s gauntlet
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