January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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I’ve been playing 2k19 and have thoroughly enjoyed IT. Waiting for madden so this will hold me over until then
Question: Do you count Seth cashing in the MITB at WM31 as him Main Eventing Wrestlemania? I say yes, but I guess it's debatable in ticket buys.

Next question: What do you guys consider to be Seth's best match in WWE? I say either the Orton Match from WM31 or his return match against Roman at MITB 2016

Bonus: In the spirit of this Ospreay beef, who do you think had a more impressive showings between Seth's Gauntlet (kinda old being last Feb, but whatever) and Royal Rumble victories vs. ?

Yes and he won the WWE title..
Rollins vs Lesnar vs Cena
Rollins by default ( never watched Ospreay 2019 BOSJ)
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