January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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And they have this man being a constant lackey smh. He should be at the top of the mountain

Instead they have him being a boring, generic heel henchman.

He was actually showing way more personality as a babyface in NXT and was putting on way better matches

THAT Drew would be main eventing.
@datboi81 Seth’s best matches in WWE are the RR triple threat and Shield/Wyatt 6-man

Like I said, he works best in multi-man situations

If you had to pick a singles match, it’s probably with cena

>>>>>>>>>> Main eventing WM



Some people just prefer CTE
Seth's gauntlet match was impressive moreso because of the endurance and the spectacle of having a long *** match on Raw

Personally, I'd rather watch Ospreay's Super Junior matches if we're talking about actual match quality
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