January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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Anyone see any callups for tonight?

Don't really see any.

Maybe a Wyatt and/or Zayn return

They seem to be really high on Lacey Evans and Kairi has been on two rumbles and was there today so maybe them? Outside of that I don't see anyone else getting the call but who knows.
Baron Corbin.

Corbin would be the easy option here. Let Drew and Roman go at it for a bit. But I think Roman might get moved to SD for the FOX views come shake up time.

They need someone the crowd can hate and would be disgusted if that person ever actually won. Corbin fits that :lol:
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How you doing big Case?

Still not feeling too good..We went to Central Park yesterday and just strolled around and it was damn near unbearable for me..So I'm 90% sure I made the right call by skipping Mania..But I'm still upset about it..The long car drive then a couple days of walking around mixed with all the stairs I had to do really just did me in..I'll be glad when Mania is in Tampa next year..lol..

Wish I could've made it in here last night with you guys..Hope everyone enjoyed the show..
Still not feeling too good..We went to Central Park yesterday and just strolled around and it was damn near unbearable for me..So I'm 90% sure I made the right call by skipping Mania..But I'm still upset about it..The long car drive then a couple days of walking around mixed with all the stairs I had to do really just did me in..I'll be glad when Mania is in Tampa next year..lol..

Wish I could've made it in here last night with you guys..Hope everyone enjoyed the show..

Stay up man. Think you definitely made the right call.
HHH has had the longest match at WrestleMania 8 of the last 9 Wrestlemanias. His match at WM32 (27 minutes) was second longest on that card.

HHH vs Batista last night was longer than both tag title matches put together, the WWE Championship match, and the women's triple threat main event match.

If you want to talk about how to condense these shows, you have to start there.
HHH has had the longest match at WrestleMania 8 of the last 9 Wrestlemanias. His match at WM32 (27 minutes) was second longest on that card.

HHH vs Batista last night was longer than both tag title matches put together, the WWE Championship match, and the women's triple threat main event match.

If you want to talk about how to condense these shows, you have to start there.

HHH has forced himself in as a staple of Wrestlemania. I think he thinks people watch for his entrances as a highlight every show.
daniel bryan/ kofi match was the longest ...... but i get what the person is saying in regards .... hhh matches dont need to be long.....10 -15 minute match would suffice....
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