January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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HHH has forced himself in as a staple of Wrestlemania. I think he thinks people watch for his entrances as a highlight every show.
H has always been about putting himself over. He views himself in the Austin, Hogan, Rock level yet he is a solid tier below. He has been a part of some of the worst mania main events of all time (orton, rains) and only looks good when someone carries him (hbk taker). Another thing that bothers me about H is that he NEVER takes a big bump. Is getting put through the announce table the biggest bump he has ever taken? His entrances over the past few years have used every iteration of a motorcycle known to man. He needs to have one last match and have it be his last.
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That kufi match was dog food. Boring af and sloppy. Rollins lesnar was flames. Ain’t watch any other matches.

Aew roster is trash too

Njpw >
shut yo dumbass up. You clearly dont understand wrestling. Kofi match was bigger than wrestling. At this point if your hating on Kofi your racist. Seth brock flames? lmao ok brock throws him around nut shot 3 curb stomps done but its flames ok yea


Smarks pushed the non alcoholic Stone Cold to champ status.
So it’s 2019 and y’all still think HHH has the book? Never change NTWT :lol:


Oh and now he never bumped :lol:
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